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USNWG Objectives

In general, the United States National Work Groups (USNWGs) have the following objectives:

  • investigate the feasibility of various legal metrology devices and technologies;  
  • promote, encourage, and participate in the establishment of a comprehensive set of standards, test procedures, and associated methodologies;  
  • develop and document the methodology and process used (including procedures, forms, and other tools) to validate a given device or technological design;
  • facilitate measurements that establish metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI); and
  • provide recommendations for consideration and use by weights and measures jurisdictions, other work groups, and others interested in this technical work and its application.
Colored graphic image of three figures in a meeting
Credit: Canva | Mello @tkoticons

The USNWG is a technical working group and not a consensus body. However, the guidance documents, methodologies, and data collection protocols generated through this work may serve as templates for weights and measures jurisdictions and others seeking to validate other test methodologies for use in testing commercial weighing and measuring equipment.

Membership of the USNWG shall consist of individuals relative to the scope of the individual USNWG. For example, membership may be drawn from regulatory and other government agencies (including NIST); the service industry; weighing and/or metering equipment and component manufacturers; manufacturers of field test standards; packaging companies; consumers; standards and/or quality laboratories; and other industries, organizations, and businesses related to commercial weighing and measuring systems, packaged commodities, and other goods and services sold by weight, measure, or count. To the extent possible, membership shall be drawn from these groups and other interested parties. Individuals may represent more than one category (except during the voting process).

NIST OWM operates and manages these USNWGs in accordance with the following authorities under the NIST Organic Act 15 U.S.C. 272(b)(2): to develop, maintain, and retain custody of the national standards of measurement, and provide the means and methods for making measurements consistent with those standards; and 15 U.S.C. 272(c)(4)): cooperate with the States in securing uniformity in weights and measures laws and methods of inspection.


Created March 20, 2023