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Search Publications

NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 43501 - 43525 of 74849

Anomalous Switching Behavior of Antiparallel-Coupled CO Layers Separated by a Super-Thin Ru Spacer

May 15, 2002
V S. Gornakov, Valerian I. Nikitenko, William F. Egelhoff Jr., Robert D. McMichael, Alexander J. Shapiro, Robert D. Shull
The details of the magnetization reversal mechanisms upon field reversal in coupled ferromagnetic CO (2.5 nm)/Ru(0.5 nm)/Co (2.6 nm) trilayers deposited on obliquely sputtered Ta (10.6 nm) underlayers were studied using the magneto-optical indicator film

Magnetostriction and angular dependence of FMR linewidth in Tb-doped Ni 0.8 Fe 0.2 thin films

May 15, 2002
Stephen E. Russek, Pavel Kabos, Robert McMichael, C G. Lee, William E. Bailey, R Ewasko, S. Sanders
We present the dependence of the magnetostriction in Ni 0.8Fe 0.2 films on Tb and Gd doping concentration with the measured doping dependence of the high-frequency damping. While the magnetostriction and the high-frequency damping are correlated, the

Non-collinear spin transfer in Co/Cu/Co multilayers

May 15, 2002
Mark D. Stiles, A Zangwill
We report semi-classical calculations of current polarization, spin accumulation, magnetoresistance, and spin transfer torques in Co/Cu/Co multilayers. A 2 x 2 matrix Boltzman equation is used because the Co layer magnetizations are not necessarily

Numerical Simulation of the Aftereffect of a Co/Pt Bimodal Magneto-Optical Medium

May 15, 2002
Andrew P. Chen, R A. Fry, Edward Della Torre
Moving version of the Preisach-Arrhenius (PA) model function is used to simulate aftereffect in bimodal Co/Pt multilayers. The Co/Pt multilayers are assumed to have two kinds of magnetic phases, each characterized by its own magnetic properties. The Co/Pt

Home Smoke Alarm Tests, Test Series 2, Report of Test 4017

May 10, 2002
Jason D. Averill, Richard D. Peacock, Richard W. Bukowski, Paul A. Reneke
This Report of Test documents the second series of full scale tests conducted as part of research into the performance of smoke alarms. The first series of tests, conducted in a manufactured home, consisted of fifteen experiments with instrumentation

User-Centered Evaluations of Ubicomp Applications

May 8, 2002
Jean C. Scholtz, L Arnstein, M Kim, T Kindberg, Sunny Consolvo
As more evaluations of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) applications are being undertaken researchers are finding that the evaluations are more difficult than those for typical desktop computing applications. In this paper, we discuss some aspects of ubicomp

Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interface on Cycled Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes: Soft X-ray Absorption Study

May 3, 2002
Mahalingam Balasubramanian, James McBreen, Xiao-Qing Yang, H S. Lee, A R. Moodenbaugh, Daniel A. Fischer, Ziwen Fu, D Abraham
Lithium-ion batteries are promising candidates for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). Batteries that exceed the requirements for HEV, as set by the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV), have been designed and built. These batteries are based on

A Droplet Impact Model for Agent Transport in Engine Nacelles

May 1, 2002
P E. DesJardin, Cary Presser, P J. Disimile, J R. Tucker
The overall objective of this research is to gain fundamental knowledge of fire-suppression agent transport in the cluttered environments of aircraft engine nacelles (i.e., hydraulic and electrical lines, mounting brackets, etc.). A new generation of Halon

A Low Noise Latching Comparator Probe for Waverform Sampling Applications

May 1, 2002
David I. Bergman, Bryan C. Waltrip
A new latching comparator probe is described. The probe is being developed as part of an effort to extend voltage measurement capability in the 10 Hz to 1 MHz frequency range. The probe offers an input voltage range of ±10V, input impedance of 1 MΩ}, and

Accelerating Scientific Discovery through Computation and Visualization II

May 1, 2002
James S. Sims, William L. George, Steven G. Satterfield, Howard Hung, John G. Hagedorn, Peter M. Ketcham, Terence J. Griffin
This is the second in a series of articles describing a wide variety of projects at NIST that synergistically combine physical science and information science. It describes, through examples, how the Scientific Applications and Visualization Group (SAVG)

Accuracy and Reproducibility of X-Ray Texture Measurements on Thin Films

May 1, 2002
Mark D. Vaudin, G R. Fox, G -. Kowach
Rocking curve texture measurements were made on thin films of zinc oxide (ZnO) and platinum (Pt) using a powder x-ray diffractometer, and also, in the case of ZnO, an area detector. The intensity corrections for defocussing and other geometric factors were
Displaying 43501 - 43525 of 74849