To download separately the individual papers, listed below:
The pdf files of each individual paper are generally large, as indicated in the [xx MB] accompanying the filename abbreviation (which is the hyperlink) and the complete paper title in the following chronological list. Knowing which paper is of interest to you, as motivated by a seemingly interesting title, you can go directly to that one paper. To speed-up your scrolling within a paper, each pdf file includes thumbnails and bookmarks palettes. The bookmarks show the section headings and the figure numbers.
File hyperlink | Paper title | Date | MB |
Typical home | Surge suppression in a typical home wiring system | (1963) | [1.0 MB] |
Surge capability | Surge withstand capability of various devices | (1963) | [0.5 MB] |
Evaluate 1963 SPDs | Evaluation of commercial surge suppressors | (1967) | [2.3 MB] |
Super alpha | GE- MOV varistor – The super alpha varistor | (1972) | [1.8 MB] |
Percée | Une percée dans la conception des parafoudres (In French, click Sakshaug, below, for original English source) | (1976) | [0.7 MB] |
Coordination 1976 | Surge voltage suppression in residential power circuits | (1976) | [1.2 MB] |
Repetitive surges | The effect of repetitive surges on overcurrent and overvoltage protective devices | (1983) | [0.9 MB] |
Matching environment | Matching surge protective devices to their environment | (1985) | [1.2 MB] |
Winning Rematch | Varistor versus environment: Winning the rematch | (1986) | [1.2 MB] |
Lower not better | Selecting varistor clamping voltage: Lower is not better! | (1989) | [0.5 MB] |
Divert surges | Diverting surges to ground: Expectations versus reality | (1991) | [0.4 MB] |
TVSS compatibility | Characterization of TVSS from a system compatibility perspective | (1992) | [1.1 MB] |
Repetitive swells | The effect of repetitive swells on metal-oxide varistors | (1992) | [0.9 MB] |
SRE link | An important link in whole-house protection: Surge reference equalizers | (1993) | [0.8 MB] |
Gapped arresters | Gapped arresters revisited: A solution to cascade coordination | (1998) | [0.9 MB] |
Dilemma | The dilemma of surge protection vs. overvoltage scenarios: Implications for low-voltage SPDs | (1998) | [0.7 MB] |
Lingering legacies | Lingering lead length legacies | (2002) | [0.3 MB] |
Black boxes ICLP | Black Boxes, Blind Spots, and Disconnectors: How not to test SPDs | (2004) | [0.3 MB] |
Monitoring SPDs | Monitoring of surge-protective devices in low-voltage power distribution systems | (2004) | [0.4 MB] |
TOVs on SPDs | TOV Effects on Surge-Protective Devices | (2005) | [143 KB] |
More ...
Also see under "Protective Devices" and "System Protection Techniques" of Part 6 for additional papers
Sakshaug | A new concept in arrester design [An IEEE SPDC seminal paper] | (1977) | [1.5 MB] |
End User | Surge protection of end-user equipment | (1995) | [0.1 MB] |
GE-MOV Saga | The GE-MOV saga – Retrospective | 1972-2004 | [2.1 MB] |