9th Annual DOE Laser Safety Officer Workshop
Abstract Submissions
Abstract submission is open starting April 23, 2013. The workshop program will be developed from a selection of submitted abstracts; there will also be some invited talks. A draft of the program will be available in June 2013.
Topic areas for abstract submission include:
- Laser safety in R&D facilities at national labs and universities: recent applications, associated laser safety issues and solutions. This is the prime focus for the workshop! Suggested topics include: ultrashort pulses, OPAs, spectral broadening, alignment eyewear, high harmonic generation, THz, skin hazard and associated PPE requirements for uv lasers, electrical safety(e.g., flashlamps), very high pulse energy (>10s of Joules) or high power (>100s of W), radiological and other non-beam hazards from laser-target interactions, etc.
- Laser accidents, near misses, lessons learned and best practices
- Laser eyewear challenges and issues: reflective vs. absorptive filters, balancing visual light transmission vs. multiple types of eyewear, saturable absorption and damage thresholds.
- Engineering control systems, making Class 1 products, interlock systems. Examples from industry, from simple to state-of-the-art.
- Advances in laser technology and science enabled by lasers
- Overview talks on safety standards, laser safety training and program management, safety configuration management, performance metrics, laser safety in a manufacturing environment, laser safety in medical settings, laser safety for Class 2 and 3R lasers, and laser safety for fiber lasers used in communications.
Submit Abstract
To submit an abstract for consideration by the Program Committee, please email the following information to the Co-Chairs:
- First & Last Names
- Institution
- Abstract Title
- Abstract