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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 26 - 50 of 250

Sequence-based U.S. population data for 27 autosomal STR loci

July 19, 2018
Katherine Gettings, Lisa Borsuk, Carolyn R. Steffen, Kevin M. Kiesler, Peter Vallone
This manuscript reports STR sequence-based allele frequencies for the "NIST 1036" sample set across 27 autosomal STR loci: D1S1656, TPOX, D2S441, D2S1338, D3S1358, D4S2408, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D6S1043, D7S820, D8S1179, D9S1122, D10S1248, TH01, vWA

Programmable assembly of three-dimensional binary superlattices from multi-flavored DNA- functionalized particles

July 10, 2018
Evan Pretti, Hasan Zerze, Minseok Song, Yajun Ding, Nathan Mahynski, Harold Hatch, Vincent K. Shen, Jeetain Mittal
Programmable self-assembly of nano- or micron-sized colloidal particles can be achieved by grafting single- stranded DNA sequences onto the surfaces of colloids. However, this assembly is traditionally premised on the pairwise interaction between a single

Sequence-based U.S. population data for the SE33 locus

May 7, 2018
Lisa Borsuk, Katherine Gettings, Carolyn R. Steffen, Kevin M. Kiesler, Peter Vallone
A set of 1036 U.S. Population Samples were sequenced using the Illumina ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit. This sample set has been highly characterized using a variety of marker systems for human identification. The FASTQ files obtained from a ForenSeq DNA

"The devil's in the detail": Release of an expanded, enhanced and dynamically revised forensic STR Sequence Guide

February 21, 2018
Christopher Phillips, Katherine Gettings, Jonathan King, David Ballard, Martin Bodner, Lisa Borsuk, Walther Parson
The STR sequence template file published in 2016 as part of the considerations from the DNA Commission of theInternational Society for Forensic Genetics on minimal STR sequence nomenclature requirements, has been comprehensively revised and audited using

STRSeq: A catalog of sequence diversity at human identification Short Tandem Repeat loci

November 1, 2017
Katherine Gettings, Lisa Borsuk, D Ballard, Martin Bodner, Bruce Budowle, Laurence Devesse, Jonathan King, W. Parson, Christopher Phillips, Peter Vallone
The STR Sequencing Project (STRSeq) was initiated to facilitate the description of sequence- based alleles at the Short Tandem Repeat (STR) loci targeted in human identification assays. This international collaborative effort, which has been endorsed by

DNA Error Rates

December 7, 2016
John Butler
The 1993 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Daubert vs. Merrell-Dow Pharmaceuticals insists on knowledge regarding error rates and their application when evidence is introduced into court [1]. The 1996 National Research Council (NRC II) report The Evaluation of

DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics: Recommendations on the validation of software programs performing biostatistical calculations for forensic genetics applications

September 4, 2016
Michael D. Coble, John S. Buckleton, John M. Butler, Barbara Guttman
The use of biostatistical software programs to assist in data interpretation and calculate likelihood ratios is essential to forensic geneticists and part of the daily case work flow for both kinship and DNA identification laboratories. Previous

Evaluation of Forensic DNA Mixture Evidence: Guidelines for Evaluation, Interpretation, and Statistical Calculations using the Combined Probability of Inclusion

August 31, 2016
Frederick R. Bieber, John Buckleton, Bruce Budowle, John Butler, Michael D. Coble
The evaluation and interpretation of forensic DNA mixture evidence faces greater interpretational challenges due to increasingly complex mixture evidence. Such challenges include: casework involving low quantity or degraded evidence leading to allele and

Is the Factor of 10 Still Applicable Today?

July 13, 2016
Simone N. Gittelson, John S. Buckleton
The assignment of the weight of DNA evidence depends on a number of factors (allele probability estimates, the population genetic model used, the value of the coancestry coefficient, etc.). One of these factors is the allele probability estimates from a

Expected net gain data of low-template DNA analyses

May 30, 2016
Simone N. Gittelson, Carolyn R. Steffen, Michael D. Coble
Low-template DNA analyses are affected by stochastic effects which can produce a configuration of peaks in the electropherogram (EPG) that is different from the genotype of the DNA's donor. A probabilistic and decision-theoretic model can quantify the

Low-template DNA: A single DNA analysis or two replicates?

April 18, 2016
Simone N. Gittelson, Carolyn R. Steffen, Michael D. Coble
This study investigates the following two questions: (i) Should the DNA analyst concentrate the DNA extract into a single amplification or should he/she split it up to do two replicates? (ii) Given the electropherogram obtained from a first analysis, is it

Evaluation of microbial qPCR workflows using engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae

January 24, 2016
Sandra M. Da Silva, Lindsay Harris, Nathanael David Olson, Steven Lund, Autumn S. Downey, Zvi Kelman, Marc L. Salit, Jayne D. Morrow
Aims: We describe the development and interlaboratory study of modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a candidate material to evaluate a full detection workflow including DNA extraction and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Methods and results

Sequence variation of 22 autosomal STR loci detected by next generation sequencing

December 1, 2015
Katherine Gettings, Kevin M. Kiesler, Seth A. Faith, Elizabeth Montano, Christine H. Baker, Brian A. Young, Richard A. Guerreri, Peter Vallone
Sequencing short tandem repeat (STR) loci allows for determination of repeat motif variations within the STR (or entire PCR amplicon) which cannot be ascertained by size-based PCR fragment analysis. Sanger sequencing has been used in research laboratories

Sequence-based Analysis of Stutter at STR Loci: Characterization and Utility

September 23, 2015
Rachel A. Aponte, Katherine Gettings, David L. Duewer, Michael D. Coble, Peter Vallone
The development of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies creates the potential for changing the method by which the forensic science community genotypes short tandem repeat (STR) loci. While the capabilities of NGS are promising, moving from

Uncertainty in the number of contributors in the proposed new CODIS set

July 17, 2015
Michael D. Coble, Jo-Anne Bright, John S. Buckleton, James Curran
The probability that multiple contributors are detected within a forensic DNA profile improves as more highly polymorphic loci are analysed. The assignment of the correct number of contributors to a profile is important when interpreting the DNA profiles

The Future of Forensic DNA Analysis

June 22, 2015
John M. Butler
The author's thoughts and opinions on where the field of forensic DNA testing is headed for the next decade are provided in the context of where the field has come over the past 30 years. Like the Olympic motto of "faster, higher, stronger", forensic DNA

Performance of a next generation sequencing SNP assay on degraded DNA

May 27, 2015
Katherine Gettings, Kevin M. Kiesler, Peter Vallone
Forensic DNA casework samples are often of insufficient quantity or quality to generate full profiles by conventional DNA typing methods. Amplification of STR loci is inherently limited in samples containing degraded DNA, as the cumulative size of repeat
Displaying 26 - 50 of 250