SAA members and other former NBS/NIST employees are encouraged to volunteer for the NIST Gallery of Distinguished Alumni Jury. All are eligible except those who have served on each of the last three juries. The Jury meets in late April of each award year.
Once the call for a given year goes out, prospective volunteers can send their name and contact information (address, telephone, and email) to the SAA Portrait Gallery Committee at portrait_gallery [at] (portrait_gallery[at]standardsalumni[dot]org) and bjlide [at] (bjlide[at]gmail[dot]com). The deadline for nominations and jury volunteers this year is March 5, 2025.
The SAA Portrait Gallery Committee, after closure of the nomination process, will propose for approval of the SAA Board, a balanced jury with expertise in areas in which nominations were received, and with fewer than two-thirds continuing from the previous year's jury.
The NIST Gallery of Distinguished Alumni Jury will evaluate nominations for the Gallery and recommend no more than 10 nominees to the NIST Director.
The NIST Gallery of Distinguished Alumni process is described in the Call for Nominations and Instructions for Nominations, which are published in the December SAA Newsletter, sent to OU directors, and posted on the SAA website.