Organizers of the workshop welcome abstracts for poster presentations for the Workshop on Ultraviolet Disinfection Technologies & Healthcare Associated Infections: Defining Standards and Metrology Needs to be held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 14 – 15, 2020. The focus of this workshop is to present the recent advancements in technology and research promoting innovation in the effective use and implementation of ultraviolet technology in healthcare settings for the reduction and prevention of healthcare associated infections. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, fundamentals of UVC/light disinfection, healthcare associated infections, biological and light measurements, building safer healthcare environments, beyond UVC, and metrology needs for performance assessment.
There is still time to submit an abstract for a poster, please send the abstract to Dr. Postek by email to postek [at] (postek[at]usf[dot]edu) by January 7, 2019.
Download NIST IUVA 2020 Workshop Abstract Template
Abstracts received by the published deadline will be evaluated by the workshop program committee to ensure that the submissions are relevant to the workshop.
After the authors are notified of acceptance, the presenting author and any coauthors planning to attend the workshop will be required to register for the workshop.
Authors are advised to carefully proofread their abstracts because those abstracts that are accepted will be reproduced in the workshop program and proceedings which will appear online and in print. The workshop proceedings may become a special issue of a scientific journal or a report published by NIST. Those abstracts will be expanded beyond the fundamental abstract format and will follow the chosen journal requirements. Any errors in spelling, grammar or data are the responsibility of the authors. Authors are responsible for the review and clearance of their abstract submissions according to their home institution policies.