To build a custom iEdison report, complete the following steps:
The "New Report" button is located in the upper-right corner.
In the "Output Report Fields" panel, select the fields in the "Fields Available" column you wish to output in the report and then click the right-single-caret button to move those fields into the "Fields Selected" column. Clicking the right-double-caret button will move all fields into the "Fields Selected" column. The left-caret buttons will remove the fields.
To filter the report by a field, select the field from the "Fields Available" dropdown menu.
NOTE: only certain fields can be selected for filtering purposes when building custom reports in Edison. Fields without this capability will not appear as options in the "Fields Available" selection menu. Fields with filtering ability include:
In the "Sort Criteria" panel, you may select fields you wish to sort by with the "Fields Available" dropdown menu. The fields that appear in this menu will depend on what fields you selected to be included in the report. Add the field by clicking the right-caret button. If you add multiple fields, you may adjust the sort order using the up and down arrow buttons.
NOTE: only certain fields can be used for sorting purposes when building custom reports in iEdison. Fields without this capability will not appear as options in the "Fields Available" selection menu. Fields with sorting ability include:
Click the "Download" button to download the report. The report will be saved on your local device as a Microsoft Excel file.
If you wish to save a report for future use, enter a "Report Name" for this report and a description of what the report contains under "Report Description" to help you identify the report in the future. Also, select whether you want to make this custom report available to other users in your organization. If you do not select the sharing option, this report will only show up in your account. When you are done, click the "Save" button. Saved reports will appear when you click "Custom Reports" in the Sidebar.