Physicist Jeffrey Lynn is a NIST Fellow and Team Leader for Condensed Matter Physics in the NIST Center for Neutron Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD. His primary responsibilities are in the area of Condensed Matter Physics Research and for the triple-axis neutron spectrometers at the NCNR, including the BT-7 double-focusing thermal triple axis instrument. He also has a longstanding relationship as Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and currently is an Adjunct Professor in Physics and a member of the Quantum Materials Center.
He began his neutron scattering career as an undergraduate at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and received his doctorate in 1974 from Georgia Tech while conducting his thesis research as an Oak Ridge Associated Universities Fellow at the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He then joined the neutron scattering group at Brookhaven National Laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow, before accepting a faculty appointment in 1976 in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland and consultant at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST). In the 1990's he joined the NIST Center of Neutron Research full time, resigning his tenure to become Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland. He has held various elected leadership positions in the American Physical Society, and is a Fellow of the APS, the Neutron Scattering Society of America, and the Washington Academy of Sciences. He has written numerous reviews as well as a graduate text (edited) on High Tc Superconductivity, has well over 600 publications in refereed journals and an H index of 98 (GS). In 2011 President Obama selected him to receive the Distinguished Award of Presidential Rank, the Nation's highest civil service award.
(4/2024) All Since 2019
Citations 38242 6814
h-index 98 37
i-10index 455 171
Link to Google Scholar
Spin Orbit and Topological Materials
Magnetic Monopoles and Spin Liquids
Spin Dynamics in Cuprate Superconductors
Magnetic Order in Superconductors
Structure and Dynamics of Superconducting NaxCoO2 Hydrate and Its Anhydrated Analog
Flux Lattice in Superconductors and Melting
Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides
NaMnO2 Spin Dynamics and Battery Technology