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Displaying 26 - 50 of 58

GaN Nanowire Metrology and Applications

GaN Nanowire LEDs: Our selective epitaxy methods and dopant characterization techniques have enabled fabrication of arrays of nanowire LEDs with controlled location and spatial layout. This development is complemented by modeling of the carrier flow and recombination. These LEDs were combined to

Greenhouse Gas and Atmospheric Trace Gas Measurements

Dealing with climate change will require continued reductions in emissions, which in turn will require higher accuracies and precisions for monitoring, reporting and verification. Better monitoring will accelerate local emission reductions as well as being critical to verifying international

High-Power Laser Applications

Measurement challenges Traditional measurements of laser power or energy involve absorbing the laser light and measuring the resulting temperature increase of the absorber. However, as the power and total energy delivered by these lasers increases, thermal management, absorber size, and response

Infrared optical properties of materials and components

Our overall program can be summarized by the following 6 key elements: Provide a traceability path to national scales for infrared optical properties to the infrared optical properties community through, NIST Calibration Service 38075S, Standard Reference Materials, cooperative research and

Label-free imaging of cells and their extracellular matrix by SPR imaging

Cellular remodeling of their neighboring environment, extracellular matrix (ECM), is an important biological process from development biology, to wound healing, to diseases and cancers – this is a challenging process to measure and quantify. Surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI) has been

Laser Power and Energy Meter Calibration

For calibrating instruments used to measure the power or energy emitted by a laser, or single photon source specially designed primary and secondary standards consisting of calorimeters, pyroelectric detectors, thermal radiometers, photodiode traps and recently superconducting nanowire single-photon

Light-matter interactions in Semiconductor Nanostructures

We investigate the interaction of light with semiconductor-based nanostructures. We extend concepts of entanglement and coherence in atomic physics to our solid-state systems. Our devices are based on semiconductors, like GaAs. We use InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs as artificial atoms; they have

Measuring Light-Matter Interactions in Chip-Based Optical Cavities

A "single emitter" is a structure that exhibits a transition from a high energy state to a low energy state, thereby generating a photon, or light emission. A variety of solid-state single emitters have been discovered or manufactured. One example is a quantum dot, a nanometer-scale structure that

Metrology for extreme ultraviolet lithography

Patterning with light 13 nm brings a host a new challenges Light at 13 nm is well within the vacuum ultraviolet, where radiation is strongly absorbed by all materials. This requires that the technology take place in vacuum and rely on mirrors rather than lenses. Moreover generating sufficient

Micro- and nano-optomechanical systems

Our primary current research direction involves the use of fabricated devices with sub-wavelength periodicity (photonic crystals) as optomechanical elements. Such structures enable a rich variety of devices, including mirrors, polarizers, and filters, in a configuration that couples naturally to

Nano-biophotonics for molecular imaging

Nano-biophotonics consists of four broad areas: molecular bioimaging; nano-biosensors; multiplexed bioassays ; and nanotechnology-based medical practices for diagnosis and therapy. Success in these areas is challenged by the underlying complexity of biological systems. Major levels of complexity and

Nanoplasmonics and Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Metamaterials

Plasmonic materials are composed of metals and insulators that are ordered in geometric arrangements with dimensions that are fractions of the wavelength of light. Research groups are experimenting with a variety of geometric approaches, but all aim to exploit surface plasmons, which are light

Nano-Structured Optics and Optical Surface Metrology

Ultra-precise optics are essential to innovations in many high-tech areas, such as scientific imaging applications ranging from microscopy to astronomy, semiconductor manufacturing, medical imaging technology, defense, homeland security, consumer products, communication and information technology

Ocean Color

The primary reference instrument for the United States and most international ocean-color sensors is the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY), an automated radiometric system operated by NOAA and deployed about 20 km offshore from Lanai, Hawaii, where the atmospheric and water conditions support utilizing

Optical grating scatterometry

In the past few years, scatterometry has emerged as a method for performing linewidth and line profile metrology, especially by the semiconductor industry. The method uses a periodic target containing repetitive lines whose profile, i.e., its width, height, and shape, is to be determined. The

Optical medical imaging

Optical medical imaging technologies proliferate in academic research and yet very few translate into the clinic. Optical techniques have high spatial and spectral resolution, lends itself to portability, and inexpensive relative to conventional imaging modalities such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance

Optical and Optoelectronic Materials Characterization

Today's electronics have reached a point where sheer computation power has combined form and function as the key driver of large consumer markets. The demand for portable and pervasive electronics with greater functionality promises significant changes over the next decades in how society interacts

Optical Polarization Metrology

Electromagnetic waves are transverse. That is, besides propagating energy, they also have polarization represented by the direction of the electric field, which is constrained to lie in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Light rays can be characterized by a four-element Stokes

Optical scattering from surfaces

Light Scattering Ellipsometry: The polarization of scattered light can often indicate the source of that scattered light. Using Light Scattering Ellipsometry, whereby the polarization of light scattered into directions out of the plane of incidence is measured for a fixed incident polarization

Photonic Dosimetry

With this effort, NIST is responding to industry needs for traceable, measurement solutions that can resolve spatial variations of absorbed dose at the level of individual components on a silicon wafer or bacteria on surgical instruments. Presently, there is only limited traceability to national

Photonic Radiometry

Meeting the needs of the photonics industry and anticipating emerging technologies requires investigation and development of improved measurement methods and instrumentation. This project develops state-of-art, absolute microfabricated thermal detectors with absorber coatings consisting of carbon

Quantum Networking with Trapped Ions

The goal of a quantum network is to establish entanglement as a resource between distant locations. Shared entanglement over long distances may enable distributed quantum computing, quantum-enhanced long-baseline interferometry, the transmission of complex quantum states, or a variety of other

Quantum Physics Theory

The scope of the work ranges from calculations of QED effects in atoms to detailed studies of photon wave functions.