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Displaying 51 - 75 of 172

Engineering and Optical Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs)

Nanomagnets by Design Nanoparticles are an important subclass of low-dimensional magnetic materials displaying size-dependent magnetic behavior. The controllable magnetocrystalline anisotropy introduced at nanoscale size regimes (as low as 3 nms in diameter) allows for MNPs of ferro/ferrimagnetic

Environmental Metabolomics

The application of metabolomics techniques to environmental systems biology offers a promising opportunity to achieve insights into non-model organism biology. Each biological system manifests distinctive challenges that offer insights into criteria important for rigorous study design and method

Explosives Decomposition Chemistry

Intended Impact Computational modeling and simulation will help in the invention of new explosives, the design of compounded mixtures of existing materials, and the engineering of delivered systems such as military ordnance. Objective Detailed chemistry is a necessary part of computational

Fatty Acids in Human Serum and Plasma Quality Assurance Program (FAQAP)

Interlaboratory comparison studies of the FAQAP focused on the measurement of 24 fatty acids in selected serum and plasma matrices. Frozen or freeze-dried serum or plasma samples were sent to laboratories for analysis together with control materials. Results were returned to NIST for data evaluation

Flow Cytometry Lab

Current Capabilities ERF value assignment measurement service for traceable ERF value assignment to microparticles, Aseptic sorting of cell lines, and primary cells Quantitative measurements of cell surface and intracellular biomarkers by estimating antibody bound per cell Accurate enumeration of

Fluid Phase Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

In-situ vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE). We are applying vapor-phase NMR to measure VLE in-situ. We are currently applying this methodology to industrially important systems such as refrigerants and natural gas. The most widely used refrigerants have high global warming potential. Drop-in

Food Nutrition and Safety Measurements Quality Assurance Program (FNSQAP)

As part of a revamp of QAPs in 2021, NIST established the FNSQAP to support the NIST Food Safety Program and Measurements and Standards to Support Nutrition Labeling. Participants measure nutrient components (e.g., minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, dietary fiber) and contaminants (e.g., toxic

Free Energy and Advanced Sampling Simulation Toolkit (FEASST)

Intended Impact While flat-histogram Monte Carlo simulations have been shown to be a promising method for the direct calculation of complex fluid phase behavior with a variety of applications, most open-source Monte Carlo simulation packages do not support this method. We have therefore made FEASST

Fundamental Interaction Mechanisms of Engineered Nanomaterials with DNA

Intended impact Nanotechnology research has resulted in the rapid creation of engineered nanomaterials with many foreseeable applications in medical imaging/diagnosis and in drug delivery. However, there is a notable scarcity of both acute and chronic human toxicity data for these new materials

Glass Evidence Analysis

Quantitative XRF Glass Database Recent research efforts in the forensic trace field have focused on the development of databases to assign a significance to forensic evidence (i.e., to report the strength of an association or exclusion). In the forensic analysis of glass using µ-XRF, samples are

Health Assessment Measurements Quality Assurance Program (HAMQAP)

Participants in the HAMQAP measured concentrations of nutritional and toxic elements, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, active and/or marker compounds, and contaminants in samples distributed by NIST.   Samples that represent human intake (e.g., foods, dietary supplements, tobacco) were

High Rate Testing

This project involves sample geometry and metrological development for high rate servohydraulic testing. (Content to be uploaded soon)

High-Precision Isotopic Reference Materials

A new generation of multi-collector IRMS, utilizing both inductively coupled plasma and thermal ionization sample sources, is now capable of measuring isotope ratios with extremely high precision – a few parts in 10 6. This new measurement capability has caused a minor revolution in the use of

High-Sensitivity IR Spectroscopy of Proteins

Infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy has been widely used as a non-invasive, label-free characterization method for the chemical identification and structure of complex biomolecules. Fourier-transform IR (FT-IR) technology is commonly used to characterize proteins and other biological molecules

HML Organic Chemical Metrology Program Areas

The organic analytical facility, located on the second floor of the Hollings Marine Laboratory, consists of two laboratories with a combined area of approximately 215 m2. These two laboratories provide the space and instrumentation to achieve two main functions for NIST: (1) the determination of

Illicit Narcotics Detection

“Method for evaluating ion mobility spectrometers for trace detection of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances”, Jennifer R Verkouteren, Jeffrey Lawrence, R Michael Verkouteren and Edward Sisco, Analytical Methods, 11(47), 6043-6052 (2019). “Discriminative potential of ion mobility spectrometry

Imaging: Evolution of Neutron Image Detector Spatial Resolution

Neutron imaging has yielded valuable insight into the water content of fuel cells because minimal changes to a test section are needed. A limit of neutron imaging is the achievable spatial resolution, which is primarily dominated by the detector. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the spatial

Inorganic Phase Equilibrium Data

Every deliberate effort to develop a new material or to improve processing begins with chemical composition and the conditions (temperature, pressure) under which pure compounds and their mixtures are stable ( an equilibrium phase diagram). In the absence of such information, materials scientists