Non-Provisional Extension Requests are ONLY needed if the 2018 amended regulations apply to the associated Subject Invention, which require that if your initial patent application is a provisional patent application, that a non-provisional patent must be filled 10 months of the filing of the provisional patent. A Non-Provisional Patent Extension Request should be submitted prior to the expiration of that deadline. Requests submitted after this deadline may be rejected.
To submit a Non-Provisional Patent Extension Request, complete the following steps:
Under the Requests section of the Invention Report, click the "Add Request" button.
After clicking the "Add Request" button, a popup window will open requiring you to select the request type and enter additional information.
Select "Non-Provisional Patent Extension" from the pulldown menu.
Under the "Number of Months Extension" pulldown menu, select the number of months you wish to extend the non-provisional filing deadline. You may select up to 12 months.
If you have a support document, click the "Support Document" button to upload. However, a Support Document is not required for this request.
In the "Request Reasons/Comments" field, briefly explain the reason for the Non-Provisional Patent Extension Request. This is a required field for this request.
Click the "Save" button on the popup window.
Administrators at the primary funding agency will be notified of the Non-Provisional Patent Extension Request. If approved, you will receive a notification indicating the approval. The decision and decision date will be displayed next to the request in the Invention Report.
NOTE: If the funding agency does not reject your request within 60 days of receiving the request, this request will be automatically granted.
If the request is rejected, you will receive a notification indicating the rejection. The decision, reason(s) for the rejection, and decision date will be displayed next to the request in the Invention Report.