Seminars are currently hosted in either fully virtual or hybrid format: see the table entry below for specific details. Requests for sign language interpretation or other accommodations should be directed to the NCNR User Office at 301-975-8200 or ncnraccess [at] (ncnraccess[at]nist[dot]gov). If you are interested in inviting a speaker or schedule a seminar, please contact David Hoogerheide |
Date/time (EST) | Speaker | Title, abstract and link to Meeting |
Apr. 4, 10:45 AM Hybrid, K04B (Remote presentation) | Thomas Mion US Naval Research Laboratory | Contact: Peter Gehring |
Date/time (EST) | Speaker | Title (abstracts available upon request) |
Jan. 19, 2023 | John Ankner Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Design of and prospects for the Quite Intense Kinetics Reflectometer (QIKR) at the Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station
Jan. 19, 2023 | Frank Gabel Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) - Grenoble, France | SANS as a unique tool for integrative structural biology approaches: recent examples of time-resolved studies and combinations with NMR Contact: Susana Teixeira |
Feb. 9, 2023 | Adrian Losko Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRMII) | New perspectives for neutron imaging and diffraction through advanced event-mode data acquisition Contact: Dan Hussey |
Feb. 14, 2023 | Evan Smith Dep. Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University | Quantum Spin Ice Ground State in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlore Ce2Zr2O7 Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Feb. 17, 2023 | Yaniv Shaposhnik NRCN, Israel/NCNR | The Three Mile Island Accident Contact: Susana Teixeira |
Feb. 21, 2023 | Wolfgang Simeth PSI, Switzerland | Magnetic interactions and topological magnetism in f-electron materials Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Feb. 27, 2023 | Sho Tokunaga Japan Res. Reactor 3 (JRR3) | Modification of the JAEA JRR-3 Cold Neutron Source Cryogenic Moderator Contact: John Jurns |
Mar. 2, 2023 | Sharon S. Philip Dept. Physics, University of Virginia | Disorder and structural hysteresis in the charge density wave transition of 1T-TaS2 Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Mar. 2, 2023 | Adrian Brügger Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Safeguarding Civil Infrastructure using Neutron Diffraction/Imaging and a Preview of Future Instrument Capabilities Contact: Rebecca Dally |
Apr. 20, 2023 | Susana Isabel Cardoso de Freitas INESC Microsistems and Nanotecnologias | Magnetic Sensors: From Ultrathin Film Growth to Sensor Integration in Unexpected Systems Contact: Dan Gopman |
Apr. 25, 2023 | Yi Luo Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University | Magnetism in topological materials with strong correlations Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Apr. 27, 2023 | Seung Wook Lee School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea | An overview of the neutron phase imaging collaboration between NIST and KAERI/PNU Contact: Dan Hussey |
June 23, 2023 | Masahiro Hino1 & Masaji Arai2 1Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University; 2Japan Atomic Energy Agency | Current status of Kyoto University Reactor (KUR), Japan Research Reactor-3 (JRR-3) and new research reactor plan at Monju site Contact: Abdullah Weiss |
July 6, 2023 | Yaniv Shaposhnik NRCN, Israel/NCNR | The Fukushima accident Contact: David Hoogerheide |
July 28, 2023 | V. Balasubramaniam The Ohio State University | Ultrashear Technology for Clean Label Protein Dairy-Plant Beverages, Dispersions and Emulsions Contact: Susana Teixeira |
July 28, 2023 | Tomce Runcevski Southern Methodist University | Thermodynamic and Kinetic Control of Molecular Materials Contact: Craig Brown |
Aug. 2, 2023 | Rama Vasudevan Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Machine learning and reinforcement learning for materials synthesis, characterization, design and discovery in the ‘smart’ labs age: challenges, lessons and opportunities Contact: William Ratcliff |
Aug. 4, 2023 | Zach Bogorad Stanford Institute of Theoretical Physics | Detecting Nanometer-Scale New Forces with Coherent Neutron Scattering Contact: Dan Hussey |
Sep. 20, 2023 | Manjula Senanayake ORNL | Neutron Reflectivity and Small Angle Neutron Scattering Reveal the Structure and Stability of Complex Polymer Blends Contact: David Hoogerheide |
Sep. 21, 2023 | Nancy Jaiswal Indiana University School of Medicine | Interaction between DNA polymerase ι and Rad23 provides a link between DNA damage tolerance and DNA repair pathways Contact: David Hoogerheide |
Oct. 16, 2023 | Chris Stock University of Edinburgh | Spin-orbit excitons in transition metal oxides Contact: Peter Gehring |
Oct. 17, 2023 | Zsolt Révay Technical University Munich | Nuclear Analytical Chemistry at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Center (MLZ), Garching Contact: Heather Chen-Mayer |
Nov. 2, 2023 | Rebecca Flint Iowa State University | Spinorial hybridization and Majorana physics in two-channel Kondo lattices Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Nov. 13, 2023 | Miela J. Gross Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Static and dynamic magnetics in rare-earth iron garnets Contact: Daniel Gopman |
Apr. 5, 2024 | Rachel Maizel Virginia Tech | Low-Damping and Sizeable Spin-Orbit Torques in Vertically Graded Fe-Ni Alloys Contact: Daniel Gopman |
Apr. 25, 2024 | Robert McQueeney Iowa State University | Magnetism of the RMn6Sn6 kagome metals Contact: Jeff Lynn |
Jun. 7, 2024 | Viviane Lütz Bueno Paul Scherrer Institut | Targeting Soft Matter Research: Innovations in Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Imaging at SINQ Contact: Ryan Murphy |
Jun. 17, 2024 | Elliot Gilbert ANSTO | The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering – Current Status and Upgrades Contact: Susana Teixeira |
Aug. 16, | Melissa Henderson ORNL | Three-Dimensional Skyrmion Transitions Through Vortices and Monopoles Contact: Shannon Watson |
Oct. 24, 2024 | Willie Beason Georgetown | High Entropy Materials with High Magnetic Anisotropy Contact: Dan Gopman |
Dec. 5, 2024 | Lennart Lindfors AstraZeneca | Big Molecules and Small Particles Contact: Yun Liu |