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Basic Metrology (Archive): Fit-for-purpose liquid scintillators

It is now common to use surfactants to entrain aqueous metal salts in organic scintillators. This is crucial for radioactivity measurements because most radionuclides of interest are metals. More, non-metal radionuclides encountered in the environment or in medicine are nearly always in aqueous form

Basic Metrology (Archive): New Statistical Analysis Tools

Several new powerful analysis programs, based on specific requests and evaluations by the RG members, have been developed by the SED collaborators. These tools are now available on the internal NIST web site. It is intended that they will eventually be made available to the general public. The new

Basic Metrology (Archive): New Standardization of Ra-228

Radium-228 has a half-life of (5.75 years) and decays by emitting a beta particle. It is a radioactive decay product in the thorium-232 decay series, a very difficult and complex decay chain: 232Th→ 228Ra → 228Ac → 228Th → 224Ra → 220Rn → 216Po → 212Pb → 212Bi → 208Tl → 208Pb(stable); with a sub

Basic Metrology (Archive): Primary Radioactivity Standardization of Ni-63

Generally, 63Ni has great utility as a low-energy β - calibration standard because of the favorable combination of long half-life (T = 100 a) and β - endpoint energy. Primary standardizations of 63Ni have been actively pursued by national radionuclidic metrology laboratories for over 40 years. As a

Basic Metrology (Archive): Radon Binding to Water-Soluble Cryptophane

In collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, a 222Rn emanation sources, similar to the NIST 222Rn emanation standard (SRM 4968, NIST, 1996) was found to have a unique and novel application in a radon-in-water generator for the determination of the binding affinity of radon to a cryptophane

Basic Metrology (Archive): Standardization of Am-243

The radionuclide 243Am decays by alpha emission and it is the most stable of the americium isotopes however, is not found in nature. It is formed in the nuclear fuel cycle by neutron capture on 242Pu followed by beta decay. It is used as a monitor for radioactive contamination and as a tracer on

Basic Metrology: Comparison of NIST-1 and NIST-3 Standard Ampoules

Exhaustive comparisons of the NIST-1 and NIST-3 ampoules are underway. Ion chamber evaluations have been completed for 99Mo, 133Ba, 241Am, 201Tl, and 67Ga. HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry evaluations have been completed for 99Mo, 133Ba, 241Am, 201Tl, and 67Ga. Many more evaluations are in the design /

Basic Metrology: NIST-3 Standard Ampoules and Automatic Tip Sealing

Report NISTIR 8254 referenced above was intended to document and archive the historical record for the acquisition and testing of standardized ampoules used by the NIST / NBS Radioactivity Group since the 1950s. These ampoules were intended to contain 5 mL of solutions of radionuclides decaying with

Basic Metrology: Primary Standards for Radionuclides

As the National Metrology Institute (NMI) for the US, NIST is responsible for realizing the SI units. The derived SI unit for activity of a radionuclide is the becquerel, Bq. NIST has a proud history of contributing to the development of new and improved primary standardization methods for the Bq to

Basic Metrology: Recent Primary SRM Standardizations

SRM No. Radionuclide Reference Date Method Used Relative expanded uncertainty ( k = 2) References 4332f Americium-243 8 March 2024 The certified massic activity for 243Am was obtained by 4pab LS spectrometry with two commercial LS counters. The beta detection efficiencies for the 243Am daughter were

Calibrations: Radioactivity Standard Reference Material Program

NIST radioactivity SRMs represent the national basis for accurate radioactivity measurements. SRMs for radioactivity measurements can typically be classified into three general categories: (1) environment and nuclear power, (2) medicine, and (3) basic and applied research using or involving

Comparisons (Archive): International Comparison of Tc-99 Activity

Measurements by NIST on the solution were performed by three methods: viz., liquid scintillation (LS) standardizations (with 3H-standard efficiency tracing); with triple-to-double-coincidence ratio (TDCR) method; and with by 4ηβ(LS)-γ(NaI) live-timed anticoincidence (LTAC) measurements. Impurities

Comparisons (Archive): International Comparison of Pu-241 Activity

Quantitation of 241Pu in low-level waste and environmental samples is of interest because 241Pu is a precursor of other transuranium nuclides that have longer half-lives, greater environmental mobility, and greater toxicity. In addition, 241Pu is the most difficult of the plutonium isotopes to

Comparisons: NIST Participation in International Intercomparisons

The NIST Radioactivity Group pilots and participates in a variety of different comparison activities. The BIPM’s Consultative Committee on Ionizing Radiation (CCRI) organizes formal comparisons (“key comparisons”) of long-lived radionuclides through its Key Comparison Working Group (KCWG-II). As

Comparisons: Radiological Traceability Program (RTP)

The RTP provides an annual exchange of PT materials between NIST and RESL. It is designed to provide a mechanism for evaluating the ability of RESL scientists to prepare PT materials containing known activities of various radionuclides (Table 1), and to analyze materials of unknown activities in 6

Documentary Standards: ANSI/IEEE N42.42 Standard

The ANSI/IEEE N42.42 standard specifies the XML data format that shall be used for both required and optional data to be made available by radiation measurement instruments. The performance requirements for these types of instruments are described in other standards. The output from these

Documentary Standards: IEC 62755 Standard N42 Data Format

The IEC 62755 standard specifies the XML data format that shall be used for both required and optional data to be made available by radiation measurement instruments. The performance requirements for these types of instruments are described in other IEC standards. The output from these instruments