Technical Guidelines Development Committee Meeting
February 8 - 9, 2016
Held at:
U.S. Access Board
1331 F Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC
Day 1: February 8, 2016
Opening Remarks:
- Marc Guthrie, Access Board Representative
- Mary Brady, Manager, Voting Program, NIST [PPT | PDF]
- Matthew Masterson, Commissioner, Designated Federal Office for U.S. Election Assistance Commission
- Introductions of New EAC Executive Director and General Counsel
- TGDC Introductions
Agenda - Mary Brady, Manager, Voting Program, NIST
Working Groups Activities since July TGDC Meeting
- Pre-Election - Lori Augino, NASED Representative [PPT | PDF]
- Election - Bob Giles, EAC Standards Board Representative [PPT | PDF]
- Post-Election - Linda Lamone, EAC Board of Advisor Representative [PPT | PDF]
Constituency Groups Activities since July TGDC Meeting
- Cyber-Security - David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley
- Human Factors - Diane Golden, Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs [PPT | PDF]
- Interoperability - Jeramy Gray, LA County Registrar-Recorder [PPT | PDF]
- Testing - McDermot Coutts, Unisyn Voting Solutions [PPT | PDF]
Scoping VVSG: Defining what is (and what is not) a Voting System
- The Changing Landscape / Legislative Trends in Voting Technology - Katy Owens Hubler, NCSL [PPT | PDF]
- Post-HAVA Voting System Requirements - Brian Hancock, EAC [PPT | PDF]
& Merle King, Center for Election Systems, Kennesaw State University [PPT | PDF]
Lunch Talk with Matt Boehmer, Director, FVAP [PPT | PDF]
Day 2: February 9, 2016
Opening Remarks - Willie May, Chair, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards & Technology and NIST Director
PCEA Standards & Testing Recommendations - Tammy Patrick, Bipartisan Policy Center [PPT | PDF]
Perspectives from other industries - Paul Dasaro, Administrator, State of Washington Electronic Gaming Labs [PPT | PDF]
Certification Strategies - Gordon Gilllerman, NIST [PPT | PDF]
Structuring Next Generation Guidelines: VVSG 1.1
- Federal Requirements
- High-level requirements - EAC [PPT | PDF]
- Test Assertions - Mark Skall, NIST [PPT | PDF]
- VSTL - James Long, NTS [PPT | PDF]
- Mapping State and Federal Requirements - EAC
- State Requirements - Merle King, Center for Election Systems, Kennesaw State University [PPT | PDF]