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Polymers Processing Group

The Polymers Processing Group studies the processing and characterization of materials at dimensions where internal and external interfaces substantially impact their properties, with the intent of advancing measurement science, standards, and technology needed by U.S. industry.

Group Scope

Polymers are processed into films and other useful shapes through liquid → solid transitions. The structure that forms is always non-equilibrium and the processing parameter space is typically vast. We develop measurements to characterize the structure that forms during polymer processing, and to characterize how that structure forms. By applying these approaches, we aim to accelerate materials development and process development across applications including microelectronics, biosensing, and structural materials.


Polymers Processing Cartoon

News and Updates

Projects and Programs

Metrology for Nanolithography

Small Angle Scattering techniques are employed to measure, with sub-nm precision, pattern shape, dimensions, and orientation for structures created in periodic arrays. Critical-Dimension Small Angle X-ray Scattering (CD-SAXS) utilizes the variable-angle transmission scattering from a small beam size

Flexible and Printed Electronics

Approach Developing commercial products based on organic electronics requires materials that deliver predictable and reproducible performance. One advantage of these materials is their compatibility with versatile solution processing methods. However, this advantage can lead to unpredictable

Polymer Additive Manufacturing and Rheology

We are measuring the fundamental processes and material parameters that are critical to understanding and furthering polymers-based AM. These efforts will aid the AM ecosystem through better online monitoring capabilities and developing strategies for materials optimization. In situ measurements of

Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering (RSoXS)

This project focuses on developing and demonstrating resonant soft X-ray data collection approaches that incorporate solids, fluids, and gases. We establish data analysis workflows for RSoXS data analysis, and a central focus is advancing the interpretation of RSoXS patterns. Our Resonant Soft X-ray


Correlating Near-Infrared Spectra to Bulk Properties in Polyolefins

Bradley Sutliff, Shailja Goyal, Tyler Martin, Peter Beaucage, Debra Audus, Sara Orski
The industry standard for sorting plastic wastes is near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which offers rapid and nondestructive identification of various plastics


2019 - Arthur S. Flemming Award---R. Joseph Kline

For his interdisciplinary research of methods to determine the complex, three-dimensional structure of state-of-the-art microelectronic devices and the molecular structure and orientation of organic electronics materials for flexible electronics.


Materials Science and Engineering Division - Polymers Processing Group