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Cybersecurity for IoT Publication History

The figure below identifies all Cybersecurity for IoT program publications and illustrates their relationships.  The table that follows provides a link to each individual publication’s page.

Timeline chart of publications of the NIST Cybersecurity for Internet of Things Program

Cybersecurity for IoT Program Publications

Series & NumberTitleStatusReleased
NIST IR 8425 - Spanish TranslationPerfil del núcleo básico de IoT para productos IoT de consumoFinal 1/27/2025
NIST IR 8425 - French Translation Profil du noyau de base de l'IdO pour les produits IdO grand publicFinal 1/27/2025
NIST IR 8425 - Portuguese Translation Perfil da linha de base principal de IoT para produtos de IoT para consumidoresFinal 1/27/2025
NIST IR 8425 - German TranslationProfil der IoT-Referenzgrundlage für Verbraucher-IoT-ProdukteFinal 1/27/2025
NIST IR 8425A Recommended Cybersecurity Requirements for Consumer-Grade Router ProductsFinal 9/10/2024
White PaperProduct Development Cybersecurity Handbook: Concepts and Considerations for IoT Product Manufacturers Draft 4/3/2024
Preliminary DraftSecond Preliminary Draft of the Recommended Cybersecurity Requirements for Consumer Grade Router Products Prelim Draft2/15/2024
Discussion EssayIoT Product Requirements Discussion EssayInterim Doc11/30/2023
Preliminary DraftInitial Preliminary Draft of the Recommended Cybersecurity Requirements for Consumer Grade Router ProductsPrelim. Draft11/30/2023
White Paper Crosswalk of Consumer-Grade Router Cybersecurity Standards to NIST's Baseline for Consumer IoT Products Interim Doc10/25/2023
Discussion Essay Considerations for Developing a Profile of NIST’s Baseline for Consumer IoT Products (NIST IR 8425) for Consumer RoutersInterim Doc08/28/2023
NIST IR 8425

Profile of the IoT Core Baseline for Consumer IoT Products

Fact Sheet on the Cybersecurity Core Baseline for Consumer IoT Products

NIST IR 8431Workshop Summary Report for “Building on the NIST Foundations: Next Steps in IoT Cybersecurity”Final09/19/2022
NIST IR 8425Profile of the IoT Core Baseline for Consumer IoT ProductsDraft06/17/2022
 Ideas for the Future of IoT Cybersecurity at NIST: IoT Risk Identification ComplexityDraft06/17/2022
Cybersecurity White PaperRecommended Criteria for Cybersecurity Labeling for Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) ProductsFinal02/04/2022
 Consumer Cybersecurity Labeling for IoT Products: Discussion Draft on the Path ForwardDraft12/02/2021
SP 800-213AIoT Device Cybersecurity Guidance for the Federal Government: IoT Device Cybersecurity Requirement Catalog (includes Federal Profile of NIST IRs 8259A/BFinal11/29/2021
SP 800-213IoT Device Cybersecurity Guidance for the Federal Government: Establishing IoT Device Cybersecurity RequirementsFinal11/29/2021
NIST IR 8379Summary Report for the Virtual Workshop Addressing Public Comment on NIST Cybersecurity for IoT GuidanceFinal09/09/2021
 Baseline Security Criteria for Consumer IoT DevicesDraft08/31/2021
NIST IR 8259BIoT Non-Technical Supporting Capability Core BaselineFinal08/25/2021
Cybersecurity White PaperEstablishing Confidence in IoT Device Security: How do we get there?Draft05/14/2021
NIST IR 8333Workshop Summary Report for “Cybersecurity Risks in Consumer Home Internet of Things (IoT) Products” Virtual WorkshopFinal03/29/2021
NIST PagesIoT Cybersecurity Capabilities CatalogDraft3/1/2021
NIST IR 8322Workshop Summary Report for “Building the Federal Profile For IoT Device Cybersecurity” Virtual WorkshopFinal01/07/2021
NIST IR 8259CCreating a Profile Using the IoT Core Baseline and Non-Technical BaselineDraft12/15/2020
NIST IR 8259AIoT Device Cybersecurity Capability Core BaselineFinal05/29/2020
NIST IR 8259Foundational Cybersecurity Activities for IoT Device ManufacturersFinal05/29/2020
NIST IR 8267Security Review of Consumer Home Internet of Things (IoT) ProductsDraft10/01/2019
NIST IR 8228Considerations for Managing Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity and Privacy RisksFinal06/25/2019
NIST IR 8200Interagency Report on the Status of International Cybersecurity Standardization for the Internet of Things (IoT)Final11/29/2018
NIST IR 8201Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Colloquium: A NIST Workshop ProceedingsFinal12/22/2017


Created September 4, 2019, Updated January 27, 2025