Department of Homeland Security/Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (DHS/OIC), in partnership with the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program formed the Video Quality in Public Safety (VQiPS) working group.
Research Reports
In parallel with participating in VQiPS activities and with the sponsorship of DHS/OIC, our PSVQ group publishes video quality research reports to help provide minimum performance requirements.
Guide to Requirements
The VQiPS working group developed “Defining Video Quality Requirements: A Guide for Public Safety (Volume 1.0)” to help public safety agencies with little or no technical expertise in video describe their video quality needs and provide basic guidance for the selection of key video system components. Web version available here.
Workshop Reports
VQiPS workshops convene a wide range of participants, including local, state, and Federal representatives from law enforcement, fire-rescue, and emergency medical services. Representatives from non-profit research institutions, academia, and industry also attend. These public safety video users discuss their challenges and work to identify solutions that are not application-specific, but instead focus on common elements across disciplines.
SAFECOM has made these reports available at the Homeland Security Digital Library where you can search on VQiPS.
See our Tools for Public Safety.