TC9/p1 members, below are several documents related to the revision of OIML R60.
These documents include: comments submitted by the project group regarding R60-1 3CD and the Secretariat's responses; comments form to be used for comments regarding OIML R6-1 4CD; voting form to be used by P-members to register their vote regarding OIML R60-1 4CD; and both clean and marked-up versions of R60-1 4CD.
You will also find attached the 1st Working Draft of OIML R60-2 (Part 3 – Test Report Format) and a comments form to be used for submitting your comments relative to that 1WD.
TC9/p1, P-Members please respond with your vote on R60-1 4CD and submit your comments on that document and the 1WD of OIML R0-2. O-Members please respond with your comments on both of these documents. Please respond with those votes/comments by 28 February, 2016.
You will note that in R60-2, 1WD there are two tables (6.15 and 6.18) that are not formatted in the same style as the others found in this document. The formatting of these tables is that which had been provided to me. Please pay particular attention to the structure and information provided in these tables and provide detailed comments on changes that may be necessary to align these tables with others used in Part 3.
John Barton
NIST Office of Weights and Measures
100 Bureau Dr. MS 2600
Gaithersburg, MD. 20899
Phone: (301) 975-4002
Email: john.barton [at] (john[dot]barton[at]nist[dot]gov)