APAC | Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation |
APLMF | Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum |
APMP | Asia Pacific Metrology Program |
BIML | International Bureau of Legal Metrology |
BIPM | International Bureau of Weights and Measures |
CAC-MAS-Q | Central Asian Cooperation on Metrology Accreditation and Quality |
CC | Certificate of Conformity |
CD | Committee Draft |
CGPM | General Conference on Weights and Measures |
CIPM | International Committee for Weights and Measures |
COOMET | Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions |
CPR | Committee on Participation Review |
DD | Draft Document |
DoMC | Declaration of Mutual Confidence |
DR | Draft Recommendation |
EA | European Cooperation for Accreditation |
EMLMF | Euro-Mediterranean Legal Metrology Forum |
EUROMET | European Collaboration in Measurement Standards |
IAAC | Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation |
IAF | International Accreditation Forum |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IFCC | International Federation of Clinical Chemistry |
ILAC | International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
IUPAP | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics |
MAA | Mutual Acceptance Agreement |
MLA | Multilateral Recognition Arrangements |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Arrangements |
NCWM | National Conference on Weights and Measures |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMIs | National Metrology Institutes |
NTEP | National Type Evaluation Program |
OAS | Organization of American States |
OIML | International Organization of Legal Metrology |
PAC | Pacific Accreditation Cooperation |
PG | Project Group |
R |
Recommendation |
RLAOs | Regional Laboratory Accreditation Organizations |
RLMOs | Regional Legal Metrology Organizations |
RMOs | Regional Metrology Organizations |
SADCA | Southern African Development Community in Accreditation |
SADCMET | Southern African Community Cooperation in Measurement Traceability |
SC | Technical Subcommittee |
SI | International System of Units |
SIM | Inter-American Metrology System |
SIM-LMWG | Inter-American Metrology System - Legal Metrology Working Group |
TC | Technical Committee |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
WD | Working Draft |
WELMEC | European Cooperation in Legal Metrology |
WTO | World Trade Organization |