Goal: Establish a national industry-based consortium to develop a technology roadmap for U.S. advanced hybrid metal additive manufacturing and secondary processing of combined additive and subtractive manufacturing parts.
Background: Advanced high performance and highly customized mechanical components are critical for the continued development of sophisticated products, such as metal prosthetics, aerospace structures, and low production-run parts. Additive manufacturing has been viewed as the solution to making these high-performance products affordable. Additive manufacturing describes processes where a product is made by fusing or depositing material, commonly layer-by-layer. The broad commercial use and growth of additive manufacturing have been limited by a number of factors, including surface qualities, costs, and broad supply chain capability. High-performance metal components cannot be achieved exclusively using additive manufacturing; secondary processing is often needed.
However, there is no widely used system in the U.S. for integrating additive manufacturing and secondary processing methods: a roadmap was needed to guide such integration.
Approach: Youngstown State University and North Carolina State University, in collaboration with manufacturing companies, academic partners, professional societies and research entities, established the Consortium for Advanced Hybrid Manufacturing—Integrating Technologies to: bring together stakeholders with the skills and needs to accelerate technical development in advanced metal additive and hybrid manufacturing; identify experts to pinpoint major technological challenges to addressing industry needs and accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing to fill those needs; develop a technology roadmap to prioritize the challenges and define pathways and desired projects to collectively commercialize metal hybrid among small- and medium-sized manufacturers, and to establish required supply chains; and develop a workforce training framework. Six workshops with over 180 participants were held.
Outcome: The “Accelerating the Successful Integration of Metal Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Technologies and Value Chains Roadmap” aims to:
- Create a U.S.-based consortium of entities including industries, academia, government agencies, professional organizations, and research entities who can both add to and benefit from advanced and hybrid manufacturing
- Identify and prioritize current shortcomings under industry leadership and the technical challenges in achieving efficient hybrid processing
- Develop a technology infrastructure that is a ready-to-implement post-processing system designed for finish machining of metallic additive manufacturing parts, without significant modifications to existing machine set-up
- Identify and detail technological infrastructures required to address these challenges
- Outline workforce development and education outreach programs for the implementation of the hybrid approach, which will greatly enhance the technical expertise of U.S. manufacturing companies
In 2017, the consortium initiated a hybrid manufacturing working group within America Makes, the Manufacturing USA® institute for additive manufacturing. The group is working on roadmap integration with America Makes, and on education and workforce development initiatives in hybrid manufacturing.
Lead: Youngstown State University
Funded Participants: North Carolina State University, College of Engineering; Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Iowa State University, Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Texas A&M University, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Cornell University; Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Engineering; RP+M LLC (Rapid Prototyping + Manufacturing); Incodema3D
Award Number: 70NANB15H070
Federal Funding: $495,910
Project Duration: 30 months
AMTech Project Manager: Thomas R. Lettieri
More information: http://cam-it.us