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Nathanael David Olson (Fed)


Dr. Nathan Olson joined the NIST-Genome In A Bottle (GIAB) team as a bioinformatician in 2018. He contributes to the development of small and structural variant benchmarks sets and reference material characterization. His work focuses on data management helping to ensure GIAB data are publicly available according to FAIR principles. Additionally, he leads the development of bioinformatic pipelines and work processes, improving the computational reproducibility and transparency of the GIAB benchmark set development process. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nathan performed the RNA and DNA sequence analysis for SARS-CoV-2 RNA Research Grade Test Material (RGTM 10169). Currently, Nathan is an associate editor for Frontiers in Genomics.



Past Projects


NIST-NRC Postdoctoral Fellowship: 2-year fellowship at NIST, US citizens only, ~$72,000 salary plus benefits, relocation expenses included, application deadlines are Feb. 1 and Aug. 1, requires 10-page research proposal, contact me if interested in writing a proposal on a bioinformatics genomics research project. We have opportunities posted for metrology in Cancer Genomics, Diploid Assembly, Epigenomics and Transcriptomics, Biological Data Science/Machine Learning, and Precision Medicine.

For additional job opportunities in genome bioinformatics, including for non-US citizens, contact me at my email address in the panel to the right.


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Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award (2022)
Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award (2021)
Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award (2020)
Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award (2020)
Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science, Analytical and Bioanalytical Science (2016)
University of Maryland College Park University and Dean’s Fellowship (2015)
Accolade for Science Data Management and Capabilities, NIST Material Measurement Laboratory (2015)
University of Hawai‘i Hilo Volcan Outstanding Scholar Award. (2008)
Undergraduate Research Fellow, American Society of Microbiology (2007)


Editorial: Methods in Computational Genomics

Lei Chen, Nathanael David Olson
In the rapidly evolving field of Methods in Computational Genomics this editorial series illuminates the forefront of experimental techniques and methodologies

The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome

Arang Rhie, Sergey Nurk, Monika Cechova, Savannah Hoyt, Dylan Taylor, Nathanael David Olson, Justin Zook, Adam Phillippy
The human Y chromosome has been notoriously difficult to sequence and assemble because of its complex repeat structure that includes long palindromes, tandem

A Draft Human Pangenome Reference

Wen-Wei Liao, Mobin Asri, Jana Ebler, Jennifer McDaniel, Nathanael David Olson, Justin Wagner, Justin Zook, Erik Garrison, Tobias Marschall, Ira Hall, Heng Li, Benedict Paten
Here the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium presents a first draft of the human pangenome reference. The pangenome contains 47 phased, diploid assemblies from
Created April 7, 2019, Updated February 22, 2023