Agency that funded the award you are trying to add to the Invention Report.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Funding Agreements |
The type of funding agreement that you are trying to enter.
Options include:
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Funding Agreements |
Indicator of to whom you are requesting that the invention be assigned to.
Options include:
NOTE: This field will populate ONLY if you select “Assignment” as your type of request.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests - Assignment |
Options include:
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Funding Agreements |
Indication of whether the original or 2018 regulations apply to this invention.
If your funding agreement was awarded after May 14, 2018, then the 2018 regulations apply. If it was awarded before May 14, 2018, the previous regulations may apply unless the terms and conditions of your award were updated by the funding agency to include the new regulations after May 14, 2018. If you aren’t sure if/when your funding agency updated the terms and conditions of your award, contact your funding agency.
NOTE: The system will auto-select 2018, but you can change this to original. You can change this selection up until the point you file your Initial Patent Application. If you need to make a change AFTER you have filed your initial patent application, contact your funding agency.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Funding Agreements |
The B&R Code only needs to be filled-out by DOE labs who perform work for several internal program funding sources under a single prime contract number.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Subcontracts |
Date that your Confirmatory License was executed.
Format Required: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Location: | Supporting Documents |
Place to upload executed Confirmatory License.
NOTE: If you are uploading multiple Confirmatory Licenses (in the case of joint inventions), please combine into one document.
Location: | Supporting Documents |
Date you reported this invention in iEdison.
NOTE: This field will be auto-populated by iEdison and cannot be edited by an organization/institution.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Allows for direct communication with the agency.
NOTE: This section SHOULD be used to send messages to the Primary Agency. It is intended to replace email as the means to communicate with the agency about this particular Invention Report.
Discussions will be saved in the Invention Report permanently.
Location: | Explanatory Notes |
Date disposition decision was selected by agency in iEdison.
Format Required: (MM/DD/YYYY)
NOTE: This date will be auto-populated as the date the Disposition Status was auto-selected or selected by the Primary Agency.
Location: | Invention Status |
NOTE: This number is issued by DOE outside of iEdison.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Tracking number used by DOE for DOE-funded inventions.
NOTE: DOE will assign and enter this number for you after you create an Invention Report with DOE funding.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Date that you selected "Does Not Retain Title" as the Title Election Status.
NOTE: This field will auto-populate to the date in which you select Does Not Retain Title for this invention.
Location: | Invention Status |
Options include:
NOTE: If you select "Other," a customized reason must be entered.
Location: | Invention Status |
Indicates whether a Domestic Manufacturing Waiver has previously been granted for this invention.
NOTE: New Domestic Manufacturing Waivers are submitted and answered in the Request section of the Invention Report.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Date that your issued patent will (or has) expired.
NOTE: This field will only appear for non-provisional patent applications.
Location: | Patent Details |
Any notes about this particular patent that you want permanently attached to this Patent Report.
NOTE: This section should not be used to send requests or expect a response from the agency (the Request section or Discussion section should be used for these purposes). This section is meant to document information in order to permanently display it in the Patent Report.
Location: | Explanatory Notes |
Date on which this foreign application was filed.
Location: | Foreign Filings |
Section: | Foreign Filings |
NOTE: This field will only appear if you select "Abandoned/Intent to Abandon" as the Patent Status. It is only editable by the Primary Agency.
Location: | Patent Details |
Date that this invention was first publicly disclosed, sold, or used publicly.
Format Required: (MM/DD/YYYY)
NOTE: This field should be populated regardless of whether the publication/sale/public use occurred before or after disclosure. If you subsequently determine that a publication was not an enabling disclosure, you can contact the primary agency to ask that they remove this date.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Place to upload Government Support Clause documentation.
NOTE: If you are uploading an application or other documentation filed with the USPTO, include the electronic filing receipt with the documentation.
Location: | Explanatory Notes |
Grant/Contract/Agreement number for award that you are trying to add to the Invention Report.
NOTE: Each grant/contract number must be in the correct, acceptable iEdison format. If you are confident that you have the correct grant/number and it is not being accepted, please contact the funding agency or iedison [at] (iedison[at]nist[dot]gov).
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Funding Agreements |
Place to upload invention disclosure form.
NOTE: The invention disclosure and all associated attachments should be included in one document and uploaded here. Uploading a new document in this section will replace any previously uploaded versions.
Location: | Supporting Documents |
Decision of the agency as to how to proceed with the technology.
Options include:
NOTE: This field will be auto-populated or set by the Primary Agency. It will be populated either automatically as "Barred" if a patent is not filed within one year of the "Date of the First Publication/Sale/Public Use" or as "Void," "Transferred"/Assigned" after a request is granted. Otherwise, the Disposition Status will be set by the Primary Agency in response to the selection of "Does Not Retain Title."
Location: | Invention Status |
Your organization's internal tracking number for this invention.
NOTE: While not required, this field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. If you do not enter an Invention Docket Number, one will be auto-populated for you.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Any keywords used to identify or categorize your invention.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Title of the invention you are reporting.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
Direct link
NOTE: This field will populate ONLY if you select "Assignment" as your type of request.
The inventor or third party to whom you want to assign the invention will need to create their own iEdison account if they do not already have one.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests - Assignment |
The name of the inventor or third party to whom you are requesting to assign the patent.
NOTE: This field will populate ONLY if you select "Assignment" as your type of patent request.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests - Assignment |
NOTE: Listing a Federal Agency as an inventor employer in the invention record is not a substitute for notifying that agency that you have a jointly owned invention with that agency.
Location: | Inventors and Funding |
Section: | Inventors |
NOTE: This field will only appear for non-provisional patent applications. The Patent Number may be auto-populated once published through iEdison’s integration with the USPTO.
Location: | Patent Details |
Number given by USPTO once patent has been issued.
NOTE: This field will only appear for non-provisional patent applications. The Patent Number may be auto-populated once published through iEdison’s integration with the USPTO.
Location: | Patent Details |
NOTE: You can add or remove inventors from the Invention Report if they change. Once your patent application has published, the inventors in the Patent Report will change as updated with the USPTO (through our integration with the USPTO website).
Location: | Invention Report; Patent Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding |
NOTE: This is often used to give joint owners access to view the associated reports.
Location: | Patent Details |
Place to upload additional documents, as needed, if they don't fall into another category above.
NOTE: Once a document is uploaded under "Other Documents," it can only be removed by the Primary Agency.
Location: | Supporting Documents |
NOTE: Parent-Child relationships are a way to link inventions together that have been combined into one patent family. For more information about child-parent inventions, please reference the iEdison user guide and additional help materials.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Invention Details |
NOTE: If you need additional information on how or when to link patents as parent/child, please see the iEdison user manual or additional resources.
Location: | Patent Details |
Your organizations internal tracking number for this patent.
NOTE: Although not required, it is highly recommended to enter a Patent Docket Number. If you do not enter a Patent Docket Number, one will be auto-populated for you.
Location: | Patent Details |
NOTE: This field will only appear if you select "Abandoned/Intent to Abandon" as the Patent Status. It is only editable by the Primary Agency.
Location: | Patent Details |
Options include:
NOTE: This will auto-populate to "Institution Retains Rights."
"Expired" can only be used in cases of patents that were issued and expired at the end of their lifetime. For issued patents that you intend to lapse by not paying a maintenance fee, you should select "Abandoned/Intent to Abandon."
Assigned/Transferred and Voided statuses are set automatically upon approval of the corresponding request.
Location: | Patent Details |
NOTE: Generally, suggested to be the agency which provided the most funding for the invention, but if you don't know which agency provided the most funding, select the agency (among those with a funding agreement related to this technology) at your discretion.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding |
Location of the Prime Awardee for the subaward listed.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Subcontracts |
Prime Awardee Name for the subaward listed.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Subcontracts |
The date you filed the application you are reporting.
NOTE: This field name will be customized based on the type of patent you select. For example, if you select PROV as your application type, it will display as "Provisional Application Number."
Location: | Patent Details |
The serial number of the application that you are reporting.
NOTE: This field name and allowable formatting will be customized based on the type of patent you select. For example, if you select PROV as your application type, it will display as "Provisional Application Number."
Location: | Patent Details |
NOTE: Election Extension Requests, Initial Patent Extension Requests, and NonProvisional Patent Extension Requests may be denied if a reason for the request is not included.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests |
Type of Request that you are submitting for this Invention Report.
Options include:
NOTE: Subsequent fields will populate based on the type of invention request that is selected.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests |
Format Required: (MM/DD/YYYY)
NOTE: You need to agree to terms and conditions and in order to select "Designated as an Unpatented Biological Material or Research Tool" as the Title Election Status. This field (indicating the date you agreed to those conditions) will auto-populate and will only appear if you select "Designated as an Unpatented Biological Material or Research Tool."
Location: | Invention Status |
NOTE: You may need to search, another grant/contract website (such as NIH RePORTER), or your internal grant/contracts database to determine this date.
Direct linkIndicates whether this foreign application is active or has been abandoned.
Location: | Foreign Filings |
Section: | Foreign Filings |
If the funding from this invention was the result of a subaward, this section should be filled out.
NOTE: Bayh-Dole obligations flow down to subawardees. Therefore, the subawardee should report into iEdison UNLESS there is an inventor from the prime organization and then the sub and prime can decide who reports the invention (just like in other joint-owner cases).
If you do not know this information, you might try asking the inventor and/or your grants office.
Location: | Invention Report |
Section: | Inventors and Funding/Subcontracts |
Document to support the request you are submitting.
NOTE: Domestic Manufacturing Waiver Requests and Assignment Requests will require a supporting document. Other requests may require supporting documentation at the discretion of the Funding Agency.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests |
Date in which you changed the Title Election Status to "Elect to Retain Title."
Format Required: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Location: | Invention Status |
Indication of your institution's decision regarding the election of title for this invention.
Options include:
NOTE: iEdison will auto-select "Under Evaluation" when you create an Invention Report.
Location: | Invention Status |
The Organization Code of the Organization to whom you are requesting to transfer the invention.
NOTE: This field will populate ONLY if you select "Transfer" as your type of request.
Location: | Requests |
Section: | Requests - Transfer |
What type of patent application is this?
Options include:
Location: | Patent Details |
The status that the USPTO currently displays for your invention.
NOTE: If/Once your application is published, this number may be auto-populated through iEdison’s integration with the USPTO. This field will be synched with data from the USPTO for 3 years for provisional patent applications and 20 years for non-provisional patents/applications. This field is not editable by users.
Location: | Patent Details |
The date that your USPTO status was last updated.
NOTE: If/Once your application is published, this number may be auto-populated through iEdison’s integration with the USPTO. This field will be synched with data from the USPTO for 3 years for provisional patent applications and 20 years for non-provisional patents/applications. This field is not editable by users.
Location: | Patent Details |