NIST’s state-of-the-art communication anechoic chamber.
The purpose of the Electromagnetic Compatibility & Telecommunications (ECT) LAP is to accredit testing laboratories found capable and competent to perform EMC conformance testing to FCC, MIL-STD, IEC, EN, CISPR and other test method standards that have been and may be added to the program.
The program includes test methods for the testing of both intentional radiators (i.e., radio transmitters) and unintentional radiators (i.e., digital devices), as well as wireless and wired telecommunications products. The program also includes various test methods for conformance, performance and/or interoperability. In addition, the program envelopes test methods that are part of the FCC regulatory requirements associated with radio frequency (RF) safety including specific absorption rate (SAR) and maximum permissible exposure (MPE).
The NVLAP ECT test method standards are grouped into one or more of the following categories. Laboratories may seek accreditation in ECT test methods in any of the areas listed below:
For information on the requirements for accreditation see NIST Handbook 150 as well as NIST Handbook 150-11.
The laboratory shall assure the quality of tests in accordance with NIST Handbook 150-11, and ISO/IEC 17025 sec. 7.7. The results of the quality assurance monitoring will be reviewed by the assessor during the onsite assessment.
Section 7.7.2 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requires a laboratory to “monitor its performance by comparison with results of other laboratories, where available and appropriate.” The ECT LAP does not require a laboratory to participate in a NVLAP-mandated proficiency testing program. Laboratories may choose to organize interlaboratory comparisons among themselves, but NVLAP does not require participation in interlaboratory comparison in the ECT program. If an appropriate interlaboratory comparison becomes available, NVLAP may require participation and will notify all laboratories of requirements.
General information regarding proficiency testing (PT) may be found in section 3.4 of NIST Handbook 150.