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2021 Competitive Awards Program Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Amended Date: March 9, 2022
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites applications from current MEP Centers to add capabilities to the MEP Program, including the development of projects to solve new or emerging manufacturing problems, that are not already provided for under an applicant’s and its collaborating Center’s base MEP award. Themes for the amended FY 2021 NOFO include: Technology and Innovation (Industry/Manufacturing 4.0); manufacturing workforce services to include employee recruitment, retention, and employee development; and supply chain management and resiliency.
To view a PDF of the full Notice of Funding Opportunity, click here.
Please submit your proposals via under Funding Opportunity Number 2021-NIST-MEP-CAP-01.
Electronic applications will be accepted and considered for funding by NIST on a rolling basis, subject to the availability of funds and subject to the publication of an amended or a superseding NOFO under this program.
Anticipated Amounts
NIST anticipates funding awards up to $1 million in total funding for single MEP Center awards and up to $5 million in total funding for awards involving multiple MEP Centers. Proposals awarded under this NOFO will have a budget and a performance period of up to three (3) years. Funding for awards is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds and NIST programmatic priorities.
Funding Instrument: Cooperative Agreement
Who is Eligible?
Applicants for this program must be an active MEP Center that is operating pursuant to a current NIST MEP cooperative agreement. An MEP Center may work individually or may include proposed subawards to other organizations, including but not limited to other MEP Centers, to carry out the activities described in the proposal.
Cost Sharing Requirements
Non-federal cost share is not required for awards issued pursuant to the NOFO.
MEP Resources
The following resources are currently available:
Webinar Information Session
NIST MEP will host an information webinar (date and time will be posted here once scheduled). Webinar participation is not required to submit an application.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Questions from applicants pertaining to NOFO eligibility, evaluation criteria and selection factors, selection process, and the general characteristics of a competitive proposal will not be considered on an informal basis. Applicants must submit all such questions in writing to mepnofo [at] (mepnofo[at]nist[dot]gov). Answers to such written questions submitted to NIST MEP may be made available to the public as part of an FAQ document, which will be periodically updated on this page.