Committee Reports for the 98th Annual Meeting (SP 1171)
July 14 - 18, 2013
Louisville, Kentucky
- Full Document (SP 1171) PDF
- Title Page / Abstract DOC|PDF
- Table of Contents DOC|PDF
- Past Chairmen of the Conference DOC|PDF
- Organization Chart DOC|PDF
- General Session DOC|PDF
- President's Address
- Chairman's Address
- Chairman Elect's Address
- Award and Recognition
Standing Committee Reports
Report of the Board of Directors (BOD) DOC|PDF
- Appendix A: Report of the Activities of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) and Regional Legal Metrology Organizations
- Appendix B: Associate Membership Committee (AMC) Agenda and Draft Meeting Minutes
Report of the Committee on Laws and Regulations (L&R) DOC|PDF
- Appendix A: DOC|PDF
- Item 231-2: NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation Section: 10.3. Aerosols and Similar Pressurized Containers
- Appendix B: DOC|PDF
- Item 232-1:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Engine Fuels and Automotive Lubricants Regulation, Section 1. Definitions of "Diesel Liter Equivalent (DLE) and Diesel Gallon Equivalent (DGE)"
- Appendix C: DOC|PDF
- Item 232-2:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Method of Sale of Commodities, Sections 2.33. Oil, Engine Service Category, Vehicle or Engine Manufacturer Standards, and Inactive or Obsolete Service Category; and
- Item 237-4:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Engine Fuels and Automotive Lubricants Regulation, Sections 3.13. Oil, Engine Service Category, Vehicle or Engine Manufacturer Standard, and Inactive or Obsolete Service Categories
- Appendix D: DOC|PDF
- Item 232-5:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Method of Sale of Commodities, Section 2.XX. Retail Sale of Electricity/Vehicle
- Appendix E: DOC|PDF
- Item 237-2:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Engine Fuels and Automotive Lubricants Regulation, NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Method of Sale of Commodities, Section 2.XX. Retail Sale of Electricity/Vehicle
- Appendix F: DOC|PDF
- Item 260-4:NIST Handbook 133, Section 4.3. Paper Plates and Sanitary Paper Products
- Appendix G: DOC|PDF
- Item 237-8:NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Engine Fuels and Automotive Lubricants Regulation, 4.3. Dispenser Filters
Report of the Committee on Specifications and Tolerances (S&T) DOC|PDF
- Appendix A:
- Item 337-1 and 337-2: NIST Handbook 44, Background and Justification for Handbook 44 Definition of "Diesel Gallon Equivalent (DGE)" or Natural Gas as a Vehicular Fuel Approval
- Item 320-6:NIST Handbook 44, Appendix D – Definitions (Reference Weigth Car)
- Appendix B:
- Item 336-1:NIST Handbook 44, Draft Tentative Code Applicable to Weigh-In-Motion Systems Used for Vehicle Enforcement Screening and proposed definitions to be added to NIST Handbook 44, Appendix D to support the Weigh-In-Motion Systems used for Vehicle Enforcement Screening – Draft Code
Report of the Professional Development Committee (PDC) DOC|PDF
- Appendix A: Professional Certification Program Curriculum Work Plan
- Appendix B: History of Professional Certification Program
- Appendix C: History of Instructor Improvement
Report of the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) Committee DOC|PDF
- Appendix A: NTEP Statistics Report DOC|PDF
- Appendix B: NTETC Belt-Conveyor Scale Meeting Summary DOC|PDF
- Appendix C: NTETC Grain Analyzer Sector Meeting Summary DOC|PDF
- Appendix D: NTETC Measuring Sector Meeting Summary DOC|PDF
- Appendix E: NTETC Software Sector Meeting Summary DOC|PDF
- Appendix F: NTETC Weighing Sector Meeting Summary DOC|PDF
Nominating Committee Report DOC|PDF
2013 Annual Meeting Attendees DOC|PDF