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Technical Excellence MML Accolades 2024

Use the quick links below to navigate to each category of 2024 Technical Excellence Accolades. There, you'll find a description of the accolade and the list of awardees and their contributions."


MML Collaboration and Teamwork

To recognize and foster teamwork across divisions and across OUs and beyond, honoring those, as a leader or as a team, who have used collaboration for successful project development and problem-solving.

collage of several profile photos

Christina Alexander
Michele Buckley
Tatianna Cartnail
Katrina Chavers
Mark Cronise
Kristy Dahlin
Tracy Hayat
Devin McMillan
Nancy Parrish
Dana Payne
Lisa Rocker
Julie Weiblinger
Cindy Whalen
Xin Zeng


For outstanding collaboration and teamwork between two divisions, Office of Reference Materials (Division 640) and the Financial Operations Division (Division 166), managing the incredibly complex account of a Standard Reference Material (SRM) licensed distributor. *not pictured



Woman standing in office with long wavy blonde hair, glassses, and a closed mouth smile. She is wearing a a gray cardigan over a black with white dots shirt.


Sierra Miller

For excellent advocacy, ownership, and education of 508 compliance in MML.





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Science Data Management and Capabilities

To recognize those who build the infrastructure for the next generation of data science tools and data sets in order to facilitate scientific innovation.


profile photos of five women


Eva Campo, Bonnie Carroll, Debra Kaiser, Andrea Medina-Smith, Alda Yuan

For development of and community engagement with the NIST Research Data Framework, a comprehensive overview and guide to research data management. 





man outside near trees and bushes wearing a blue tee shirt


Gary Hardin

For his dedication to developing the data plumbing system/MML Data Archive.





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Measurement Science Excellence

To recognize MML staff and associates who conduct research that solves critical stakeholder problems and inspires innovations in measurement science.

Four people in a laboratory



Elizabeth Sorenson
Peter Bradley
Damian Lauria
Li-Anne Liew

For developing the instrumentation and testing protocols to evaluate extreme-temperature structural reliability of commercial microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), for cryogenic applications such as quantum computing. 




three smiling people

George Caceres, Monique Johnson, Antonio Montoro Bustos, Karen Murphy, Michael Winchester

For a decade of outstanding contributions towards the advancement of nanomaterial measurement science with single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS).  

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Measurement Services Excellence

To recognize superior work in development of measurement services in the areas of Reference Materials (RMs)/Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), Standard Reference Instruments (SRIs), documentary standards, quality assurance programs, and interlaboratory studies.

two portraits of a man in a blue shirt and a woman with dark hair

Donald Burgess Jr.
Angela Lee*
Karen Ann Price
 For development of the NIST Temperature Scale Database (SRD 60) providing a comprehensive set of recommended temperatures. *not pictured


collage of four people, mostly headshots and two in the laboratory

Hua-Jun He
Zhiyong He
Jennifer McDaniel
Nathanael Olson
Vaidehiben Patel
Justin Wagner

For outstanding management of the largest, most diverse set of publicly available cancer genome data for a new broadly-consented tumor cell line.



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MML Early Career

To recognize the superior work of MML associates and staff in the early portion of their career at NIST.

Headshot of Amanda Bayless
Credit: Carolyn Burdette, NIST


Amanda Bayless

For an unwavering dedication to metrological excellence in NMR and MS analyses for multiple applications.





headshot of man with dark hair and beard wearing black shirt and glasses


Nicholas Derimow

For remarkable contributions in heat treatment optimization of additively manufactured titanium leading to improved fatigue lifetime, revision of a material specification standard, and enabled use in critical applications.




Lauren Mullen NIST Staff Photo
Credit: Mahadi Haque


Lauren Mullen

For outstanding work designing and optimizing next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods to characterize forensic short tandem repeats (STR) in support of the NIST Variant Allele Sequencing Program.



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MML Postdoctoral Fellow

To recognize the superior work of the postdoctoral fellows who work with MML staff on scientific projects.

smiling woman with dimples and long brown hair wearing a blue top, black sweater, and glasses


Jennifer Clark

For outstanding computationally-based research into quantifying the nature of the of the static and dynamic hydration layers of ions and polyzwitterion polymers and incisive analysis based on these simulations in interpreting observed specific ion effects in neutron scattering measurements.



portrait of a man with dark hair wearing a blue shirt


Yechan Noh

For exceptional computational research in nanofluidics that sheds light on the fundamental properties of aqueous ion transport through subnanoporous two-dimensional materials and opens new avenues of application ranging from sensing and water purification to energy storage and neuromorphic computing.



smiling man outside in a black coat wearing glasses


Julio Pereira Dos Santos
For outstanding work implementing a new phase model description for topological close-packed phases in a multicomponent Co-based superalloy thermodynamic database (Co-Al-W-Ni-Cr-Ta-Ti-Re-Ru).




Daniel Wines, NIST


Daniel Wines

For outstanding computational studies of superconductors and 2D magnets with quantum and deep-learning methods.


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MML Student Intern

To recognize the superior work of the interns that work alongside MML staff on either scientific or administrative projects.

portraits of two people wearing black


Vaishnavi Banda 
Sasanka Sreedevi-Naresh

For outstanding research to develop a novel method to establish measurement metrics for AI/LLM performance.



Man wearing a dark suit standing by trees in the fall season


Vamsi Krishna Bolla
For significant contribution to the studies of the NISTCHO cell line (RGTM 10197) and the analytical characterization of its product, the cNISTmAb.




Man standing near bifold doors wearing a green collared shirt and glassese


Peter Dvorak
For deploying new, advanced technology for the creation of HELP documentation for Standard Reference Databases developed at the Thermodynamics Research Center and for improvement of the HELP system for SRD 103a and 103b (ThermoData Engine).




portrait of a woman with black hair wearing a black top and glasses


Tam-Anh Tran

For significant contribution to the development of control strategies and training data sets that have enabled label-free AI AI-driven cell viability analysis and supported key aspects of a draft international standard.




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MML Technology Transfer

To recognize the superior transfer of NIST technical work for use by our stakeholders in areas of national priorities and mission-related efforts.

three people standing in a laboratory

Carolyn Burdette
Jared Ragland 
Alix Rodowa

For developing a series of video tutorials for the Database Infrastructure of the Mass Spectrometry project.



large group of people



Benjamin Long, Brandon Lane, Gerard Lemson, Gretchen Greene, Lyle Levine, Andrew Reid, Chandler Becker, Jai Won Kim, Samia Benjida, Carelyn Campbell, Arik Mitschang, Jordan Raddick

For the innovative development of the new public Manufacturing Domain for Additive Manufacturing Benchmark data system.





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MML Distinguished Associate

To recognize associates or previous staff members who have made outstanding contributions to MML goals.

This accolade is for work that earned the NIST staff member(s) a DOC-level award in the previous year, and is designed to recognize associates or previous staff members that were critical to the success of the work.

man sitting in an office wearing a read collared shirt and glasses


Darren Albert
For developing and implementing an intuitive and robust LabVIEW-based graphical user interface application that enables visualization, curation, and management of microscopy data for an AI-enhanced materials analysis platform used by multiple external stakeholder organizations. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Gold Medal




portraits of one woman and four men



Susan Ballou
Richard Cavanagh
Jeffrey Horlick
Mark Stolorow
For extraordinary national leadership in improving the scientific quality of forensic science practices through standards development.  

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Gold Medal with John Jones, Karen Reczek, Allison Getz, Donna Sirk, John Butler, Will Guthrie, Marcela Najarro, Alan Zheng, Barbara Guttman








portraits of one man and two women


Nathan Hotaling
Petru Manescu*
Sarala Padi
Nicholas Schaub*
Mylene Simon

For developing a suite of tools used to characterize a first-of-its kind tissue engineered product for treatment of macular degeneration. *not pictured

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Gold award with Carl Simon and Peter Bajcsy


Man with a beard wearing a colorful shirt and glasses


Sean Bresler
For the development of highly accurate and sensitive chip-scale optomechanical accelerometers for applications in transportation and defense. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Silver Medal with David Long, Jason Gorman, Thomas LeBrun, Benjamin Reschovsky




man with mustache and glasses


Jeffery Hudgens

For developing novel hydrogen-exchange mass-spectrometry methods that improve understanding of the structure and activity of protein-based drugs. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Bronze Medal with Kyle Anderson


portraits of three men and one woman


Daniel Lum
Michael Mazurek
Alexander Mikhaylov
Kristen Parzuchowski

For refuting published claims about quantum-enhanced microscopy by careful measurements of molecular absorption of photon pairs. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Bronze Medal with Martin Stevens, Ralph Jimenez, Charles H. Camp Jr., Thomas Gerrits







Clear acrylic box holding a two inch challenge coin with an apple tree that represents the MML Accolades program


Yong Ma

For development and deployment of a statistical tool for experiment design and rigorous assessment of measurement uncertainty for chemical analysis. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Bronze Medal with Michael Nelson, Blaza Toman, David Newton, Johanna Camara, Lane Sander, Amanda Koepke, Katrice Lippa


portraits of four men


Valeri Babushok*
Piotr Domanski
Michael Hegetschweiler*
Dennis Kim
Lingnan Lin
Richard Perkins

For identifying non-flammable, low-global-warming-potential alternatives to the widely used refrigerant HFC-134a for U.S. military applications. *not pictured

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 Rabinow award with Mark McLinden, Ian Bell, Tara Fortin, Marcia Huber, Stephanie Outcalt, Aaron Rowane, Mark Kedzierski, Gregory Linteris, W. Vance Payne, Harrison Skye





woman with dark hair wearing a pink and green top


Brandi Keene
For grassroots efforts to establish NIST-wide policies and spaces for lactating moms. 

*For significant contributions that were awarded a 2023 award with Ashley Beasley Green, Susan Cantilli, Kristen Gilbert, Danni Leicht, Abigail Lindstrom, Diana Masselle, Diane Ortiz-Montalvo, Jessica Staymates, Kelly Telu



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Created August 8, 2024, Updated February 4, 2025