EL Workshop Prioritizes Measurement Science Needs for "Green" Concrete
Researchers in the Materials and Structural Systems Division of the NIST Engineering Laboratory conducted a one-day Green Concrete Performance Workshop on July 20, 2012 at NIST. The workshop attracted over 30 representatives from the concrete construction industry, including producers, contractors, owners, industry associations, and universities. The purpose of this workshop was to identify and prioritize the measurement science needs for quantifying and ensuring the short- and long-term performance of Green Concrete; concrete that has up to 50 % of the portland cement replaced with industrial by-product (IBP) materials, such as, fly ash, slag, and crushed waste glass.
The principal outcome from the workshop will be a roadmap outlining the R&D, measurement science, and services needs of both the private and public sectors to improve the design, construction, and long-term performance of Green Concretes. This roadmap will also provide a framework for developing new standard test methods and industry best practice guides for Green Concrete. Researchers in the NIST Engineering Laboratory will use feedback from this workshop in helping to prioritize their future measurement science research direction.
Contact: Kenneth Snyder, (301) 975- 4260
Category: Interactions
Engineering Laboratory's Dr. Rachuri Named ASME Fellow
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) elected Dr. Sudarsan Rachuri, of the Engineering Laboratory's Systems Integration Division as a 2012 ASME Fellow. Dr. Rachuri received this honor for his significant contributions in the area of product modeling and simulation, information and semantic modeling of product life cycle management, and the application of measurement science for sustainable manufacturing. The Board of Governors http://committees.asme.org/governance/bog/ of the ASME confers the distinction of fellow status annually on a select group of worthy candidates to recognize their outstanding engineering achievements. Dr. Rachuri will be formally inducted at the ASME awards ceremony held in Chicago during its International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 12-15th.
Contact: Kevin Lyons, (301)975-6550
Category: Recognition
Piotr Domanski receives Wilbur T. Pentzer Award
Piotr Domanski of the EL's HVAC&R Equipment Performance Group received the Wilbur T. Pentzer Leadership and Achievement Award from the U.S. National Committee of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) for outstanding contributions to the growth and well being of the IIR and the US National Committee. The presentation of the award took place on July 17, 2012 during the joint Conference Luncheon of three conferences organized bi-annually at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana: 2nd International High Performance Buildings Conference, 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, and the 21st International Compressor Engineering Conference. The Wilbur T. Pentzer Award was established in 1985 by the U.S. National Committee of the IIR to recognize outstanding contributions to the IIR by an organization or an individual residing in the United States.
Contact: P. Domanski, (301) 975-5877
Category: Recognition