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Jamie Almeida (Fed)

Research Biologist

The Biomarker and Genomic Sciences Group focuses on a variety of standards to improve measurements and diagnostics in the health care field including characterization of viral vector reference materials, cancer biomarker standards and cell line authentication methods.

Jamie aids in the coordination of the gene delivery systems effort in the Biosystems and Biomaterials Division. Please visit the program page for more information.

Research projects

  • Viral Vector Reference Material Characterization
    • Lead the Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) viral vector RM characterization and assay development.
      • Organize Research Cooperative Agreement (RCA) with ATCC for testing new Ad5 materials as candidate reference material and perform bridging studies with previous Ad5 RM.
      • Optimize and improve functional titer measurements for Ad5 reference materials.
        Image courtesy of Ed Kwee
        Visible plaques form in HEK293 cells infected with Adenovirus. Incorporate live cell imaging to monitor plaque formation and enumeration. Image courtesty of Ed Kwee.
  • Cell Line Authentication
    • Short tandem repeat (STR) targeted multiplex PCR assay development for non-human cell line authentication.
    • Organized and led the Mouse Cell Line Authentication Consortium to validate 19 mouse STR markers for genotyping mouse cell lines for identification. The outcome of the consortium led to the development of a mouse STR profile repository on the NCBI BioSample Database and publication of the interlaboratory results from 12 participating laboratories. 
  • Early Detection Research Network (part of the National Cancer Institute)
    • Methylation of biomarkers for early detection of cancer.
    • Develop and optimize droplet digital PCR assays to measure methylation for these biomarkers.
    • Develop, characterize, and perform stability study testing on reference materials to measure copy number for HER2 (SRM 2373) and MET/EGFR (RM8366). 
  • Reference Materials



  • NIST William P. Slichter Award, "for Organization of a consortium to validate a DNA genotyping method, database, and materials to authenticate the identity of mouse cell lines", 2021

  • NIST Judson C. French Award, “for development of copy number standard reference material SRM 2373 for diagnosing cancer”, 2016
  • US Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award, “for development of a method for mouse cell line authentication”, 2015
  • NIST Safety Award, “for developing and promoting biosafety training”, 2012

Selected Publications

Interlaboratory study to validate a STR profiling method for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines

Jamie L. Almeida, Aleksandra Dakic, Karin Kindig, Maikan Kone, Deborah L. Letham, Scott Langdon, Ruth Peat, Jayamalini Holding-Pillai, Erin Hall, Mark Ladd, Megan Shaffer, Heath Berg, Jinliang Li, Georges Wigger, Steven P. Lund, Carolyn R. Steffen, Barbara Fransway, Bob Geraghty, Manuela Natoli, Beth Bauer, Susanne M. Gollin, Dale Lewis, Yvonne A. Reid
The Consortium for Mouse Cell Line Authentication was formed to validate Short Tandem Repeat (STR) markers for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines

Standards for cell line authentication and beyond

Jamie L. Almeida, Kenneth D. Cole, Anne L. Plant
Different genomic technologies have been applied to cell line authentication, but only one method (short tandem repeat profiling) has been the subject of a


Interlaboratory study to validate a STR profiling method for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines

Jamie L. Almeida, Aleksandra Dakic, Karin Kindig, Maikan Kone, Deborah L. Letham, Scott Langdon, Ruth Peat, Jayamalini Holding-Pillai, Erin Hall, Mark Ladd, Megan Shaffer, Heath Berg, Jinliang Li, Georges Wigger, Steven P. Lund, Carolyn R. Steffen, Barbara Fransway, Bob Geraghty, Manuela Natoli, Beth Bauer, Susanne M. Gollin, Dale Lewis, Yvonne A. Reid
The Consortium for Mouse Cell Line Authentication was formed to validate Short Tandem Repeat (STR) markers for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines

Development and Interlaboratory Evaluation of a NIST Reference Material RM 8366 for EGFR and MET Gene Copy Number Measurements

Hua-Jun He, Biswajit Das, Megan H. Cleveland, Chen Li, Corinne Camalier, Liang-Chu Liu, Kara L. Norman, Andrew Fellowes, Christopher McEvoy, Steven P. Lund, Jamie L. Almeida, Carolyn R. Steffen, Chris Karlovich, P. M. Williams, Kenneth D. Cole
The National Institute Standard and Technology (NIST) Reference Material RM 8366 was developed to improve the quality of gene copy measurements of EGFR

Certified DNA Reference Materials to Compare HER2 Gene Amplification Measurements Using Next- Generation Sequencing Methods

Chih-Jian Lih, Robin D. Harrington, Kneshay Harper, David J. Sims, Paul McGregor, Corinne Camalier, Han Si, Biswajit Das, P. M. Williams, Hua-Jun He, Jamie L. Almeida, Steven Lund, Steven J. Choquette, Kenneth D. Cole
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Materials 2373 is a set of genomic DNA samples prepared from five breast cancer

Patents (2018-Present)

Figure 1

Mouse Cell Line Authentication

NIST Inventors
Jamie Almeida
A method, kit and primers for determining alleles present in a DNA sample that is sourced from either a mouse or a cell line derived from a mouse. A set of STR marker loci are selected that can be amplified together in a multiplex amplification reaction. The set of STR marker loci are selected from

Mouse Cell Line Authentication

NIST Inventors
Jamie Almeida and Kenneth D. Cole
A method, kit and primers for determining alleles present in a DNA sample that is sourced from either a mouse or a cell line derived from a mouse. A set of STR marker loci are selected that can be amplified together in a multiplex amplification reaction. The set of STR marker loci are selected from
Created October 9, 2019, Updated April 5, 2023