in recent or planned financial awards from NIST to organizations in the state of New York since 2021
New York MEP helped Greno Industries Inc., a precision machining shop in Scotia, assess and strengthen its supply chain practices. With the assistance of a $7,500 grant from New York MEP, Greno participated in an exercise to compare its methods with 59 best practices. After adopting recommendations, Greno realized a 5% increase in on-time deliveries.
New York has the fourth largest cybersecurity ecosystem in the country. NIST supports New York’s cybersecurity sector with highly regarded standards and guidelines that are adopted by civilian federal agencies and every industry sector.
NIST’s NICE program advances cybersecurity education, training and workforce development to increase the number of skilled cybersecurity professionals working in New York. NICE funded cybersecurity training programs in the state for a total of nearly $800,000 in 2023 and 2024 to prepare students for high-paying jobs in the sector, which has thousands of open positions.
An additional $450,000 in funding from NIST in FY 2024 is establishing the St. Bonaventure University Cyber Operations Center. Also in FY 2024, NIST awarded the John Jay College of Criminal Justice nearly $1 million for a digital forensics and cybercrime investigations suite. In FY 2023, NIST granted $1 million to Stony Brook University for the Long Island Quantum Internet Center.
NIST operates three X-ray beamlines at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in Upton, where manufacturers can measure the electronic, chemical and structural properties of nearly any material, often at the nanoscale, to answer key problems in microelectronics, biology, energy and nanotechnology. In partnership with the Department of Energy, NIST anticipates investing $7.5 million in constructing and operating instruments at BNL in FY 2025.
To support the adoption of electric vehicles, NIST accumulates, updates and disseminates good practices for measurement and device reliability for EV chargers based on its experience in measurement and instrumentation. The goal is for EV drivers to have the same trust in charging that users of gas pumps have in refueling.
Based on our expertise in developing cybersecurity standards, guidelines, best practices and other resources, NIST has issued a Cybersecurity Framework profile for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Infrastructure to address vulnerabilities in the chargers’ multiple connected systems.
In FY 2024, NIST awarded the Research Foundation for the State University of New York with $475,000 for testing of critical infrastructure under extreme winds.
From 2012 to 2022, the NIST Public Safety Communications Research Division invested $7.4 million through prize challenges, grants and internal research projects to New York companies and universities to increase the safety of first responders and their communities. This investment resulted in:
in economic activity
in household earnings
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