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Topic Area
Displaying 1076 - 1100 of 1616

Omics Technological Advances in Aquaculture

According to the NOAA Fisheries of the U.S. report, in 2020 U.S. seafood consumption was estimated at ~6B pounds with Atlantic salmon being one of the top 3 valued items. Approximately 85% of U.S. seafood consumption is imported, and U.S. exports have seen a significant decline with an annual trade

Ontologies and Interoperability in Evolutionary Comparative Analysis

Intended impact Nearly all scientists who regularly use online resources on genes, proteins and genomes make use of comparative data to advance biomedical research. For instance, researchers often make useful inferences by comparing human genes (as well as proteins, reactions, interactions, pathways

Ontology for Mapping Platform Configuration in Security Properties

The output of this project will improve the trust in the most vulnerable (weakest) element participating in a trusted cyber transaction. Additionally, the extensible ontology will enable establishment of assurance measures for new types of online transactions as they emerge.


The OOF project is a software development project designed to make advanced computational modeling capabilities available to materials science researchers who are not themselves computational experts. Researchers bring domain expertise from materials science to assist in building high-quality finite

Open Port Liquid Interface Mass Spectrometry

Rapid screening for chemical traces of explosives and narcotics is widely used to support homeland security and law enforcement. These target compounds span a range of physicochemical properties from organic to inorganic, with preferential ionization pathways in both negative and positive mode

Open RAN Research at NIST

Network Disaggregation An Open RAN gNB is a decentralized gNB and consists of three parts, each with its own hardware/software: Radio Unit (RU); Distributed Unit (DU); Control Unit (CU). Each unit in Open-RAN takes over a section of gNB tasks. The RU has the responsibility of transmitting and


Thermodynamic data are essential for the understanding, developing, and processing of materials. The CALPHAD technique has made it possible to calculate properties of multicomponent systems using databases of thermodynamic descriptions with models that were assessed from experimental data. The OC

Operando Measurements of Electrochemical (Charge-transfer) Processes

There are two ways to study a very fast process such as charge transfer. One can use very high-speed measurement that can follow the effect of the process, or one use a method that is sensitive only to the process itself. Either way has its weakness. Many fast measurements can follow the process

Operational Technology Security

Operational technology (OT) encompasses a broad range of programmable systems or devices that interact with the physical environment (or manage devices that interact with the physical environment). These systems/devices detect or cause a direct change through the monitoring and/or control of devices

Operations-driven Performance Measurement for Smart Manufacturing Systems

Objective: Develop and deploy standards, guidelines, and reference data for measuring the performance of manufacturing systems to inform the design and aid in analysis of factory improvements. Technical Idea: Manufacturers are adopting smart systems to drive gains in agility, productivity, quality

Opioid Detection and Identification

Safe Handling Fentanyl can be 100 times stronger than heroin. Even deadly street drugs contain very small amounts of fentanyl, so it can be difficult to detect with methods used for other common drugs. NIST researchers developed a method sensitive enough to detect fentanyl on the outside of

Optical Clock Atomic Structure and Theory

This ticking rate (i.e., frequency) is associated with a transition between two quantum levels of the atom, where each level corresponds to a different configuration of the electrons around the nucleus. Atomic clocks derive their incredible accuracy and precision from the robust nature of atoms

Optical/electrical particle measurement system

Intended Impact The results of this work should provide instrument manufacturers with data, methods, and algorithms for enhancing the clarity and accuracy of information their instruments provide to their customers. Users of these instruments (pharma companies) and regulators, will have better

Optical grating scatterometry

In the past few years, scatterometry has emerged as a method for performing linewidth and line profile metrology, especially by the semiconductor industry. The method uses a periodic target containing repetitive lines whose profile, i.e., its width, height, and shape, is to be determined. The

Yb Optical Lattice Clock

In recent years, optical clocks have achieved performance that is orders of magnitude beyond more traditional atomic clocks utilizing a microwave timebase. A particularly promising type of advanced optical clock is the optical lattice clock. At their heart, these systems use an ensemble of ultracold

Optical medical imaging

Optical medical imaging technologies proliferate in academic research and yet very few translate into the clinic. Optical techniques have high spatial and spectral resolution, lends itself to portability, and inexpensive relative to conventional imaging modalities such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance

Optical Medical Imaging

We advance measurement science and standards infrastructure to accelerate adoption of optical medical imaging technologies for surgical and clinical applications. Optical medical imaging promises to enhance and complement conventional medical imaging modalities that include magnetic resonance

Optical Methods for 3-D Nanostructure Metrology (Archived)

This project develops new approaches to optical microscopy based on a high magnification optical platform that samples the full 3-D scattered field. Both the semiconductor industry and the evolving nanomanufacturing sector are facing enormous challenges measuring nanometer scale features over large

Optical and Microwave Spectroscopy of Microelectronic Systems

Collaborations with industry leaders have led to new understanding of magnetic damping in advanced materials and replication of our magnetic metrology tools. We investigate fundamental aspects of spin transfer in materials and structures that offer improved performance in future devices such as

Optical and Microwave Waveform Synthesis

A typical optical frequency comb consists of thousands to millions of phase coherent modes (the "teeth" of the comb) that can all be used to synthesize precisely controlled electromagnetic waveforms. Our main research thrust in this area has been focused on the generation of microwave and millimeter

Optical and Optoelectronic Materials Characterization

Today's electronics have reached a point where sheer computation power has combined form and function as the key driver of large consumer markets. The demand for portable and pervasive electronics with greater functionality promises significant changes over the next decades in how society interacts

Optical Polarization Metrology

Electromagnetic waves are transverse. That is, besides propagating energy, they also have polarization represented by the direction of the electric field, which is constrained to lie in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Light rays can be characterized by a four-element Stokes

Optical Probes of 2D Magnetic Phenomena

The unique measurement capabilities developed in this Project enable diffraction-limited, optical spectra (both Raman and photoluminescence) to be collected and analyzed as a function of laser energy, polarization, temperature, magnetic field, and device parameters such as current load and back

Optical Radiation Metrology and Standard Radiometers

Radiometric, radiance temperature, photometric, and color scales have been realized based on the spectral responsivity of standard detectors and radiometers. These reference responsivity scales have been transferred to other NIST calibration facilities to realize and maintain these detector-based