Term Expired May 2017
Ed Wolbert is the president of Transco Products Inc., a leading U.S. medium-sized manufacturer and contractor dedicated to nuclear power. Mr. Wolbert has been in the nuclear power industry for over 35 years, has been with Transco for the last 32 years, and has served as its president for the last 20 years. Mr. Wolbert oversees the daily strategic direction and tactical operations of the company, including direct guidance of its foreign activities. Mr. Wolbert is a member of the American Nuclear Society, and is also a member of ASTM (serving on the C16 committee). Mr. Wolbert continues to serve on the Department of Commerce's Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC), after previously been both the committee's vice-chairman and chairman, and has been a vocal advocate and champion for small/medium size enterprises in the nuclear power market.