The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) planned to host the 11th Model-Based Enterprise Summit (MBE 2020) March 31 through April 2, 2020, at NIST’s main campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The event was on target for another year of attendance growth, reflecting continued strong interest in MBE and the value of the MBE Summit as a center of knowledge exchange and learning for the MBE community. Due, however, to cancellations by attendees and to guidance from State and Local health authorities on the outbreak of COVID-19, NIST organizers were not able to go forward with the event.
The goal of the MBE Summit is to identify challenges, research, implementation issues, and lessons learned in design, manufacturing, quality assurance, and sustainment of products and processes where a digital three-dimensional (3D) model of the product serves as the authoritative information source for all activities in a product's lifecycle. The theme of the MBE Summit 2020 was Increasing MBE Adoption and Implementation. There is no doubt that MBE requires a complex organizational work design that recognizes the interaction between people, skills, and technology in workplaces. The 11th MBE Summit focused on highlighting the organizational culture surrounding MBE, needs of people operating in MBE, and real-world implementations of MBE in practice.
View the originally planned event program (with speakers and abstracts) at:
Summit Proceedings: |
Plenary Session Presentations |
Sascha Harrell (Purdue University, United States) |
Ercenk Keresteci (Microsoft, United States) |
Saigopal Nelaturi (PARC, United States) |
Michael Raphael (Direct Dimensions, United States) |
Ryan Kuhns (NNSA, DOE, United States) |
Dr. Shreyes Melkote (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States) |
Tracy Frost (U.S. Department of Defense, United States) |
Michael Sharp (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States) |
Sara Fuller (Mississippi State University - Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension, United States) |
Douglas Thomas (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States) |
Richard Eckenrode (Elysium Inc, United States) |
Business and Skills Breakout Presentations |
Robert Reaume (Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division, United States) |
Ashley Yarbrough (Auburn University, United States) |
Matthew Bowden (Johns Hopkins University, United States) |
Curtis Brown (Kansas City National Security Campus, United States) |
Technology Breakout Presentations |
Russell Waddell (AMT-The Association for Manufacturing Technology, United States) |
Theo Tryfonas (University of Bristol, UK) |
Evan Kessick (GE Appliances, a Haier company, United States) |
Masatomo Inui (Ibaraki University, Japan) |
Senthil Chandrasegaran (University of California, Davis, United States) |
Kamran Goher (Cranifeld University, UK) |
Radu Pavel (TechSolve, United States) |
Teodor Vernica (NIST, United States) |
Manas Bajaj (InterCAX, United States) |
Frank Abdi (AlphaSTAR Corporation, United States) |
Jerome Szarazi (Digital Weavers, UK) |
Daniel Abernathy (Auburn University, United States) |
Hiromasa Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan) |
Philip Jennings (HII-Newport News Shipbuilding, United States) |
Culture Breakout Presentations |
Jessica Knizhnik (NASA, United States) |
Daniel Seal (The Boeing Company, United States) |
Panel Discussions |
Paul Koester (NAVSEA 06L, United States) |
Charles Ditchendorf (CIMdata, Inc., United States) |
Ben Kassel (LMI, United States) |
Theo Tryfonas (University of Bristol, UK) |
Sascha Harrell
Director, Education and Workforce for Indiana Next Generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC)
Purdue University
Sascha Harrell is the Director of Education and Workforce for Indiana Next Generation Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC) with Purdue University. Ms. Harrell and her team develop and implement K-16 programs and programs that enhance the talents and capabilities of Indiana’s present and future workforce by facilitating connections between educators and industry to catalyze the formation of near-term and long-term skills in a highly accessible manner — partnering and developing a variety of STEM-type, skilled trades, degrees (associates and undergraduate), and certificate programs. Ms. Harrell received a BS from Morehead State University and a MS from Purdue University, studying learning design and technology with an emphasis on manufacturing skills in the 21st century. She is a current doctoral student in STEM education and technology at Purdue University. Ms. Harrell research interests center around the next generation for manufacturing competitiveness and perceptions of manufacturing in K-12.
Ercenk Keresteci
Principal Solution Architect, Manufacturing Industry Experiences
Ercenk Keresteci is a Principal Solution Architect on the Industry Experiences team. Mr. Keresteci brings almost 25 years of experience developing applications and solutions. After starting his career in telecommunications, Mr. Keresteci started a business pioneering vehicle tracking and electronic healthcare records solutions in Turkey. Before founding his second business, a professional services company developing many early solutions on Azure such as auto-scaling, Mr. Keresteci worked at Microsoft in various roles. When he is not working on building exciting solutions on the Azure platform, Mr. Keresteci loves traveling, donating his time to non-profits, spending time with his family, motorcycling, and building various geeky gadgets on micro-controllers connected to the cloud.
Saigopal Nelaturi/PARC
Manager, Computation for Automation in Systems Engineering
Dr. Saigopal Nelaturi, leads the Computation for Automation in Systems Engineering area at PARC and also leads commercial engagements in PARC's key digital manufacturing partnerships. Dr. Nelaturi's research includes intelligent automation, digital manufacturing, geometric modeling, computational design, robotics, and spatial computing. He is a leading research expert in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing with publications in major international journals and multiple best paper awards. Dr. Nelaturi is an associate editor for the Journal of Computer-Aided Design, the program chair for the Solid and Physical Modeling conference, and is an active participating member of ASME, SIAM, and IEEE.
Michael Raphael
Founder & Owner
Direct Dimensions, Inc.
Michael Raphael founded Direct Dimensions, Inc. (DDI) in 1995 as an engineering company to provide a “one-stop shop” for 3D technical services, product representation, sales, and support for all types of 3D scanning, imaging, and dimensional measurement solutions. Over the past 20+ years, DDI has expanded significantly to use the most comprehensive array of 3D scanning technologies and digital modeling solutions for the widest range of applications and industries. Mr. Raphael started in the field of 3D metrology in 1985 as an engineer responsible for solving aerospace manufacturing problems at what became Lockheed Martin Corporation. While there, Mr. Raphael helped develop and became the first user and customer of a revolutionary new portable three-dimensional industrial measurement technology, called the FaroArm, sold today throughout the world. Following several years of in-plant development, Mr. Raphael left the aerospace sector to form Direct Dimensions, Inc. Mr. Raphael graduated from Virginia Tech with a BS degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics in 1985, followed by a Masters of Engineering Administration from George Washington University in 1990.