The major publication types of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). To find a specific report, search the NIST Research Library catalog or view a full list of publications that are available electronically.
- Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology—(Closed 2022) Reported NIST research and development in metrology and related fields of physical science, engineering, applied mathematics, statistics, and information technology. Papers covered a broad range of subjects, with major emphasis on measurement methodology and the basic technology underlying standardization. Sometimes included were survey articles on topics closely related to the Institute's technical and scientific programs.
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data—Publishes information on physical and chemical properties of materials under the National Standard Reference Data Act. Published quarterly by the American Institute of Physics for NIST.
Technical Report Series
- Trustworthy and Responsible AI (NIST AI)—Documents describing novel research, guidance, frameworks, roadmaps, exploratory papers in the area of research development, standards and evaluations for Trustworthy and Responsible AI. Within this Series are Subseries for specific groups and document types:
- NIST AI 100: Reports
- NIST AI 200: Guides
- NIST AI 300: Recommendations and Specifications
- NIST AI 400: Use Cases and Test Packages
- NIST AI 500: Data Management Methods
- NIST AI 600: AI Risk Management Profile
- NIST AI 700: Evaluation reports
- NIST AI 800: US Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (AISI)
- Documents developed by the U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute, describing specific metrics, evaluation tools, methodological guidelines, protocols, and benchmarks for assessing risks of advanced AI across different domains and deployment contexts.
- Advanced Manufacturing Series (AMS)—The Advanced Manufacturing Series consists of reports, guides, recommendations, specifications, use cases, and data management methods related to the design, planning, implementation and operation of advanced manufacturing. Topics cover, but are not limited to, additive manufacturing, advanced composites, digital manufacturing, flexible hybrid electronics, integrated photonics, lightweight metals, and smart manufacturing. AMS is divided into Subseries for specific groups and document types.
- Building Science Series (BSS)—This series disseminates technical information developed at the NIST on building materials, components, systems, and whole structures. The series presents research results, test methods, and performance criteria related to the structural and environmental functions and the durability and safety characteristics of building elements and systems.
- Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America (CHIPS)—The CHIPS (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America) series provides information related to NIST’s implementation of the CHIPS Act. Publications in this series include NIST microelectronics research and standards. This series will also include policy and strategy documents that cover topics such as the semiconductor workforce, interagency coordination, and technology development. Publications include but are not limited to reports, research results, guides, white papers, roadmaps, use cases, recommendations, and specifications. The CHIPS series is divided into subseries for specific document types:
- NIST CHIPS 1000: Position papers – policy and strategy documents
- NIST CHIPS 1100: Reports - reports of research results and analysis; workshop reports; literature reviews; and any other materials including final or interim results
- NIST CHIPS 1200: Guides - user-friendly guides for interpreting and/or replicating microelectronics research and development
- NIST CHIPS 1300: Methods and protocols – evidence-based practices for microelectronics research and development, and manufacturing
- NIST CHIPS 1400: Standards – documentary standards for microelectronics research and development, and manufacturing
- NIST CHIPS 1500: Briefs – high-level descriptions of technical outputs and benefits of adoption
- Cybersecurity White Papers—Consists of NIST Cybersecurity White Papers; NCCoE Project Descriptions, Building Blocks and Use Cases; and other NIST-authored papers that are not part of a formal series. Includes current (Final and Draft) papers.
- Data Collection Instruments and Best Practices (DCI) —Publications in this series are targeted towards best practices for collection of qualitative and quantitative data in NIST studies. These data collection instruments, protocols, and guidance documents are based on extensive experience of NIST researchers across disciplines. Data collection instruments may include questionnaires or survey instruments, interview guides, and other structured means of collecting data. Some of these instruments are designed for human subjects research focused on households, social institutions, and businesses. The instruments will be approved by both NIST IRB and OMB/Paperwork Reduction Act as part of the overall data collection methodology prior to being published.
- Economic Analysis Briefs (EAB)—NIST Economic Analysis Briefs discuss and analyze economic issues related research, development, transfer, and impact of federal research, particularly scientific research performed by NIST. These analysis briefs often accompany in-depth economic research and facilitate the usage of this analysis by NIST and stakeholders throughout the science and technology transfer policy communities. As such, a key aim of these Briefs is to communicate economic results in an accessible and non-technical manner. Topics frequently include: economic rationales for government science; characterization and measurement of market failures; economic impact studies; strategic planning studies.
- Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUB)—Publications in this series collectively constitute the Federal Information Processing Standards Register. The Register serves as the official source of information in the Federal Government regarding standards issued by NIST pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended, Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat. 1127), and as implemented by Executive Order 11717 (38 FR 12315, dated May 11, 1973) and Part 6 of Title 15 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations).
- Grant/Contract Reports (NIST GCR)—This series reports work of an outside person or organization working under grant or contract from NIST. It is used when the technical project officer decides that a contract report has sufficient technical merit to be made publicly available. When justified and so recommended by the project officer, grant/contract reports can be incorporated into a formal NIST series.
- Handbooks (HB)—Recommended codes of engineering and industrial practice (including safety codes) developed in cooperation with interested industries, professional organizations, and regulatory bodies.
- National Construction Safety Team Act Reports (NIST NCSTAR)—Reports of investigations carried out under Public Law 107-231, the technical cause(s) of the building failure investigated; any technical recommendations for changes to or the establishment of evacuation and emergency response procedures; any recommended specific improvements to building standards, codes, and practices; and recommendations for research and other appropriate actions to help prevent future building failures.
- National Construction Safety Team Grant/Contract Reports (NCST GCR) [under development]—This series reports work of an outside person or organization working under grant or contract from NIST in support of National Construction Safety Team (NCST) investigations of building failures carried out under Public Law 107-231. The stated purpose of the National Construction Safety Team Act is “to provide for the establishment of investigative teams to assess building performance and emergency response and evacuation procedures in the wake of any building failure that has resulted in substantial loss of life or that posed the potential for substantial loss of life.” Investigations are conducted under NCST authorities “to improve the safety and structural integrity of buildings in the United States.”
- National Standard Reference Data Series (NSRDS)—Provides quantitative data on the physical and chemical properties of materials, compiled from the world's literature and critically evaluated. Developed under a worldwide program coordinated by NIST under the authority of the National Standard Data Act (Public Law 90-396). NOTE: The Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD) is published quarterly for NIST by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
- National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) Series [under development]—Reports of activities carried out under the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program, including research studies, strategic planning, and workshops. The National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) was established by Congress in 2004 (Public Law 108-360) “to achieve major measurable reductions in the losses of life and property from windstorms through a coordinated Federal effort, in cooperation with other levels of government, academia, and the private sector, aimed at improving the understanding of windstorms and their impacts and developing and encouraging the implementation of cost-effective mitigation measures to reduce those impacts.” This series reports NIST-led activities on behalf of NWIRP.
- National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program Grant/Contractor Reports (NWIRP GCR) [under development]—This series reports work of an outside person or organization working under grant or contract from NIST in support of activities carried out under the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program. The National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) was established by Congress in 2004 (Public Law 108-360) “to achieve major measurable reductions in the losses of life and property from windstorms through a coordinated Federal effort, in cooperation with other levels of government, academia, and the private sector, aimed at improving the understanding of windstorms and their impacts and developing and encouraging the implementation of cost-effective mitigation measures to reduce those impacts.” Topics cover, but are not limited to, research studies, strategic planning, and workshops.
- NIST Interagency or Internal Reports (NISTIR)—Interim or final reports on work performed by NIST for outside sponsors (both government and non-government). May also report results of NIST projects of transitory or limited interest, including those that will be published subsequently in more comprehensive form.
- Office of Weights and Measures White Papers—NIST-approved white papers from the Office of Weights and Measures, Physical Measurement Laboratory.
- Research Brief (NIST RB)—Summary documents related to NIST’s research programs and associated projects, highlighting recent progress and upcoming advances. The goal of these documents is to provide concise and clear overviews of leading practices, tools, and other research products.
- Special Publications (SP)—Include proceedings of conferences sponsored by NIST, NIST annual reports, and other special publications appropriate to this grouping such as wall charts, pocket cards, and bibliographies. In addition, there are SP Subseries that provide detailed specifications in subject areas that are of interest to specific research communities. Were known previously as Miscellaneous Publications.
- Technical Notes (TN)—Studies or reports which are complete in themselves but restrictive in their treatment of a subject. Analogous to monographs but not so comprehensive in scope or definitive in treatment of the subject area. Often serve as a vehicle for final reports of work performed at NIST under the sponsorship of other government agencies.
- Technology Transfer Brief (TTB)—Technology Transfer Briefs disseminate information related to the field of technology transfer. Topics cover, but are not limited to: non-empirical research results, case studies, posters, charts, best practices, general knowledge, success stories, data sets, and conference summaries. This brief may be used to formally discuss any technology transfer mechanism without the requirement of formal statistical, economic, or econometric analysis.
- NIST Voting Technology Series (VTS)—NIST Voting Technology Series consists of guidelines, recommendations, research reports, specifications, training and awareness documents and white papers related to the design, operations and use of voting technology. Key areas include cybersecurity, privacy, usability, accessibility and software engineering and development. Within this Series are Subseries for specific groups and document types. All documents are publicly available. The Series is open-ended. Only output produced in the NIST Voting Program is available for this series.
Closed Series
- Basic Radio Propagation Predictions Series—This monthly series was prepared by the Interservice Radio Propagation Laboratory (IRPL) which was set up during WWII by the United States Joint Communications Board at NBS. The series succeeded "Radio Propagation Conditions," also prepared by the IRPL. The predictions series was initially restricted and available only to the military as a basic supplement to the IRPL's "Radio Propagation Handbook" issued by the military. Predictions were made three months in advance. May 1, 1946, the wartime IRPL ceased to exist and its duties and functions were assumed by the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory (CRPL) of the National Bureau of Standards. In July 1946 the series was made available by annual subscription to those concerned with radio communication in determining the best sky-wave frequencies over any path at any time of day for average conditions. In September 1947, various maps, charts, diagrams, and nomograms needed to make practical application of the world-contour charts were added with examples of their use.
- Building and Housing Reports—This series contained reports of the work of the Building and Housing Division that included gathering and distributing scientific, practical, statistical, and other information tending to reduce costs, and encourage and improve construction and housing. It covered investigations for use in framing local building and plumbing codes, and a study of problems connected with city zoning. Information on the prices, production, consumption, and stocks of building materials, and on building activity was collected, analyzed, and distributed. Special attention was paid to factors bearing on the housing problem. The work included studies of building practices, and cooperative efforts to reduce seasonal operations arid otherwise eliminate waste in the construction industries.
- Building Materials and Structures Reports—This series reported the results of Bureau investigations on the properties and suitability of new materials and new methods of construction. The program was carried out with the cooperation and advice of the housing agencies of the Government. The objective was to furnish the Government, the building industry, and the public with technical information that would be useful with particular reference to low-cost housing. This series was discontinued in July 1959 and papers on building technology were then published in the Journal of Research—usually Section C. Engineering and Instrumentation—or the Monograph series.
- Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Reports—Reports prepared by the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory at NBS.
- Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Ionospheric Data—These bulletins represent a variety of data collected by IRPL, later CRPL, in the course of its research and service activities. The data were made available for use in research on radio propagation and the ionosphere, and in other geophysical applications.
- Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Ionospheric Predictions—The CRPL Ionospheric Predictions were issued monthly as an aid in determining the best sky-wave frequencies over any transmission path, at any time of day, for average conditions for the month. Issued three months in advance, each issue provided tables of numerical coefficients that defined the functions describing the predicted worldwide distribution of foF2 and M(3000)F2 and maps for each even hour of Universal Time of MUF(Aero)F2 and MUF(4000)F2.
- Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Solar-Geophysical Data—These bulletins represent a variety of data collected by IRPL, later CRPL, in the course of its research and service activities. The data were made available for use in research on radio propagation and the ionosphere, and in other geophysical applications.
- Circulars—Compilations of information on various subjects related to the Bureau's scientific, technical, and engineering activities. They included not only the results of Bureau studies, but give data of general interest from other sources. This series also contained Recommended Specifications, United States Government Specifications, and United States Government Master Specifications formerly issued by the Bureau. These bore a specification number in addition to the Bureau Circular number, but all of these specifications were canceled or superseded by Federal Specifications, now formulated by the Federal Specifications Board. The series was discontinued in June 1959 and "circular" material was directed to the Journal of Research and the Monograph series.
- Commercial Standards (CS)—Voluntary recorded standards agreed upon by producers, distributors, and consumers. They covered terminology, types, classifications, grades, sizes, and use characteristics of manufactured products as a basis for creating better understanding between manufacturers and customers. They generally included standard methods of testing, rating, certification, and labeling, and provided a uniform basis for fair competition. Each standard included a list of members of the standing committee, a history of the project, and a list of acceptors. In 1966 they were renamed Product Standards, and in 1969 they became Voluntary Product Standards.
- Commercial Standards Monthly (CSM)—The Commercial Standards Monthly periodical was a review of progress in commercial simplification and standardization. It covered the national movement initiated by President Herbert Hoover for the reduction of needless sizes and varieties of products and the promotion of voluntary commercial standardization by industry.
- Consumer Information Series—This series contained practical information, based on NBS research and experience, covering areas of interest to the consumer. Easily understandable language and illustrations provide useful background knowledge for shopping in today's technological marketplace. This series is inactive as none have been published since 1978.
- Hydraulic Research in the United States—These reports represented a cooperative attempt on the part of the hydraulic laboratories in the United States to bring about the effective interchange of information relating to research projects being carried out in these laboratories. NBS served as a central agency to compile, publish and distribute information related to current hydraulic laboratory research.
- Interservice Radio Propagation Laboratory Reports—Reports prepared by the Interservice Radio Propagation Laboratory at NBS.
- Letter Circulars—Letter Circulars 1-1040 are mimeographed, irregularly published lists of Bureau publications and references, and general information concerning specific subjects on which popular interest had been demonstrated by inquiries addressed to the Bureau. With no. 1041 (1966) the Letter Circulars changed from a report format to that of brochures, booklets, and charts.
- Monographs (MN)—Major contributions to the technical literature on various subjects related to the Institute's scientific and technical activities.
- National Bureau of Standards Reports—These were usually preliminary or progress accounting documents intended for use within the government. Before material in the reports was formally published, it was subjected to additional evaluation and review. The reports were often called "graybacks" because of their gray covers.
- Photographic Circulars—These were confidential reports of NBS tests for government agencies that were done in the Photographic Laboratory.
- Special Interior Ballistics Studies—Very complete ballistic data on a 14-inch gun and two attempts at its analysis. Observations made at Dahlgreen Proving Group by personnel of National Bureau of Standards in 1923. Analyses by C. Snow in 1924 and 1942.
- Technical Information on Building Materials for Use in the Design of Low-Cost Housing (TIBM)—A series of reports published by the National Bureau of Standards from 1936 to 1938. They consisted of detailed information about materials used in low-cost housing construction, including different metals and corrosion rates, concrete and masonry, paint specifications, plaster usage, and waterproofing.
- Voluntary Product Standards (VPS)—Developed under procedures published by the Department of Commerce in Part 10, Title 15, of the Code of Federal Regulations. The standards establish nationally recognized requirements for products, and provide all concerned interests with a basis for common understanding of the characteristics of the products. NIST administers this program in support of the efforts of private-sector standardizing organizations. Available in print only.