7:30 amRegistration and Networking Continental Breakfast
8:30 amOpening Plenary Session
Andrew Inman, Toyota
Carl Byington, Impact Technologies/Sikorsky
William Marscher, Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
David Siegel, Predictronics Corp.
10:30 amBreak
10:45 amPanel 2: Performance Assessment – Monitoring and Measurement
Harry Kekedjian, Ford Motor Company
Kai Goebel, NASA
William Sobel, System Insights
John Oskin, Sage Clarity
11:45 amMorning Wrap up and Instructions for Breakout Sessions
Joan Pellegrino, Energetics Incorporated
11: 50 amLunchNIST Cafeteria, Bldg. 101
Breakout Sessions
After lunch, participants will move to their assigned breakouts:
- PHM Manufacturing Process Techniques and MetricsBldg. 217, Rm. H105
- PHM Performance AssessmentBldg. 215, Rm. C103-106
- PHM Infrastructure – Hardware, Software, and IntegrationBldg. 217, Rm. H103
1:00 pm Breakout Session I: Desired Capabilities
Envisioned future: What capabilities do we want and need the most
Flexible Break
3:00 pmBreakout Session II: Challenges and Barriers for Achieving the Capabilities
Barriers limiting implementation and/or integration Measurement and standards barriers, challenges, and gaps
4:30 pmAdjourn Day 1
5:15-7:15 pmOptional no-host networking dinner at the Dogfish Head Alehouse (across from NIST's Main Gate) Note: Please let Brian Weiss know by lunchtime if you will be joining the evening group.
7:45 amNetworking Continental Breakfast
8:30 amPlenary Session
8:35 amKeynote Presentation: Recent Advances and Transformation Direction of PHM
Jay Lee, University of Cincinnati
9:05 amPanel 3: PHM and the Human Element
Moderator ~ Patrick Brown, University of Cincinnati
Panelists ~
Thomas Mooney, SOAR Engineering LLC
Andrew Hess, The Hess PHM Group
10:05 amTransition Break
Breakout Sessions
Participants will return to their assigned breakouts:
- PHM Manufacturing Process Techniques and MetricsBldg. 217, Rm. H105
- PHM Performance AssessmentBldg. 215, Rm. C103-106
- PHM Infrastructure – Hardware, Software, and IntegrationBldg. 217, Rm. H103
10:20 amBreakout Session III: Prioritization of Challenges
Review, clarify, and vote on the top challenges
Determine R&D priorities
Identify standardization priorities
11:45 amBox Lunch
12:30 pmBreakout Session IV: Pathways for Measurement Science Roadmap
R&D, standards, and other approaches for addressing priority challenges
Next steps and actionable plan
2:00 pmPlenary Session
Brian Weiss, NIST
3:15 pmAdjourn Workshop
3:30 pmOptional briefing on NIST Robotic Systems for Smart Manufacturing Program
Note: Please let Brian Weiss know if you wish to attend the briefing.