Keywords: | Ampere, candela, electric current, error, SI, kelvin, kilogram, length, mass, meter, metric, mole, temperature, time, second, uncertainty |
Audience: | Students, educators, parents, public, technology coordinators, outreach ambassadors, formal, informal |
Grade Level: | 3rd to 8th |
Subjects: | Art, biology, chemistry, life science, Earth science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics, physical science, physics, STEM, technology |
This digital resource features profiles for each of the Measurement League: Guardians of the SI superheroes, dedicated to the fight against uncertainty, imprecision, and inaccuracy and to improving the quality of our lives and the things we build. The superheroes include the following: Mole, Professor Second, Monsieur Kilogram, Ms. Ampere, Dr. Kelvin, Meter Man, and Candela. Each card in the set lists a different superhero’s name, picture, symbol, and the measurement unit they represent. The card set provides an entertaining way to learn more about the International System of Units (SI).
Did you know that you can obtain a free set of metric education resources for use in your classroom? Contact the NIST Metric Program at TheSI [at] (TheSI[at]nist[dot]gov) and include your name, school, subject, grade level, phone number, and U.S. mailing address. Publication requests may also be made using the OWM Contacts System. The NIST SI Teacher Kit contains a curated collection of instructional measurement resources. A metric conversion card is a valuable tool for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) classrooms.