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Cloud WorkshopII Agenda

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop II Agenda  

National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899  

DAY 1 - November 4, 2010  

8:00 Check-in & Coffee Reception (Administration Bldg 101)  

F O R U M – (NIST Red Auditorium)  

9:00 Welcome: Director, NIST, Dr. Patrick Gallagher Overview of NIST mission and role in the context of Cloud Computing  

9:15 Keynote: United States Chief Information Officer, Vivek Kundra Vision of the role of the federal government with respect to Cloud Computing  

9:30 Standards Panel:  Co-chairs - Mike Hogan ITL, NIST and Teresa Schwarzhoff ITL, NISTThis panel will discuss the role of Standards Development Organization consensus based standards, de-facto standards, and consortia standards and specifications.

  1. Stephen Diamond, Chair, IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, General Manager, Industry Standards Office and Global Standards Officer, EMC Corporation, Office of the CTO
  2. Winston Bumpus, Director of Standards Architecture at VMware, DMTF President
  3. Mark A. Carlson, Principal Cloud Strategist at Oracle, SNIA
  4. Babak Jahromi, Microsoft, INCITS DAPS 38
  5. Alan Sill , Vice President of Standards, Open Grid Forum  

10:15 Information Technology Laboratory View of the Cloud: Director, NIST/ITL, Cita FurlaniThe influence of Cloud Computing as an Enabler and insights from IT Laboratory activities

10:30 Break (Coffee)

11:00 Need for a Reference Architecture and Taxonomy Panel: Chair - Kevin Mills, ITL, NISTBrief overview of the need for a neutral reference architecture and taxonomy for cloud computing:

  1. Khawaja S. Shams – Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  2. Gregg Brown - Interoperability Group, Microsoft
  3. Chris Hoff – CISCO, CSA
  4. Brian Hughes, VP, BU Strategy, CA Technologies

11:45 NIST Cloud Computing Program Overview, NIST, Dawn Leaf
NIST Proposed Strategy to Collaboratively Develop a Cloud Computing Roadmap & updates on Tactical Efforts    

12:05 Cloud Security Panel: Chair - Ari Schwartz, NIST - A special focus session on IT Security in the context of Cloud Computing  

  1. Mark Bohannon, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Global Public Policy at Red Hat
  2. Doc Shankar, Distinguished Engineer, IBM
  3. Emery Csulak, Director, Information Security Compliance, Department of Homeland Security
  4. Carl J. "CJ" Moses, Senior Manager, AWS Security  

12:50 Lunch

2:00 Cloud Issues Panel: Chair Dave McClure, GSA  

  1. Jim Reavis – CSA
  2. Frank Peluso – Centuric, SFTA
  3. Peter Tseronis –DOE, Acting Associate CIO for Advanced Technology & Systems Integration
  4. George Strawn, Director, National Coordination Office for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NCO/NITRD)  

3:00 Break (Coffee)  

3:15 Global Cloud Computing Perspective Panel: Chair – Robin Roark Associate Director of the Office of Technology and Electronic Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration  

  1. Dan Burton – VP, TechAmerica
  2. Danielle Kriz -- Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Global Cyber Security
  3. Jean-François Junger, European Commission, Head of Sector 
  4. Jerry Smith, OASIS
    Joanna Gordon,  Information Technology Industries Team, World Economic Forum  

4:00 Today's summary - Dave McClure, GSA  

4:15 Adjourn  

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop II Agenda

Holiday Inn
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

DAY 2 - November 5, 2010

8:00 Check-in (Holiday Inn)

9:00 Welcome, Jim St. Pierre, Deputy Director (NIST/ITL): Lessons Learned from SmartGrid Partnership Initiative 9:15 Sanjeev Bhagowalia (GSA): GSA's Role in Cloud Computing
9:30 Dawn Leaf, Senior Executive for Cloud Computing (NIST/ITL): The NIST strategy in more detail and today's vision.

9:45 Break

Track 1 – Strategy to build a Cloud Computing Roadmap

10:15 am-11:45 am: Session 1 – US Government Cloud Computing Business Use Case Definition Moderator - K. Dohne (ITL/NIST)

1:30 pm-3:00 pm: Session 2 - Defining a Neutral Reference Architecture and Taxonomy Moderators - K. Mills and R. Bohn (ITL/NIST)

Track 2 – Cloud Computing Standards

10:15 am-11:45 am: Session 3 - Cloud Standards Moderators- M. Hogan, T. Schwarzhoff (ITL/NIST)

1:30 pm-3:00 pm: Session 4 – Focus on Use Cases for SAJACC Moderator – L. Badger (ITL/NIST)

Track 3 – Cloud Computing Adoption Considerations

10:15 am-11:45 am: Session 5 - Cloud Security Moderator – L. Badger (ITL/NIST)

1:30 pm-3:00 pm: Session 6 - Cloud Issues Moderator – S. Turnbull (GSA)

Report Out sessions
12:00 pm -12:30pm: Sessions 1, 3, 5
12:30pm-1:30 pm Lunch
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Sessions 2, 4, 6
3:00 pm Break
4:00 pm: Adjourn

Created November 16, 2010, Updated March 23, 2018