Director Message | Examiner Role | Qualifications | Apply | Testimonials | Award
If you are looking for a one-of-a-kind professional development and networking opportunity, and the chance to make a meaningful contribution to organizational improvement and U.S. competitiveness, apply to serve as a volunteer on the Baldrige Board of Examiners.
Each year, leading experts from U.S. business, health care, education, and nonprofit organizations are chosen from industry groups, professional and trade organizations, government agencies, and other nonprofit groups. They become Baldrige Examiners, an elite group of leaders who help drive organizational performance excellence across the country.
Baldrige Examiners participate in virtual training and learn about the Baldrige Award Criteria. Using the Baldrige Criteria, examiners evaluate and provide feedback to organizations across the United States. The evaluation report is a key reason why organizations apply for the Baldrige Award.
Members of the Board of Examiners are not compensated for their time; they serve on a voluntary basis. Baldrige examiners themselves provide additional reasons for service to Baldrige.
What Baldrige Examiners Are Saying
JoAnn Sternke, master examiner; former superintendent, Pewaukee (WI) School District;
owner and president, Excel Leader LLC