These publications present information related to the combined use of CONTAM with energy analysis programs including EnergyPlus and TRNSYS. This list includes those publications having NIST co-authors. Other non-NIST-related publications can be found in the literature as well.
- Underhill, L.J., C.W. Milando, J.I. Levy, W.S. Dols, S.K. Lee, and M.P. Fabian, Simulation of indoor and outdoor air quality and health impacts following installation of energy-efficient retrofits in a multifamily housing unit. Building and Environment, 2020. 170: p. 106507.
- Underhill, L.J., W.S. Dols, S.K. Lee, M.P. Fabian, and J.I. Levy, Quantifying the impact of housing interventions on indoor air quality and energy consumption using coupled simulation models. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2020.
- Alonso, M.J., W.S. Dols, and H.M. Mathisen, Using co-simulation between EnergyPlus and CONTAM to develop IAQ and energy-centric demand-controlled ventilation systems, in 40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference. 2019: Ghent, Belgium.
- Dols, W.S. and L.J. Underhill, Cross-platform, Public Domain Simulation Tools for Performing Parametric IAQ and Energy Analysis, in 7th International Building Physics Conference. 2018: Syracuse, NY.
- Ng, L., D. Poppendieck, W.S. Dols, B.P. Dougherty, and S.J. Emmerich, Balancing Energy and IAQ NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility. ASHRAE Journal, 2018. 60(4): p. 12 - 19.
- Ng, L., D. Poppendieck, W.S. Dols, and S.J. Emmerich, Evaluating indoor air quality and energy impacts of ventilation in a net-zero energy house using a coupled model. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2018. 24(2): p. 124-134.
- Poppendieck, D., S. Khurshid, W.S. Dols, L.C. Ng, B.J. Polidoro, and S.J. Emmerich, Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Net-Zero Energy House: Real-time Monitoring and Simulation, in Indoor Air 2016. Ghent, Belgium.
- Dols, W.S., S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Coupling the Multizone Airflow and Contaminant Transport Software CONTAM with EnergyPlus using Co-simulation. Building Simulation, 2016. 9: p. 469-479.
- Dols, W.S., S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Using coupled energy, airflow and indoor air quality software (TRNSYS/CONTAM) to evaluate building ventilation strategies. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2016. 37(2): p. 163-175.
- Dols, W.S., L. Wang, S.J. Emmerich, and B.J. Polidoro, Development and Application of An Updated Whole-building Coupled Thermal, Airflow and Contaminant Transport Simulation Program (TRNSYS/CONTAM). Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2015. 8(5): p. 326-337.