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Bob R. Keller ()

Program Manager, CHIPS Metrology

Prior to joining CHIPS Metrology, Dr. Keller served as a Group Leader and Project Leader in the Applied Chemicals & Materials Division in NIST's Material Measurement Laboratory, after receiving a National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship in 1993. He has spent time working abroad, first as a visiting scientist at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany from 1991-1992, and later during a NIST sabbatical at the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, Germany from 2000-2001. He holds a B.S. and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, both from the University of Minnesota. Bob's research interests lie in deformation of materials, failure analysis, reliability testing & physics, and electron microscopy.

Professional Activities: 

Symposium Organizer, Advances in Scanning Electron Microscopy: Transmission Modes and Channeling Effects, M & M (2017)

Organizer, NIST-MML Workshop on Electron Microscopy Frontiers: Opportunities and Challenges, NIST (2017)

Organizer, NIST Workshop on Analytical Transmission Scanning Electron Microscopy (2015)

Symposium Organizer, Carbon-Based Electronic Devices – Processing, Performance, and Reliability, MRS (2010) - you will be leaving NIST webspace when selecting this link

Member, Material Measurement Laboratory People Council, NIST (2007 to 2014)

Member, Boulder Editorial Review Board, NIST (2006 to 2009)

Organizer, NIST-NSF-CU Workshop on Materials Characterization for Nanoscale Reliability (2007)

Organizer, NIST-NSF-CU Workshop on Reliability Issues in Nanomaterials (2004)

Member, NIST Research Advisory Committee (1999-2001)

Symposium Organizer, Materials Reliability in Microelectronics VII, MRS (1997) - you will be leaving NIST webspace when selecting this link

Professional society affiliations: Materials Research Society, TMS, Microscopy Society of America

Semiconductor Research Corporation – technical advisory board member, nanoelectronics research initiative team member


CO-LABS Governor's Award for High-Impact Research – 2017

U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Award – 2016

U.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Award – 2008

National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship – 1993

Selected Publications


Advancing Measurement Science for Microelectronics: CHIPS R&D Metrology Program

Marla L. Dowell, Hannah Brown, Gretchen Greene, Paul D. Hale, Brian Hoskins, Sarah Hughes, Bob R. Keller, R Joseph Kline, June W. Lau, Jeff Shainline
The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 called for NIST to "carry out a microelectronics research program to enable advances and breakthroughs....that will accelerate

Orientation Mapping of Graphene Using 4D STEM-in-SEM

Benjamin W. Caplins, Jason D. Holm, Ryan M. White, Robert R. Keller
A scanning diffraction technique is implemented in the scanning electron microscope. The technique, referred to as 4D STEM-in-SEM (four-dimensional scanning
Created August 15, 2019, Updated August 15, 2024