The Avanti Cigar Company, the sole producer of dry cured cigars in the United States, has a history dating back to 1901, when the Suraci family emigrated from Calabria, Italy, to begin a new life in New York City. Over the course of 120 years, the company, initially known as “Suraci Brothers” moved from New York City to Dunmore, Pennsylvania, where it currently employs between 40 and 45 workers to produce cigars under the popular Parodi, Avanti, De Nobili and Marca Petri brands, as well as private labels and niche brands for select markets.The company has been featured on the History Channel and interviewed by Cigar Aficionado and Cigar World for magazine and online articles. The company has consistently embraced innovation, acquisition and a commitment to quality as ways to flourish during the “Roaring Twenties”, survive the Great Depression, dominate during industry consolidation and capitalize on market opportunities.