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News and Updates

Projects and Programs

Multifunctional 3D Printable Polymer-Metal Composites

Recent advances in additive manufacturing (AM) have positioned metals and polymers as two key materials. Typically, AM of these two materials involves incompatible methods and conditions. The novel multifunctional polymer-metal composites in this project incorporate low-melting alloys with

Atomistic tools for structure-property investigations

Interatomic Potential Repository The Interatomic Potentials Repository (IPR) provides a source for interatomic potentials (force fields), related files, and evaluation tools to help researchers obtain interatomic models and judge their quality and applicability. The files provided are of known

Microstructure-Property Tools for Structure-Property Design

Microstructure-level Structure-Property Tools OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures enables materials scientists calculate macroscopic properties from images of real or simulated microstructures. It reads an image, assigns material properties to features in the image, and conducts virtual

Developing a Materials Innovation Infrastructure

Phase Field Community Hub ( PFHub) and Benchmarks The Phase Field Community Hub provides a framework that supports phase field practitioners and code developers participating in an effort to improve quality assurance for phase field codes. The main thrust of this effort is the generation of a set of


Correlating Titanium Powder Manufacturing Methods and Resultant Particle Morphologies to Microstructural Properties, Particle Flight and Impact Velocity, and Bonding and Deposition Characteristics in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing

Pranav Anumandla, Carlos Faggi, Sinan Muftu, Edward Garboczi, Newell Moser, Rachel Cook, Nicholas Derimow, Ozan Ozdemir
Unlike high temperature thermal spray processes and metal additive manufacturing methods that require extensive heat treatment, native particle microstructural

Three-dimensional nucleation and growth of deformation twins in magnesium

Sangwon Lee, Michael Pilipchuk, Can Yildirim, Duncan Greeley, Qianying Shi, Tracy Berman, Adam Creuziger, Evan Rust, Carsten Detlefs, Veera Sundararaghavan, John Allison, Ashley Bucsek
At two-thirds the weight of aluminum, magnesium alloys have the potential to significantly reduce the fuel consumption of transportation vehicles. These



An electron hologram is a fringe modulated image containing the amplitude and phase information of an electron transparent object. The HolograFREE routines

Tools and Instruments

Nanocalorimeter Measurement System

This Nanocalorimeter Measurement System is used for nanocalorimetry measurements at fast heating rates (100 °C/s to 100,000 °C/s) and measurements of samples


Mark Stoudt Named ASM Fellow

For outstanding contributions to the scientific understanding of the structure-property relationships of additively manufactured alloys and