When you login to iEdison, you will automatically be taken to your Dashboard. The Dashboard provides quick access to certain Notifications, Invention Reports, Patent Reports, etc. The contents of your Dashboard are explained below.
1) Alert Notifications advise you of issues that require agency action (such as documents needing review or requests that have been submitted). A comprehensive list of your Notifications can be accessed through the Sidebar. To learn more about Notifications see the chapters on "Navigating Notifications" and "Notification Clearance Instructions."
2) Info Notifications advise you of issues that require contractor action (such as documents that are missing or actions, such as title election, that are due). A comprehensive list of your Notifications can be accessed through the Sidebar. To learn more about Notifications see the chapters on "Navigating Notifications" and "Notification Clearance Instructions."
3) Updated Inventions list inventions recently updated.
4) Updated Patents list patents recently updated.
5) Open Requests list all pending requests.
6) Invention Report # is the unique identifying number for this Invention Report within the iEdison system.
7) Invention Docket # is the contractor's internal tracking number for this invention.
8) Patent Docket # is the contractor's internal tracking number for this patent. Note: this will only appear if the notification is related to a specific patent report.
9) Message explains the reason for this notification.
10) Post Date lists the date that this notification was populated/posted.
11) Due Date lists the date that this action was due.
12) Creation Date pulldown menu allows you to select the notification time period—from 7 days, 30 days, 100 days, or all time.
13) Username and Agency lists the name on your account and the agency account under which you are working.
14) Personalization and Help allows you to personalize your iEdison color theme or submit a help desk ticket.
15) Logout button
16) Select the number of records to appear in the panel.
17) Export the record list into an Excel file.
18) Election Status chart of all your agency's Invention Reports' Title Election Status.
19) Disposition Status chart of all your agency's Invention Reports' Disposition Status (if applicable).
20) Patent Status chart of all your agency's Patent Reports' Patent Status.