Start with a deeper understanding of your organization. Decide on your mission and vision and what groups of people are important. Understand your strengths, internal weaknesses and external challenges.
Share your vision and lead your organization—leadership is behavior and actions, not a position. Determine your values. Communicate and listen to employees and customers. Obey the law and fulfill your responsibilities to the public.
Prepare for the future. Develop specific objectives and measurable goals. Identify and consider innovative ideas. Decide on the actions your organization must take to reach its objectives. Monitor your progress and adapt if needed.
Engage with your customers. Find out customers' expectations by listening to them. Use that information to design your products and services. Measure customer satisfaction and resolve complaints. Measure likelihood they will remain your customer.
Use data and information to make decisions. Decide on a few measures. Start making decisions based on information. Make data and information available. Share best practices and protect your data and information systems.
Engage and empower your people. Support your workforce with compensation, policies and a safe workplace. Offer ways for workforce members to learn and progress.
Establish operations that deliver high-quality products and services. Design work as regular, repeatable steps. Regularly evaluate and improve processes. Control the costs of operations. Work with suppliers and prepare for disasters and emergencies.
Measure your results and find out how well you are doing. Track results for trust in leadership, ethical behavior, legal compliance, customer satisfaction, repeat business, job satisfaction, quality of products, operations, financial performance, and business growth.
Learn and improve. Review your results. Decide what you are and are not doing well and what you should improve or change.
Module content current as of 6/5/23.