Conference Proceedings
Using Size-Frequency Distributions to Analyze Fire Regimes in Florida
Author(s): Holmes, T.P., J.P. Prestemon, D.T. Butry, D.E. Mercer, and K.L. Abt.
Year of Publication: 2004
Page Number: p.88-94
Proceedings Title: Fire in Temperate, Boreal, and Montane Ecosystems, Proceedings of the Tall Timbers 22
nd Fire Ecology Conference
Proceedings Editor(s): R.T. Engstrom and W.J. de Groot
Conference Dates/Location: 2001 October 15-18; Kananaskis Village, Alberta, Canada.
Conference Sponsors: Tall Timbers Research Station and the Canadian Forest Service
Prescribed Burning and Wildfire Risk in the 1998 Fire Season in Florida
Author(s): Pye, J.M., J.P. Prestemon, D.T. Butry, and K.L. Abt.
Year of Publication: 2003
Page Number: p. 15-26
Proceedings Title: Fire, Fuel Treatments, and Ecological Restoration: Conference Proceedings
Proceedings Editor(s): Omi, P.N., Joyce, L.A.
Serial Title: Proceedings RMRS-P-29
Conference Dates/Location: 2002 April 16-18; Fort Collins, CO.
Conference Sponsors: Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Prescribed Fire in the Interface: Separating the People from the Trees
Author(s): Butry, D.T., J.M. Pye, and J.P. Prestemon
Year of Publication: 2002
Page Number: p. 132-136
Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference
Proceedings Editor: K. Outcalt
Serial Title: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48
Conference Dates/Location: 2001 March 20-22; Knoxville, TN
Conference Sponsors: Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station
Welfare Implications of Tropical Forest Conservation: The Case of Ruteng Park
Author(s): Butry, D.T. and S.K. Pattanayak
Year of Publication: 2000
Page Number: p.115-122
Proceedings Title: Timberland Investments: Improving the Odds: Proceedings of the 1999 Southern Forest Economics Workshop
Proceedings Editor(s): Munn, Ian A., Bullard, Steven H., Grado, Stephen C., Grebner, Donald L.
Conference Dates/Location: 1999 April 18-20; Biloxi, MS. Mississippi
Conference Sponsors: State University, Department of Forestry, Forest and Wildlife Research Center