Mid-America Food Hub is dedicated to providing the highest quality local fruits, vegetables, and meats for chefs and buyers. Mid-America Food Hub verifies their farmers so they can guarantee non-GMO, organic, close-to-organic produce and “never ever” antibiotics, growth hormones, or GMOs given to their livestock. Mid-America Food Hub strives to ensure their buyers know where their food comes from, directly connecting chefs and buyers with farm fresh foods.
Without the assistance of Missouri Enterprise, when COVID-19 hit and we lost most of our business, our business would not have survived. Missouri Enterprise came in and helped us turn our whole business focus around, then assisted us with that focus. We are very grateful for the help Missouri Enterprise gave us.
Missouri Enterprise is the perfect solution for manufacturing companies like Mid-America Food Hub and Training Center. Missouri Enterprise developed and assisted with implementing a business plan, feasibility study, and marketing plan that allowed Mid-America Food Hub to manage the growth and development of its business.
First, there was an initial assessment between Missouri Enterprise and Mid-America Food Hub to discuss goals, plans, and processes for the future. After discussing details, Missouri Enterprise was able to form these plans. Mid-America Food Hub then established that this new business venture was possible and has since provided success to their business.