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Outages & Updates



System Scheduled Outages


iedison system updates to deploy changes in the system, are currently occurring on Select thursday evenings.  ON thursdays iedison may be down for 15-30 minutes between 8:00-10:00PM Eastern Time.

iEDison Updates

07/18/2024 (v2.0.8) iEdison release 2.0.8 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the "Organization to View Invention" filter in Custom Reports.
  • When a request to void an invention is approved by an Agency Admin or System Admin user, the system will update the Patent Status and Patent Final Rights Determination (under the invention) to "Voided"
  • The user can print the Invention Report in PDF format.
  • Fix the Template Applicability dropdown list.
  • The Confirmatory License button is enabled even if the patent was abandoned.
  • Resolved issues Agency Users were having generating the FOIA Report.
  • The users can generate the Notification 5243/5244 Report in PDF format in Firefox.


  • The Bulk Upload email summary sent to users was reformatted for better readability.
  • Added the following Help menu item to the side menu:
    • User Guides
    • Video Tutorials
    • FAQs
  • The Inventor's dropdown list for assignments to Inventor(s) will only display active accounts.
  • Users can enter foreign filings for the same country on the same day.
  • The following reports are available in CSV format:
    • Frequently Used Data Fields Report 
    • iEdison Invention Compliance Report 
    • Due Dates Report 
    • Notification 5243_5244 Report 
    • Grant Report 
  • Increased the Non-Provisional Application Number to PV+10 digits.
  • Users can tag themselves in a discussion.
  • Created the Commercialized and Manufacturer Exists but No Location Selected Red Flag Report.
  • The System Account Status is consistent with the Document/Certificate dates.
  • The System Account list is sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Removed "Report" from Standard Report Header.
  • Updated Issued Patent Number validation rules to allow update the format to include Design Patent formats D###### and D####### (D followed by 6 and 7 numbers).
  • The field label for “Middle Initial” was changed to “Middle Name/Initial" for inventors.


  • A unique ID was added so some web elements listed in the ticket have a unique ID.
  • Ensured the API account for the primary agency and the UI have the same level of permission and access control.
  • The "id" field is included in the following JSON objects:
    • patent
    • patent.inventors
    • patent.foreignFiling
    • patent.parentPatents
    • patent.explanatoryNotes
    • patent.governmentNotes
  • The Confirmatory License Accept Date and Government Support Clause Accept Date were added to the API.
  • The API Specification document was reviewed and updated for accuracy.

06/06/2024 (v2.0.7) iEdison release 2.0.7 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • The iEdison Inquiry Form now accepts additional special characters in the Organization Name field.  
  • The user will now be able to enter up to 4 digits in in the Fiscal Year field on the Search Utilization page.  
  • The invitation email sent to new users will now contain the date the link expires.
  • The system will now remove previous inventors added via USPTO API when the Patent Application Number is changed.
  • The user can now update existing licensee information in a utilization report, without the system creating new licensees.
  • Fixed bug where information entered when registering organization is not appearing in Registration Details.
  • When a Government Support Clause is rejected, the system will now display a validation message if the required information is not entered and will send a reject notification.  
  • The system will not send duplicate notifications for invention and patent records.


  • Created several new agency reports to assist with reviewing utilization reporting.
  • Agency Notification 5503 was changed from an Informational to an Alert notification.  
  • Waiver ID is now a required field for DOE and NNSA-funded inventions if the Organization
  • Profile specifies that the organization is a large, for-profit organization.  If not entered, an error message will display on Submit.
  • The "Save DOE S Number" button was changed to “Save Invention Report” for Read Only Invention Reports that list DOE and/or its sub agencies as funding agency.
  • Institution users will no longer be able to select Government Takes Title (Award Term) from Title Election Status dropdown menu.
  • The system will now remove any leading and trailing spaces when validating the Email Address field throughout iEdison.
  • The Bulk Upload email summary that is sent to users was re-formatted so it is easier to read.  
  • Bulk Upload API and RESTful APIs were updated to allow users to enter multiple Foreign Filings for the same country.
  • Changed Notification 5504 from Informational to Alert Notification.  
  • Removed "Report" from Standard Report Header since it is redundant.  


  • Integrated with the new US Patent and Trade Office (USPTO) USPTO Open Data Portal (ODP) to better sync with PCT Patents in iEdison.
  • Updated iEdison API to return agency abbreviation instead of agency code for fedAgency.
  • Updated Patent Office List in Bulk Upload API.
  • Updated Country List in RESTful API Document.

04/18/2024 (v2.0.6) iEdison release 2.0.6 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • When the user changes the Title election Status to "Does Not Elect Title", the system will display a message to confirm that associated patent(s) will be marked as Abandoned.
  • The bulk upload email that is sent to users now contains the summary of all the files that were successfully uploaded and the files that failed to upload.
  • Fixed formatting issues in the reminder email for registration that is sent to users.  The date format is now MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Users can save an organization to the "Organization Code for Other Organizations to View Invention and Related Patents" field.  However, users cannot enter/select the same organization twice.
  • Notifications 235 and 245 are now archived properly after they have been acknowledged so the notifications will no longer appear on the weekly report.
  • Fixed issues with bulk uploading foreign filing.
    • Patent Offices can be used as a country.
    • The value for Foreign Filing status is no longer case-sensitive.
    • The acceptable date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
    • The system can accept multiple foreign filings at once. However, it's designed to remove any existing Foreign Filing whenever a user updates the list. Therefore, if a user wants to update the existing Foreign Filing list, they are required to provide the fill Foreign Filing list, including the existing filling.
  • The “Combine Records” checkbox in the custom report screen was moved and renamed to “Use Combine Record Fields” and operating as designed.
  • The authentication email and profile email addresses for an account are correctly updated when the user makes changes to their profile email address.
  • Removed duplicate Licensee Name(s) when sending multiple Create requests using the API to create utilization records.
  • When an invention or patent is voided, all notifications are archived/cleared.
  • Notification 5720s no longer persist if an agency has approved the patent transfer request.  These notifications are now being archived correctly.
  • Removed random characters from the Fields Available selection list when creating a custom report template.
  • Users will no longer receive a Notification 240 if there is a Confirmatory License submitted.
  • Users can upload files to Other Documents without any errors.
  • Users can remove an organization and keywords that contain an apostrophe.
  • The Institution Admin can update the existing saved organization profile with a new organization contact.


  • The system now displays warnings to the agency user reviewing a patent transfer request that the patent may be under different funding agency.
  • Updated the user interface when searching for an invention on the Submit Utilization page:
    •    Added Invention Status column.
    •    Change column header from P. Agency to Primary Agency
    •    Added hover-over text if a utilization report cannot be created based on the invention status.
  • Sorted the list of notifications on the Organization Profile in ascending order, so it is easier to find and view the message types.


  • ID Fields are included for all applicable data items in Invention API responses.
  • The iEdison API swagger.json file was updated to remove the 204-status code reference.
  • Updated the API documentation to include a more detailed explanation of the field mapping for "isInventionUnderFundingAgreement.”

03/07/2024 (v2.0.5) iEdison release 2.0.5 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • The "No Records Found" text was corrected so it no longer appears when documents and records are found.
  • Users are now able to remove invention keywords from invention records.
  • Phone number validation is no longer performed on the Organization Contact Info section.
  • The utilization search is no longer returning incorrect exclusiveLicensees and nonExclusiveLicensees counts.
  • If the user enters more than 20 characters in the UEI input field, the system will now display an error message on the Organization Registration page.
  • The user will no longer receive 5720 alerts when there is no patent transfer requested.
  • New Agency or Organization names are now appearing on the Manage Organization Users page.
  • The contact info entered is now saved to the agency profile.
  • 311 alert was corrected so that the user will no longer receive alert 311 after the utilization report is submitted.
  • The search by Grant Number on Search Patent page was fixed so it searches correctly.
  • The Alert 223 notification is cleared correctly, and the user can upload the Government Support Clause.
  • The error message was fixed when there are multiple patent application dates in patent report.  If the first provisional application date is within 12 months from the first publication date.
  • Alerts 235 and 245 now appear in the Message Number dropdown list when there are 235 and 245 alerts.
  • Inactive user will no longer receive the Weekly Report.
  • The email domain list was updated to include ".energy".
  • The system now allows the transfer/assignment of patent/invention with active notifications.  If the agency approves the transfer or assignment request, the system shall assign all active notifications to the new institution.
  • The system will allow users to filter Invention Reports based on the Election Status when creating the Utilization Report.
  • The Grant Number Format Example sort feature was fixed so it sorts properly.
  • The Date Range in API Search was corrected so it searches the date range specified.
  • Corrected error so that users are now able to save Draft inventions.
  • The system was updated so barred inventions display correctly.  Barred inventions do not allow any changes.  The user tried to make changes but could not save the changes because they did not know the invention was barred.
  • The Request for More Information link in email was fixed so it directs the user to the correct location.
  • The system will now default the utilization reporting year to the year selected.
  • Fixed save invention errors appearing in the production log, causing the initial patent due date not to save correctly.


  • A new report was created for frequently used data fields.
  • The system will automatically trim leading and trailing spaces in search fields.
  • Users can now save an ad hoc generated report as a new report template.
  • Unique invention report titles will no longer include voided report titles.
  • A "Requested by" field was added to the request decision information.
  • Organization users/admins will no longer be allowed to remove funding agreements once the invention has been submitted. This must be done by an agency user/admin.
  • The system will not allow invention disposition to be updated from "barred" to "transferred/assigned".
  • The system will allow the user to export the agency user list to Excel.
  • Tooltips were added for entering budget and reporting codes.
  • The 10,000 records per one custom report output limit was removed.
  • Non primary agency of child invention reports is now able to access patent records.

01/25/2024 (v2.0.4) iEdison release 2.0.4 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • The Contact Person information fields now auto populated with the Administrator's information when completing the registration form and selecting “Contact person same as the administrator” checkbox.

  • Fixed timeout errors that were occurring when generating custom reports.

  • Changed the word "De-activate" to "Inactive" in the System Account Profile page. 

  • Fixed the Zip Code field so that it auto populates if the "Address is the same as the Organization" checkbox is selected.

  • Fixed the validation message for "Grantee/Contractor Org Name" field so that is does not disappear after the Organization Unique Entity ID is entered.

  • The Organization Registration page was fixed so that the State/Province and Zip Code fields for non-US countries are no longer displaying red-lines indicating that the fields are required. 

  • Fixed Alerts 622 and 722 so they no longer display on the transferer’s dashboard if the invention report was transferred to another organization.

  • Allow users to add and inventor to a preexisting draft invention that does not have any inventors entered.

  • Allow users assigned the Agency User (AU) role to change the Domestic Manufacture Waiver value.

  • Fixed a bug where Notification 722s were not being cleared after a transfer is accepted.

  • Fixed a bug where the user was receiving an incorrect error message when updating a patent record. 

  • The system updates the Research Tools Guidelines Agreements Accepted Date to current day's date for Research Tools Guidelines Agreements Accepted Date field when a user updates the First Publication Date if Research Tools Guidelines Agreements Accepted Date field was blank.

  • Fixed a bug where an institution was able to transfer or assign an invention or patent to itself.

  • The system no longer limits the maximum number of licensees in Utilization Reports.

  • Fixed a bug where the USPTO record was not being updated the with the new inventor names when changing the Non-Provisional Application Number field. 

  • Removed “\n” that was appearing in the body text of emails sent regarding invention discussions.


  • Corrected Non-Provisional Patent Extensions so that they are auto approved after 60 days if not rejected as required in the regulations.

  • Updated custom report columns and removed obsolete legacy columns.

  • An  email notification (opt-in) is sent when an invention is unbarred by the Agency Administrator.

  • Removed DOE supplemental questions if “Not Licensed or Commercialized” is selected as Latest Stage of Development.

  • Updated the informational text under Grant Number label on Search Invention/Patent/Utilization page.

  • Updated documentation to indicate agency users can change the Amount of Time Approved in requests. Updated documentation in User Guide to reflect this change.

  • iEdison now allows users to generate and be notified of custom report completion via email.

  • Improved the Custom Report user interface so that it is easier to use and updated the user documentation on how to use the updated custom report feature.

  • Updated the output for the Compliance Report.

  • iEdison now allows Agency Users and Agency Admins to tag agency users in requests.

  • Updated the documentation to reflect changes to patent transfers.

  • iEdison now allows patents to be transferred independently from Invention Report.

  • When a user changes the Type of Patent Application, the system shall display a warning message that changing the type of application will delete some patent information.  The user will have to confirm before proceeding with the change in type.

  • Reviewed the bar process to ensure the correct business rules are implemented and followed when barring an invention.

  • iEdison will automatically generate a name for ad hoc custom reports so that users can easily identify and access the report. 

  • The custom report metadata will not be deleted when the custom report is removed from the custom report user interface.

  • Limited the number of restarts of failed reports to 5.

  • Added details about report retention under the Recently Generated Reports heading in custom reports.

12/14/23 (v2.0.3) iEdison release 2.0.3 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the error message issue when institution admin, iEdison Approver, and the system administrator attempts to add or update the contacts of the Organization Profile.
  • Fixed the bug that was sending incorrect notifications to patents if they have the same Patent Docket Number. The system will now provide an error message if there is another patent with the same patent docket number.
  • Fixed an issue with Custom Report output where the report becomes unreadable when it includes too many columns. The new file type of the Custom Report is csv file.
  • Fixed a bug to allow applicants to reply to more than one question during the Org. Registration review process.
  • Fixed a bug to maintain Application Number and Patent Application Date after modifying the application number and USPTO sync is performed.
  • Fixed a bug to update the inventor list after application number is modified and USPTO sync is performed.
  • Fixed the bug to ensure correct information in the Utilization Report Standard Report.
  • Fixed the bug to update the initial patent due date when the title election date was changed.
  • Fixed the bug to ensure the Does Not Retain Title Other Reason field was enabled when a user changed Title Election Status from Elect to Retain Title to Does Not Retain Title.
  • Fixed the validation message so a user can submit a new or corrected invention disclosure document in iEdison API if the current disclosure document has not been accepted.
  • Fixed the API search so that a Grant Number listed "OTHER" as a funding agency for an invention can be used as a filter.
  • Updated the Invention/Patent/Utilization Tree display so that voided invention reports appear greyed out rather than in color. 
  • Fixed the bug where error 500 is shown when users with some role types were attempting to view system account in TEST, UAT and Production.
  • Fixed the bug on Custom Report where the error message incorrectly stated the report output was more than 10,000 rows.
  • Fixed the bug to enable users to delete a draft invention report.
  • Fixed the bug to ensure users who have roles with multiple organizations are able to invite a new user to one of the organizations they manage.
  • Fixed the bug that prevented an Institution Administrator from deactivating a user. 
  • Updated the API documentation for the Utilization API to clarify that manufacturingWaiver field is required. 
  • Added max length to product name in the submit new utilization API.
  • Fixed validation errors and inconsistencies regarding utilization on the API where validation error returns for non-required fields.
  • Fixed a bug on the API where the system was combining the state and country name when creating a utilization record.
  • Fixed a bug regarding patent transfer so that all alerts and notifications associated with the patent are properly linked to the new invention record.
  • Fixed inconsistencies between V1 and V2 API utilization submissions for NAICS codes, manufacturing CommProds, and manufacturers productLocation.
  • Fixed typos found on the growl message on the iEdison Registration Confirmation page.
  • Implemented validation check to ensure Bulk Upload blocks users from creating an invention with an existing Invention Docket Number.


  • Improved session logout warning dialog timer so users will be notified when the session is idle for more than 30 minutes. Users will not be logged out if they have multiple browser tabs, but they are actively using the application on one of the tabs.
  • Enhanced the display of patent transfer information so the Patent Transfer Request information is more informative.
  • Allow institution users to upload a new Confirmatory License/Government Support Clause document in API when the patent status is Abandoned/Intent to Abandon.
  • Added the “Reviewing” status to default search results in the Requests search page.
  • Updated the rules to ensure notifications are cleared when an invention with Notification 310 becomes a child invention.
  • Updated the error messages for Bulk Upload to make them easier for users to understand.
  • Updated Compliance Report to list notifications by their notification number. 
  • Updated the Extension Requests dropdown list from 3-month intervals to monthly intervals.
  • Created a new notification to inform organizations when the agency modifies the Extension Time Requested by the organization.
  • Removed "Total Gross Sales" field from the bottom of Utilization reporting for years 2022 and older.

New Features:

  • Implemented a preview feature that allows the user to preview documents in PDF format without having to download the document first to view it.

11/02/23 (v2.0.1) iEdison release 2.0.1 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected Title Election due date on imported Invention Report.
  • Utilization API no longer inserts null values into the non-nullable field utilization.is_draft.
  • Corrected typo "United Sates" in error message email.
  • Sorting function on the Bulk Upload page now working.
  • Added missing Utilization fields to Bulk Upload.
  • Alert 290 now shows the action icon in the Dashboard.
  • Custom Report and Notification report download animation now showing.
  • EXPORT_EIR_VW now utilizes the new EIR_BUDGET_IDENTIFIER table for weekly export reports.
  • Reviewed and improved the access_utilization_vw view.
  • Data fields and validation message now populating on the manage organization page.
  • Empty upload dates for CL, GSC, and ID documents resolved.
  • 5220 alerts without active 220 alerts now cleared.
  • Notification 5265 now displayed.
  • Patent transfer now allowed with certain outstanding alert notifications.
  • FOIA report error corrected.
  • "Edit" button for user roles in User Profile now present.
  • Corrected problem with uploading Invention Disclosure documents after rejection.
  • System no longer generates duplicate patent docket numbers.
  • Notification messages no longer contain erroneous special characters (e.g., "<>").
  • Sent email timestamp, grammar, and link errors in invitation email resolved.
  • New Utilization records now have populated journal field, CREATOR_ID, and CREATED_DATE.
  • Notification alert 310 f_get_first_FY function updated.
  • Investigated and resolved issue of 5290 alerts appearing when there is no document for the invention.
  • Corrected 235 not generating after approving GSC.
  • Corrected agencies not being notified when documents are uploaded to Invention Reports in "Read Only" status.
  • Reset button on the Custom Report page now clears all fields.
  • Corrected patent docket records not being displayed.
  • Non-provisional extension requests for inventions with Bayh-Dole Regulation Version 2018 now auto-approved after 60 days.
  • 160 notification now present for barred child inventions.
  • Added Funding Agreement Number length validation.
  • Message type 201 now present in the notification search.
  • Add Parent Patent pop-up now correctly shows available patents.
  • Limit on JSF views per user session increased without causing a performance or memory issue.
  • Server error message changed to a validation warning on the Custom Report.
  • Agency admin users no longer get Error 500 when opening the Manage System Account page.
  • Invention discussion reports now sorted by latest message.
  • Corrected incorrect/missing comments in files.
  • Corrected incorrect message in AdminScheduler.resumeJob.
  • iEdison Super Admin users can now run scheduled jobs in the TEST environment.


  • Added a "Save As Draft" option in the UI for utilization reporting.
  • Added DOE questions to Bulk Upload version 1.
  • Updated rules to not generate 233 alert notifications if child patent PCT has an accepted GSC.
  • Corrected the misspelled word "Insufficient" in API patent filing.
  • Allowed edits to comments for rejected requests.
  • Added export limit for alert notification or info notifications on dashboard and notification search to avoid degraded database performance.
  • Updated error messages on the database by adding a period (.) at the end of all validation error messages.
  • Improved the default UI in the notification search screen.
  • Reclassified notifications 5504 and 5900 from informational to alerts.
  • Added outstanding notifications on the compliance report.
  • Added N/A to compliance report for notifications that do not have a due date.
  • Regression tested script to submit utilization report.
  • Input the "Save as Draft" option into the requirements document.
  • Updated email template 1003 for registration confirmation email.
  • Excluded draft utilizations from notification 310 and 5310 views and process.
  • Updated the print invention layout.
  • Made ownership control type mandatory during organization registration.
  • Allowed multiple grant numbers to be searched in invention disclosure search.
  • Investigated and updated the rules for alert 5125.
  • Required both the expiration date and expiration status in order for a nonprovisional Patent Status to be set to “Expired”.
  • Excluded draft utilizations from the custom, weekly, and standard reports.
  • Removed the additional table header between pages on the standard report.
  • Removed headline from email when there are no notifications to display.
  • Made changes to iEdison compliance report.
  • Enhanced the name search suggest feature to return all agencies containing the name that is searched.
  • Added ID attributes to missing web elements.

10/02/23 (v2.0.0) iEdison release 2.0.0 includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

New Features:

  • The new utilization functionalities allow a user to enter the modified financial and utilization information.
  • The UI allows for the creation and update of newly designed utilization reports.
  • The API allows retrieval, creation, and update of newly designed utilization reports.
  • The bulk upload allows creation and update of newly designed utilization reports.
  • The legacy utilization questions continue to be available in the iEdison UI for utilizations prior to 2023 but use the new utilization questions for utilizations 2023 and beyond.
  • The legacy API is available for retrieval, creation, and update of legacy data prior to 2023.
  • The bulk upload of legacy utilization records is available for utilizations prior to 2023 but is replaced with the new utilization questions for 2023 and beyond.

09/28/23 (v2.0.0) iEdison release 2.0.0 resolves several bugs, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated all records that contained the "01/1/1950" date to N/A.
  • Fixed the Organization Registration "Ask Question Feature".
  • Added validation checks to the Invention Save function.
  • Corrected restriction on Organization users from changing/updating the Title Election Status based on the Invention Report Status via API.
  • Fixed the GSC and CL document download function.
  • Enhanced the request creator (First Name, Last Name) display and changed the column header name from "Creator Name" to "Requested By."
  • Fixed the 130 alerts for rejected disclosure documents that was not being generated.
  • Fixed the Address (Attest) button so that it does not show up until the invention is barred.
  • Reordered the discussion/comment button.
  • Fixed the Invention Disclosure Upload/Replace function.
  • Prevented duplicate inventors in patent reports.
  • Fixed the issue where Organization admins were not able to enable the bulk upload functionality in their profile.
  • Fixed Invention Report Validation Error when saving First Publication Date.
  • Fixed 240 alerts that were still appearing after being deactivated.
  • Fixed Opt-in email that was not working for tagged users in Invention Discussion.


  • Enhanced the validation on non-provisional patent application number.
  • Added new API fields specific to DOE.
  • Enhanced database verbiage messages.
  • Modified Utilization Reporting Date (FY column) Display on Compliance Report.
  • Organization Name Changes are now tracked.
  • Updated Title Election Due Date Wording.
  • Users can now choose how to display fields with multiple entries in Custom reports.
  • Removed unnecessary columns from the Weekly report.
  • Changed "Current" label to "Displaying" in the invention/patent/utilization tree.
  • Compiled a list of error, validation, and growl messages for review and correction.
  • Updated validation messages verbiage.

8/24/23 (v1.0.38) iEdison release 1.0.38 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the bug that caused the Invention Title Election status to not update to Voided when a void request was approved by an agency user.
  • Fixed the iEdison API to return all invention, patent, and utilization records if the agency is listed as a funding agency. The agency can be Primary Funding agency or Non-Primary Funding agency.
  • Fix a bug where users were unable to upload Confirmatory License and Government Support Clause documents if the patent was transferred from another organization.
  • Fixed the grammatical errors displayed for system validation error messages when an Invention Report was submitted via API.
  • Enabled the checkbox used to select the Invention Record when adding a utilization report. A user can click the check box, under the search function, on the 'Add Utilization Report' page to select the invention record to report on.
  • Fixed the bug where an Institution User/Admin were unable to add a utilization report for barred inventions.
  • Fixed the bug where uploading a Confirmatory License for a grant was not updating the Confirmatory License Execution Date to current date. An Institution User/Admin can also go into the invention report and manually change the Confirmatory License Execution Date after uploading the new Confirmatory License document.
  • Fixed the bug that was clearing the value entered into the “…total income received…” field when creating a utilization record.


  • Ensure the iEdison application syncs with USPTO immediately after the patent application number or patent number being updated in the UI. The system displays the information pulled in from USPTO, including the status of the patent application or patent, the inventors, and the claims.
  • Updated the Grant Report to list multiple organizations if the grant number is associated with records from more than one organization. In addition, the report is now showing Issued Patent Docket numbers.
  • Created a FAQ list with error messages and possible solutions for iEdison API users. The list helps users to quickly troubleshoot common errors faced by API users.

07/27/23 (v1.0.37) iEdison release 1.0.37 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the connection refused error showing up for virus scan.
  • Fixed notification 233 deactivation rule to prevent from being generated if it has already been deactivated.


  • Added the display of the full name of the request creator on the patent report request section when an institution admin or user creates a Transfer, Election Extension, or Void request.
  • Updated a new PKI Certificate, HydrantID, by reviewing, approving, and adding to the list of authorized certificate issuers.
  • Improved the way the Add Request drop down List populates the option items.

07/06/23 (v1.0.36) iEdison release 1.0.36 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Ensured Patent Transfer Requests displayed data available for listed fields, such as Institution Code.
  • Fixed an issue with “Notification 720 – A patent Transfer Request has been approved” where an organization user was unable to clear the notification because the Acknowledge button was hidden. Updated to ensure the button is displayed once the funding agency has approved the patent transfer request.
  • Correct the Custom Report output to ensure all inventions are correctly listed in the report. Some reports being excluded when only invention fields were selected was also fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where the application was allowing a patent to link to itself as a parent/child.
  • Fixed an issue in Agency Weekly Report where there are instances of duplicated user notes when the notes were added via API.
  • Fixed the issue with the Review button for “Notification 290 – New document have been uploaded by an agency for you to review.” The notification shall now be cleared after a user clicks on Review button to view the document.
  • Fixed the issue on Add Utilization page where users were unable to select the applicable Invention Record.
  • Fixed the Invention Disposition dropdown menu to remove duplicate options.


  • Add new columns in the Agency Weekly Report to display the UEI number of the organization listed in the report and the sub-contract organization.
  • Corrected Notification 23 a new G3 to ensure when a new Government Support Clause document is uploaded, the application clears any previous accept/reject dates regarding the previous GSC document and moves them to the “History” button.
  • Fixed Grant Report so that all the parent and child inventions and all associated patents listing the requested funding are accurately displayed in the report output.
  • Fixed the issue where a funding agency was unable to view patents when they have funded the child invention but not the parent invention.

New Features:

  • Added a new feature where organization users can Attest that an invention is Barred because no patent application was filed for the invention before the end of the statutory period. After completing the Attestation process, Notification 160 shall be cleared for the invention.
  • Added a new agency notification (No. 5800) to notify agency users of any updates regarding the Patent Final Determination Rights status when auto-updated when the contractor has changed the Patent Status to “Abandoned/Intent to Abandon” and the USPTO status also indicates that the patent or application has been abandoned or allowed to lapse.

06/21/23 (v1.0.35) iEdison release 1.0.35 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that causes left menu to collapse and expand when a user refreshes the page after selecting to pin the left menu using the Menu Anchor icon.
  • Fixed the permission and access control used for Government Notes section on Invention/Patent Report Details page. The system now determines who can view comments or uploaded documents based on which funding agency the user belongs. Users that belong to non-primary funding agency cannot view comments and documents uploaded by primary funding agency and vice versa.
  • Fixed a validation error message displayed for multiple CON (Continuation) patent that were migrated to new iEdison (NIST) without a parent patent. Also ensured the UI, API, and Bulk Upload use identical validation rules when creating and/or updating a CON patent record.
  • Updated the API response to provide a clear validation error messages that instruct users to iEdison Drupal FAQ for details.
  • Fixed a bug where discussion threads are not being closed properly, causing Notifications to still be sent out to users even after the discussion has ended.


  • Added a reference link to Department of Commerce (DOC) website to meet a business requirement that states publicly accessible application (i.e. iEdison) that directs users to Vulnerability Disclosure Policy page (
  • Updated the Notification/Message columns to show as a hyperlink that navigates users to the Invention or Patent Report Details page the notification is associated with.
  • Added the Disposition Status for all inventions listed in the Agency Weekly Export report that is auto generated by the application.
  • Added “Transfer To” and “Transfer From” fields to the Invention Search service of the iEdison API.

06/08/23 (v1.0.34) iEdison release 1.0.34 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Removed the dual instances of "Title Election Status" on the Manage Invention Report View Page. Each invention shall only have one field for “Title Election Status”.
  • Fixed issue with Print Invention Report functionality. Users shall be able to print an invention record directly from Search Inventions page OR using the Actions menu while viewing an Invention Report.
  • Fixed the issue with USASpending API integration with iEdison where a valid funding award/grant number doesn’t return accurate information from USASpending API.
  • Fixed the patent filing date and serial number alignment issue so that both data can be vertically aligned in the Grant Report.
  • Corrected alert notification 280 to accurately reflect the filing requirements and guidelines.
  • Fixed Patent Status values displayed on the UI to correctly correspond with patent status values listed in the database.
  • Fixed pagination issues on Notification Search page. Users can now easily traverse between pages without duplicate records in the search result.
  • Fixed a bug in the Standard Report - Due Date Report so the report will not include a blank page as a first page.
  • Updated the iEdison API Activity Record table to use AUTH_SYSTEM_USER_ID instead of USER_ID when recording any updates to Invention, Patent and Utilization records. This fix ensures that the recorded activity accurately reflects the actions taken by the system account.
  • Fixed the issue iEdison API users faced when a “null” value is included in the JSON request file. The API now treat JSON “null” value as empty for all JSON fields.
  • Removed duplicate "Institution Retain Rights" option in the Patent Status drop down.
  • Removed “null” values in column is_spending_verified of the table eir_grant so the Error 500 isn’t displayed when attempting to view the Invention Report Details page.

New Features:

  • Populated Information from to Improve iEdison Data Matches. Implemented a feature that populates fields in iEdison with data from to improve matching algorithms.
  • Added informational message to the discussion panel to inform users to contact the help desk if they believe they received a discussion notification message in error.
  • Added an "Acknowledge" button to allow users to acknowledge and clear notifications on the Dashboard or Notification Search.

05/26/23 (v1.0.33) iEdison release 1.0.33 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected the rules used for daily batch job to update the Invention Disposition status of inventions to Barred or remove Barred status.
  • Resolved accessing the Organization Registration page. Users were navigated to Dashboard page when they click on Register Your Organization button on Homepage (
  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing users to save after a new Parent-Patent relationship added to an existing patent.
  • Fixed a bug that affected users when they're creating a new patent. Users were unable to create a new patent with authorized institution added.
  • Increased the height of rows for Standard Report - Grant Report to display all patent application numbers listed for a patent.
  • Fixed Standard Report - Activity Report so that the application generates and displays a report with appropriate data.
  • Fixed an exception error users face when saving the organization profile with new contact person address.


  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 160 - Based on the "Date of First Publication, Sale, or Public Use" provided in the Invention Report, patent rights is or will be barred on the due date.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 233 - A submitted Government Support Clause is Rejected.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 200 - An Initial Patent Application must be timely filed.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 234 - Confirmatory License is not accepted.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 240 - A Confirmatory License is missing for a patent filing in this record.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 260 - The Provisional Filing is due to expire.
  • Corrected the rules and conditions used for generating and clearing Notification 265 - A Non-Provisional Patent must be timely filed.

05/12/23 (v1.0.32) iEdison release 1.0.32 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Fixed the Inventor Name field on Search Invention page so that it returns all applicable invention records for the provided name.
  • Removed duplicate discussion rows generated for one comment on Invention Discussion page.
  • Fixed displayed values for Due Date Type column on Standard report - Due Dates Report. The report shall now include the correct patent due date type; for ex. Provisional Due Date, Non- Provisional Due Date, or PCT Due Date
  • Investigated why Organization Weekly Recap emails aren't generated and sent out in Test and UAT. Users with appropriate permission can now trigger the Weekly Recap emails for Agencies and Organizations.
  • Fixed Error 500 for agency users (Users/Admins) when downloading Custom Report. All user roles shall now be able to generate custom reports.
  • The system now correctly classifies emails sent by the iEdison system on Email Log page.
  • Fixed the issue with Organization User/Admin being unable to run Grant Report. All user roles shall now be able to run Grant Report as long as the grant number is tied to the agency or organization they belong to.
  • Fixed sorting feature on Manage System Accounts list. Users can now sort the list using any of the table headers.
  • Fixed Bulk upload tool to so that it can correctly populate First Publication/Sale/Public Use Date.
  • Investigated and fixed a discussion threads that were closed by the application with no user input. Implemented rules to limit when the application can close a discussion.
  • Fixed user ability to move a patent to another invention within their own organization.
  • Agency and Organization Admins will now be able to submit another System User Account registration if previous registrations were rejected or expired.
  • Investigated reported performance issues for organization registration process. Unable to reproduce the issue; however, we have added informational message to notify the user when the system is in the process of submitting a registration.
  • Fixed Open Requests section on Dashboard page to remove requests with the Closed status. Requests with Approved, Rejected, and Voided status will no longer be listed in Open Requests section.
  • Fixed daily scheduled bar job to prohibit the system from archiving Notification 120 messages.


  • Message descriptions are now added to API responses when using iEdison Notification Search API service.
  • Invention Title field is added to the Standard Report - iEdison Compliance report.
  • Increased the record limit in Custom Reports to 10,000 records. Also added alert message to notify users when the report reaches the 10,000 record limit.

New Features:

  • Added a new notification message for cases where request to transfer an invention from one organization to another organization is rejected by the recipient organization.
  • Enabled Generate button for read-only patent with Abandoned/Intent to Abandon status.

04/28/23 (v1.0.31) iEdison release 1.0.31 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Resolved a bug related to utilization records created using Bulk Upload not showing up on UI even when Bulk Upload status indicated "Processed Successfully."
  • Fixed Invention Compliance Report output not to mix the Confirmatory License and Government Support Clause values.
  • Resolved a bug related to Bulk Upload tool to allow users to create utilization reports.
  • Resolved an error message that may cause the auto logout feature to not work properly.
  • Rejected transfer requests by receiving organization are now listed on Requests page.


  • Added a display scrollbar to Bulk Upload View Summary popup dialog to allow users to view multiple records.
  • Allow users to view the full Request Reasons/Comments that are > 500 characters.
  • Aligned Organization Ownership Control Type label and dropdown on Org Registration Page
  • Included UEI information in API Response when using the iEdison API.
  • Enabled funding agency of child invention to view the parent invention's patents and utilizations.
  • Migrated legacy extension requests into the current iEdison Requests.

New Features:

  • Added the capability for agency users/admins to receive email notifications when the extensions are requested.

04/14/23 (v1.0.30) iEdison release 1.0.30 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Enabled Institution Admin to deny transfer requests
  • Enabled agency read only user to have access to invention/patent/utilization records if their agency is listed as non-primary funding agency
  • Enabled user to change the invention status to “Does Not Retain Title” even if the invention disclosure is rejected
  • Custom Report output includes records with permission to allow Other Organizations to View Invention and Related Patents
  • Removed duplicate inventor name suggestions in the Add Inventor tool
  • Investigated why email notification regarding comment posted to an invention was sent to wrong user
  • Child invention is barred if patent isn't filed for parent invention within one year of the publication date of the child invention
  • Added new rule to the initial patent due date source codes for invention


  • Resolved strange characters in the invention search page
  • Updated API Documentation for required fields and remove fields no longer used
  • Added validation error message when updating Application Date to more than 1 year from First Publication/Sale/Public Use Date of Barred Invention
  • Added "Expired" as a new status for Foreign Filing status
  • Changed "Invention Report Date" label to "Invention Reported to Organization Date" on Invention Search page

03/30/23 (v1.0.29) iEdison release 1.0.29 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bugs fixes:

  • Investigate and fix Bulk Upload tool to create utilization reports
  • Remove duplicate audit records for user login event that are added into the database by the system
  • Update the invitation flag when a newly invited user accepts an invitation and navigates to core dashboard/application
  • Accepted Invention Void Request does not have the right status
  • Ensure new user details are displayed on Confirm dialogue window on Invite New User page
  • Fix incorrect Extension Date displayed for Non-Provisional Patent Extension requests
  • Investigate why some notifications are not showing up in Dashboard. Also, fix weekly reminder emails to remove non-applicable alerts
  • Update application to redirect user to iEdison Dashboard page if the user clicks on the acceptInvitation link which has been previously accepted
  • Fix null pointer exception caused by outdated flag on patent Confirmatory License
  • Display Invention Disposition Status of a Retired Disposition Status selection on UI
  • Fix UI display issues of iEdison when using Safari browser on Mac
  • Enable Agency User/Admin to set invention status to "Government Takes Title (Award Terms)"
  • Remove duplicate records in the weekly utilization report
  • Investigate and fix why auto logout dialog appears soon after login


  • Notification 100/5110 - update daily job creation, clearance, and real-time action creation
  • Update iEdison API for Patent Foreign Filing validation message for countryName, status, and filingDate
  • Notification 120/5120 - update daily job creation, clearance, and real-time action creation
  • Migrate Budget Identifiers from EIR.BR_CODE to EIR_BUDGET_IDENTIFIER Table
  • Change EIR.PATENT_ACT_TYPE to mandatory field where NULL is not allowed. Also, the default value of 2 will be set for records with Bayh-Dole Regulation Version 2018
  • Expand Request Reasons/Comments section for better usability
  • Update the design/structure of parent-to-child relationship for patent table 'PATENT_ASSOCIATION'
  • Modify PARENT_EIR Column in EIR Table to Use primary key EIR_ID Instead of EIRNUM

New Features:

  • Collect Organization Ownership Control Type during Org Registration and allow iEdison Approver and System Admin to update value once the organization is successfully enrolled
  • Implement new RESTful service to enable users to search notifications

03/16/23 (v1.0.28) iEdison release 1.0.28 resolves several bugs and includes new features and enhancements to the application, including the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • Re-uploading a valid certificate for a System Account no longer causes the system account to be expired.
  • Child inventions are now prevented from having Barred as Title Election Status if the parent invention is not Barred.
  • The system now allows Institution User/Administrator, Agency User/Administrator to see the "Add Patent" link under the Invention Search, Manage Invention page under Action dropdown menu, and Invention/Patent/Utilization graph.
  • Custom Report output shall match results generated using the same filters used on iEdison UI. Upcoming release will include records where organization have granted other organizations view-only access to invention and related patents.
  • Notification 280 shall be cleared when a PCT application is mixed with a Patent with PROV as the application type.
  • Fixed bug to that prevented users from running a Saved Custom Report when Sort Criteria is used.


  • Updated the iEdison API to include new fields, such as Budget and Report Codes, that are available for an invention record on the iEdison UI. The API search criteria has also been updated to allow search using attributes lastUpdatedFrom and lastUpdatedTo.
  • 'Title Election Date' field is now editable to Agency Users and Agency Administrators.
  • Updated the verbiage in the alert message when the Reset button is clicked.
  • Formatting and readability updates for Standard Report - Notification 5243/5244 Report.
  • Sub-award information is removed from General Information section of Grant Report. Also, US Patent Applications section now reads Invention Report Number header instead of Static Text.
  • Removed the default primary agency setting in the search screens for Invention, Patent, Utilization, Document, and Requests

New Features:

  • iEdison API now allows users to search for an uploaded document using the following additional parameters: lastUpdatedDate, lastUpdatedFrom, lastUpdatedTo.
  • Added a feature to allow users to print Utilization Report

02/23/23 (v1.0.27) - deployed updates to address issues, including (but not limited to): Update token encryption; Investigate and implement better way to pick.unpick inventors names; Update Production AWS Security Groups for ALB, EC2, and RDS with limit access instead of ALL IPs;  Remove 2 times reject limit from GSC and CL; Patent drag-and-drop should work for Read Only Inventions; Search External Organizations by Org Code; View System Account profile does not populate client name; Print Invention PDF doesn't include Funding Agreement info; Choose Confirmatory License Button not displayed when the document is outdated; NullPointerException with onEditFundingAgreementDialogUpdateButtonClicked; Exception with validateAndGenerateNewFundingAgreement; Exception with onReturnOfSubmitConfirmDialog; Provide better API error message on System Account's login failure; Custom reports - filter columns should also be sortable; Unable to download documents; Profile resource file; Append Invention Report Number to Other Document types on upload; API Invention search results does not change; Access control issue for test accounts on; User Note (Discussion) shows an incorrect user name; Investigate and fix Advanced Search on Manage Organization Registrations page; Invention Report not found if the primary agency is no longer active but another agency funding exists; Align State and User Role fields on Invite New User page; Custom Report does not show Budget Code; Custom report didn't return all records; User Explanatory Note carries inconsistent information; Export of EIR numbers no longer available on the weekly report; Action button on Invention Void not visible; Change Password Link in My Profile pointing to's test site; Title Election Status pop up; Add ID for the following web elements; and Change the 160 alert language to "is or will be barred".

01/26/23 (v1.0.25) - deployed updates to address issues, including (but not limited to): Add export feature to Patent search result page; Updated Inventor not included on newly generated confirmatory license; Random Server 500 error on Login; Unable to search for invention by award number; Prevent Double submission for the profile save buttons; Update notification 233 create and clear requirements; Patent View has duplicate Funding Agreement listed; Create new sequence for Fed_Org to have an exclusive range on org_ids; Deselect primary agency toggle on Add Funding Agreement popup when the Agency is OTHER; Update login failure message to include generic descript on the common errors and link for users to review; Review Production Invention NIH Status for "Government Takes Title (Award Terms)" and update new Title Election Status to match; allow iEdison approver and admin users to search between active and inactive agency; Search for users failed when the user has multiple roles; Bulk Upload - Add patent note to existing record not working; UPDATE EIR.extension_days SQL statement failed; Printing of invention report bug; Alert 622 (An Invention Transfer Request is waiting on your acceptance) is sent to the transferrer not the transferee; Correct author name not added when using Bulk Upload to add a note; User reported not being able to add additional parent patents; Update the Registration Feedback Received email notification to iedison [at] (iedison[at]nist[dot]gov); Remove 2 times reject limit from GSC and CL; Unable to upload the confirmatory license or invention disclosure or patent application; Remove quotation mark on message_id=21610; Update "Discussions with Notifications" filter value requirements; Update/Add ID attributes for submit utilization; Update Notification 200 Rules

01/12/23 (v1.0.24) - deployed updates to address issues, including (but not limited to):  Allow users to upload multiple attachments on a request; Allow search by multiple Grant Numbers; Add prevention on duplicate email address during new org or individual inventor registration; Domestic Manufacture Waiver Request 'Both' display as reason; Allow Grant Number search with middle wildcard term; Title Election Due Date listed under the Invention Status Section of the Invention Report is not updating to the new date when a Title Election Extension has been granted; Allow a notification per discussion thread; 233 notifications are showing when not supposed to; Employee agency doesn't refresh in table after adding a fed employee inventor; Clear notification message 120 and 5120 on real time; Title Election Status "Government Takes Title (Award Terms)" included in API; USPTO synchronizing process Incorrectly set patent filing date(s) to blank; Inventor entry name menu doesn't match with Invention search by name menu; Invention search by inventor name result doesn't match the filter criteria; Check weekly export job to see if it ran correctly in Production; Agency User search Assignee field slow on Invention Discussions page; Notification 240 not working; Registration contact message character increase

Previous iEdison Updates (2022)



Created August 16, 2021, Updated July 23, 2024