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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 1 - 25 of 2069

Commutability Assessment of New Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Determining Serum Total 25-Hydroxyvitamin D using Ligand Binding and Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Assays

January 10, 2025
Stephen Wise, Etienne Cavalier, Pierre LUKAS, Stephanie Peeters, caroline Le Goff, Laura Briggs, Emma Williams, Ekaterina Mineva, Christine Pfeiffer, Hubert Vesper, Christian Popp, Christian Beckert, Jan Schultess, Kevin Wang, Carole Tourneur, Camille Pease, Dominik Osterritter, Ralf Fischer, Ben Saida, Chao Dou, Satoshi Kojima, Hope Weiler, Agnieszka Bielecki, Heather Pham, Alexandra Bennett, Shawn You, Amit Ghoshal, Chistian Vogl, James Freeman, Neil Parker, Samantha Pagliaro, Jennifer Cheek, Jie Li, Hisao Tsukamoto, Karen Galvin, Kevin Cashman, Hsuan-Chieh Liao, Andrew Norbert Hoofnagle, Jeffery Budd, Adam Kuszak, Ashley Boggs-Russell, Carolyn Burdette, Grace Hahm, Federica Nalin, Johanna Camara
Commutability is where the measurement response for a reference material (RM) is the same as for an individual patient sample with the same concentration of analyte measured using two or more measurement systems. Assessment of commutability is essential

Food Nutrition and Safety Measurements Quality Assurance Program: Exercise 3 Final Report

December 19, 2024
Melissa Phillips, Colleen Bryan Sallee, Benjamin Place, Jacolin Murray, Alix Rodowa
The Food Nutrition and Safety Measurements Quality Assurance Program (FNSQAP) was launched in 2021. FNSQAP was established to assist laboratories in the development and validation of new analytical methods, in improving the quality of their analytical

Recommendations for assessing commutability of a replacement batch of a secondary calibrator certified reference material

December 16, 2024
Liesbet Deprez, Jesper Johansen, Thomas Keller, Jeffrey Budd, Neil Greenberg, Cas Weykamp, Sverre Sandberg, MAURO PANTEGHINI, Ferruccio Ceriotti, Elizabeth Barczak, Robert Rej, Pernille Kjeilen Fauskanger, Finlay MacKenzie, Johanna Camara, Alicia Lyle, W. Greg Miller, VINCENT DELATOUR
Commutable secondary certified reference materials (CRMs) play an essential role in the calibration hierarchy of many in-vitro diagnostic measurement procedures used in the medical laboratory. Therefore, sustainable availability of these CRMs is crucial to

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Textiles Present in Firefighter Gloves, Hoods, and Wildland Gear

December 13, 2024
Andre Thompson, Andrew Maizel, Meghanne Tighe, Samuel Escobar Veras, Alix Rodowa, Bruce Benner, Audrey Tombaugh, Jessica Reiner, Michelle Donnelly, Ryan Falkenstein-Smith, John Kucklick, Catherine Rimmer, Rick Davis
Firefighter turnout gear has been found to contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and is a potential source of PFAS exposure to firefighters. However, previous evaluations of firefighter exposure to PFAS through personal protective gear has

Molecular Oxygen (O2) Artifacts in Tandem Mass Spectra

November 20, 2024
Yuxue Liang, Pedatsur Neta, Xiaoyu (Sara) Yang, Hugo Garraffo, Tallat Bukhari, Yi Liu, Stephen Stein
The NIST 2023 tandem mass spectral library contains 1,832,086 spectra of positive ions and 541,978 of negative ions from 51,501 compounds. Peak annotation plays an important role in spectrum evaluation. While most fragment ions are formed by neutral losses

Glass microwave microfluidic devices for broadband characterization of diverse fluids

November 15, 2024
Jacob Pawlik, Tomasz Karpisz, Yasaman Kazemipour, Nicholas Derimow, Sarah Evans, Bryan Bosworth, Christian Long, Nathan Orloff, James Booth, Angela Stelson
We demonstrate a glass microwave microfluidic device for determining the permittivity of a wide range of liquid chemicals from 100 MHz to 10 GHz with relatively low uncertainty. Conventional microwave microfluidic devices use polymer-based microfluidic

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances - Non-Targeted Analysis Interlaboratory Study Final Report

October 15, 2024
Benjamin Place, Jessica Reiner, Jared Ragland, Alix Rodowa, Carolyn Burdette, Amy Cuthbertson, Catherine Rimmer, John Kucklick, Nathan Mahynski
Non-targeted analysis (NTA) is a technique for the identification of unknown chemicals in complex materials, such as novel per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in environmental materials and commercial formulations. The PFAS NTA Interlaboratory Study

Concordant inter-laboratory derived concentrations of ceramides in human plasma reference materials via authentic standards

October 3, 2024
Tracey Schock, Christina Jones, Federico Torta, Nils Hoffmann, Bo Burla, Irina Alecu, Makoto Arita, Takeshi Bamba, Steffany A.L. Bennett, Justine BERTRAND-MICHEL, Britta Brugger, Monica Molina, Maria Dolores Camacho Munoz, Antonio Checa, Michael Chen, Michelle Cinel, Benoit COLSCH, Cristina Coman, Bebiana Da Costa Sousa, Alex Dickens, Maria Maria, Finnur Freyr Eiriksson, Hector Gallart-Ayala, Mohan Ghorasaini, Martin Giera, Xue Guan, Mark Haid, Thomas Hankemeier, Amy Harms, Marcus Horing, Michal Holcapek, Thorsten Hornemann, Chunxiu Hu, Andreas Hulsmeier, Julijana Ivanisevic, Harald Kofeler, Sin Man Lam, Jong Cheol Lee, Gerhard Liebisch, Andrea F Lopez-Clavijo, Malena Manzi, Peter Meikle, Maria Monge, Sneha Muralidharan, Anna Nicolaou, Valerie O'Donnell, Matej Oresic, Arvind Ramanathan, Daisuke Saigusa, Heidi Schwartz-Zimmermann, Guanghou Shui, Masatomo Takahashi, Margret Thorsteinsdottir, Anthony Tournadre, Hiroshi Tsugawa, Victoria Tyrrell, Grace van der Gugten, Michael Wakelam, Craig Wheelock, Denise Wolrab, Guowang Xu, John Bowden, Kim Ekroos, Robert Ahrends, Markus Wenk
In this community effort, we compared measurements between 34 laboratories from 19 countries, utilizing mixtures of authentic synthetic standards, to quantify by mass spectrometry four ceramide species in the NIST human blood plasma Standard Reference

Quantification Approaches in Non-Target LC/ESI/HRMS Analysis: An Interlaboratory Comparison

October 1, 2024
Clay Davis, Anneli Kruve-Viil, Louise Malm, Jaanus Liigand, Reza Aalizadeh, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Emil Egede Frokjaer, Mulatu Yohannes Nanusha, Martin Hansen, Merle Plassmann, Stefan Bieber, Thomas Letzel, Lydia Balest, Pier Paolo Abis, Michele Mazzetti, Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Nicola Ceolotto, Sangeeta Kumari, Stephan Hann, Sven Kochmann, Teresa Steininger-Mairinger, Coralie Soulier, Giuseppe Mascolo, Sapia Murgolo, Manuel Garcia-Vara, Miren Lopez de Alda, Juliane Hollender, Katarzyna Arturi, Gianluca Coppola, Massimo Peruzzo, Hanna Joerss, Carla van der Neut-Marchand, Eelco N. Pieke, Ruben Gil-Solsona, Viktoria Licul-Kucera, Claudio Roscioli, Sara Valsecchi, Austeja Luckute, Jan H. Christensen, Selina Tisler, Dennis Vughs, Nienke Meekel, Begona Talavera Andujar, Dagny Aurich Dagny Aurich, Emma L. Schymanski, Gianfranco Frigerio, Andre Macherius, Uwe Kunkel, Tobias Bader, Pawel Rostkowski, Hans Gundersen, Belinda Valdecanas, Bastian Schulze, Sarit Kaserzon, Martijn Pijnappels, Mar Esperanza, Aurelie Fildier, Emmanuelle Vulliet, Laure Wiest, Adrian Covaci, Alicia Macan Schonleben, Lidia Belova, Alberto Celma, Lubertus Bijlsma, Emilie Caupos, Emmanuelle Mebold, Julien Le Roux, Eugenie Troia, Eva de Rijke, Rick Helmus, Gaela Leroy, Niels Haelewyck, David Chrastina, Milan Verwoert, Nikolaos S. Thomaidis
Nontargeted screening (NTS) utilizing liquid chromatography electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/HRMS) is increasingly used to identify environmental contaminants. Major differences in the ionization efficiency of compounds in

Feasibility of Metrological Traceability Implementation Using the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine Database Entries Including the Fulfillment of "Fit-for-Purpose" Maximum Allowable Measurement Uncertainty

September 24, 2024
MAURO PANTEGHINI, Johanna Camara, VINCENT DELATOUR, Katleen Van Uytfanghe, Hubert Vesper, Tianjiao Zhang
Background: In previous publications, the Task Force on Reference Measurement System Implementation proposed a procedural approach combining a critical review of entries available in the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)

Value assignment and uncertainty evaluation for certified reference gas mixtures

September 9, 2024
Christina Cecelski, Jennifer Carney, Antonio Possolo
The procedures used to assign values to certified reference gas mixtures and to evaluate their associated uncertainties, which are described in ISO 6143, and that were variously improved by Guenther and Possolo (Anal Bioanal Chem 399:489–500, 2011. 10.1007

Random and systematic uncertainty in ship-based seawater carbonate chemistry observations

September 8, 2024
Brendan Carter, Jonathan Sharp, Maribel I. Garcia-Ibanez, Ryan J. Woosley, Michael Fong, Marta Alvarez, Leticia Barbero, Simon Clegg, Regina Easley, Andrea Fassbender, Xinyu Li, Katelyn Schockman, Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Andrew Dickson
Seawater carbonate chemistry observations are increasingly necessary to study a broad array of oceanographic challenges such as ocean acidification, carbon inventory tracking, and assessment of marine carbon dioxide removal strategies. As a result, efforts

Variation of Site-Specific Glycosylation Profiles of Recombinant Influenza Glycoproteins

August 9, 2024
Zachary Goecker, Meghan Burke Harris, Concepcion Remoroza, Yi Liu, Yuri Mirokhin, Sergey Sheetlin, Dmitrii V. Tchekhovskoi, Xiaoyu (Sara) Yang, Stephen E. Stein
This work presents a detailed determination of site-specific N-glycan distributions of the recombinant influenza glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase. Variation in glycosylation among recombinant glycoproteins is not predictable and can

Orthogonal Determination of Competing Surfactant Adsorption onto Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes During Aqueous Two-Polymer Phase Extraction via Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Analytical Ultracentrifugation

July 31, 2024
Christopher Sims, Jeffrey Fagan
A combination of analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) and fluorescence spectroscopy are utilized to orthogonally probe compositions of adsorbed surfactant layers on the surface of (7,5) species single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) under conditions known

Bilirubin measurements in neonates: uniform neonatal treatment can only be achieved by improved standardization

July 26, 2024
Christian Hulzebos, Johanna Camara, Miranda van Berkel, VINCENT DELATOUR, Stanley Lo, Agnes Mailloux, Marcel Schmidt, Mercy Thomas, Lindsey Mackay, Ronda Greaves
Measurement of total serum bilirubin (TSB) concentration is the gold standard approach for diagnosing neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. It is of utmost importance that the measured TSB concentration is sufficiently accurate to prevent

Metabolomics 2023 Workshop Report: Moving Toward Consensus on Best QA/QC Practices in LC-MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics

July 9, 2024
Tracey Schock, Jonathan Mosley, Warwick Dunn, Julia Kuligowski, Matthew Lewis, Maria Monge, Candice Ulmer Holland, Dajana Vuckovic, Krista Zanetti
Introduction: During the Metabolomics 2023 conference, the Metabolomics Quality Assurance and Quality Control Consortium (mQACC) presented a workshop focusing on key quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) topic categories for LC-MS-based untargeted
Displaying 1 - 25 of 2069