To receive a Patent Transfer Request, complete the following steps:
Incoming requests for patent transfers will appear under Alert Notifications in your dashboard. Click on the Patent Docket number to respond to the request.
When you click the Patent Docket number, a popup window will open with more details. In the Transfer to Invention field at the bottom of the popup window, enter the Invention Report number to which you wish to transfer the patent. Available Invention Report numbers will auto-populate as you type.
To accept the Transfer Request, click the "Accept" button. A popup window will open asking you to confirm. Click the "Confirm" button.
The initiator of the request and the administrators at the Primary Funding Agency will be notified that you have accepted the request. Once an administrator at the Primary Funding Agency has approved the transfer, you will have full access to the Patent Report.
To decline the request, click the "Decline" button. The initiator of the request will maintain access to the Patent Report.