Figure 1. We bridge a uniquely productive relationship between stakeholders by advancing measurement science, standards and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.
We welcome opportunities to collaborate on joint research, technology, and standards development projects. Our goal is to foster innovation and provide confidence for stakeholders in biosciences and healthcare, manufacturing, food safety, environmental health, and national security. Our existing capabilities include:
Collaborations with Scientists and Engineers – We work closely with industry, federal agencies, national measurement laboratories, academia, and standards organizations to advance and accelerate the development and dissemination of standards and measurement technology in bioscience based applications.
Development of Technologies and Tools – We develop technical excellence in core measurements that serve a number of applications and leverage NIST expertise in measurement science, standards development, reference materials, technology development, and basic research to enable novel and robust technologies and tools to support stakeholder needs.
Standards Leadership – We collaborate with key stakeholders to develop and disseminate innovative measurement and documentary standards that enable comparison, ensure interoperability, and support commerce for emerging biotechnologies, and lead and contribute to various Standards Developing Organizations including ISO/TC 276 and ASTM F04.
Partnering Mechanisms – Our collaborations take the form of direct funding from other agencies, scientific collaborations with companies and academic labs, technology licensing, co-authorship with planning groups, and participation and leadership in workshops and international standards bodies and metrology communities. Click here for additional information about NIST technology partnering opportunities.